Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1744: The disappearance of the tyrant

"Hehe, I said how come you guys came here, I still expect that old tortoise can help you!"

"Then I am afraid you will be disappointed. Since the last time, I have sent a large number of sea people to investigate the waters here. I almost turned this place upside down and didn't see the old tortoise. I'm afraid he would have escaped long ago!"

"So this time you are dead, it is impossible for anyone to rescue you, and that old tortoise is even more impossible!"

Angry Lin Haidi smiled at the corner of his mouth, and his tone was full of triumph.

Hearing this, Yue Chen's face changed slightly, becoming a bit ugly.

Ao Rui and Ao Ji were even more dumbfounded, and looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

They originally thought that Yue Chen's idea could be successful, but now it seems that Ba Xia is no longer here, I am afraid that they and others will undoubtedly die.

"Ha ha!"

Yue Chen sneered and didn't say much, but his consciousness entered the spiritual world. After searching for a long time, he found a spiritual world account that he had never contacted.

When he left Xuanjia Island, he had left a spirit world jade tube. At this time, he was using the spirit world jade tube to contact the tyrant.

Yue Chen knew very well that the only person who could save him right now was Baxia. If Baxia did not appear, he and others would be really dangerous.

"Senior Domination, I know that you have never left the range of Xuanjia Island. It is easy to rescue me with your strength."

"The kid Yue Chen hopes that Senior Ba Xia can make a move. There are not many things I can take out, but there is one senior you are absolutely interested in, a drop of the essence of the dragon clan!"

Yue Chen knew that there was nothing he could take out except the essence and blood of the Shenlong clan to impress the hegemon.

After sending the message, his consciousness returned to his body.

At this time, in the Zhongzhou Temple, the eyes of the Zhongzhou Hall Master, who had been closing his eyes and concentrating, suddenly opened, flashing brightly! In an instant, the entire hall began to shake violently, the various weapons in the hall made the sound of humming, and the various elements were also in a riot at this time.

As a strong God of War, you can already perceive the rules of heaven and earth, just like the movement of heaven and earth with one thought.

"Are there strong gods of war accessing the spirit world?"

"It seems to be in the direction of Chuzhou, wouldn't it be the moth made by the kid named Yue Chen again?"

The God of War of Zhongzhou smiled helplessly, and continued to close his eyes, the hall became silent again, as if nothing had happened just now.

"Hehe, what horrible idea your kid is making, don't think this emperor can be fooled this time!"

Angry Scale Sea Emperor shouted.

After dealing with Yue Chen many times, he has learned a lot of lessons.

The first is don't talk to Yue Chen too much, or you will be fooled in when you don't know.

The second is to shoot directly, don't delay time, otherwise it is inevitable that there will be variables.

"Forget it, no matter what horrible idea you have, this war emperor breaks ten thousand laws with his strength, and today will kill you!"

The Emperor Angrily shouted angrily and threw a fist in his hand.

Although it's just casual, but the strength of the Emperor of War is terrifying, although he can't perceive the world like the God of War, he can also master a law of his own.

With this punch, the entire sea surface instantly boiled, and various lightning thunder and violent winds smashed towards Yue Chen.

A simple single punch is better than thousands of martial arts! This punch already had the charm of a few rules. Although it was just a test, it was also possible to see that the Emperor of the Fury Scale was different from before. This time, the real fire was completely moved.

"I'll resist, you first withdraw!"

Yue Chen shouted angrily, the lightning all over his body was like a riot, like the **** of thunder, and the spear in his hand was full of lightning, like a thunder dragon.

He knows that with the strength of Aorui and others, staying here is to deliver food.

And if you encounter danger, you will be restrained! "Go away, don't cause trouble to Your Majesty Yue Chen!"

Ao Rui shouted to the junior in the clan behind him, and then flew to Yue Chen with a long sword in his hand, while Ao Ji waved his staff and put a thin light blue shield on the two Yue Chen.

He also cast several spells to supplement energy and physical strength.

"Your Majesty Yue Chen, this matter was caused by our Dragonblood Human Race, and now your Majesty is implicated. We deserve our sins when we die, but we can't hurt your Majesty!"

"Not to mention let us run away, and watch your Majesty be in danger. Although the old man is a little confused, he can still see the big things clearly!"

Ao Ji said firmly.

At this time, the fist wind of Furlin had hit, Yue Chen rushed up with an angry shout before he had time to say anything.

"Supreme God Thunder!"

"Indestructible golden body!"

Yue Chen burst into bursts twice, and the silver spear in his hand was like a flying dragon, with hundreds of spears in one second, and even the sea under his feet was evaporated by the high temperature brought by thunder and lightning.

But these attacks were just a drop in the bucket for the fist style of the angry scale sea emperor.

The fist wind was not hindered in the slightest, but some waves and hurricanes were weakened a little bit.

boom! At the moment when the fist wind hit him, Yue Chen slammed two punches, smashing Ao Rui and Ao Ji behind him hundreds of meters, which was worthy of leaving the range of the fist wind.

And Yue Chen himself was sturdy and smashed by the fist wind.

Crunching... crunching... crunching... The sound of bones being squeezed and deformed instantly sounded from Yue Chen's body. After the fist wind hit Yue Chen's body, it did not become a direct force, but transformed into a hurricane, thunder and lightning. The waves continued to ravage Yue Chen's body.

Yue Chen was like a sandbag, unable to resist this tremendous force, he could only continue to let his fist wind tear his body.

If it weren't for the indestructible golden body guard, I'm afraid he has been torn to pieces by now.

"No, if you let this fist wind continue to raging, I'm afraid the immortal golden body will not be able to hold it, I will still be torn to pieces!"

Yue Chen calmed himself down forcibly, thinking about it.

He knows very well that even if it is an indestructible golden body, it is impossible to resist an attack blessed by the power of the rules without a great achievement.

Unless he cultivates to the third level of the negative sky golden body, but Yue Chen, who has one-tenth of his power by then, may be able to smash the angry scale sea emperor with one punch, and I am afraid that he does not need to be tortured by this fist wind.

"System, how many magic coins do I have, how many times are enough to replenish the true energy?"

Yue Chen asked in his heart.

The sound of the system sounded in the next second.

"According to the system's estimation, the host's sacred coins accumulated over time and the limit of the host's body are enough to replenish seven times!"

"Because the replenishment state can also cause damage to the body, although this damage can be repaired quickly, so the host never feels this damage, but if it is refilled in a short period of time, the damage will be aggravated, or even directly damaged Host meridian!"

Seven times! Yue Chen gritted his teeth secretly: "Seven times, although there are not as many as I expected, but it is enough!"

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