Ao Ji and Ao Rui looked at each other and nodded one after another: "Indeed, then we will listen to His Majesty Yue Chen, and leave this place of right and wrong now!"

Ao Ji’s tone was extremely apologetic: “If I hadn’t had to come to worship the ancestors, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have encountered this kind of trouble. It would have also caused the tragic deaths of the juniors in several tribes. When I return, I will resign as the elder. !"

After speaking, everyone turned into afterimages and flew away under the leadership of Yue Chen. However, Yue Chen had a thoughtful expression. He did not fly towards the nearest route, but flew towards Xuanjia according to his memory. The direction of the island.

He knew very well that if he was the only one, the speed of escaping with all his strength might not be faster than that of the angry scale sea emperor, but it was not much worse. At least there was no problem in ensuring safety.

But now with Ao Rui and the others, the speed obviously slowed down. If the angry scale sea emperor pursued with all his strength, it would be very difficult for him and the others to leave alive.

Therefore, he made up his mind to go to Xuanjia Island first. If he could get shelter from the hegemon, he would definitely be able to escape danger.

At this time, the angry scale sea emperor was watching from the waters hundreds of miles away from Dapu Island. He knew that Yue Chen was extremely cautious, and he was afraid that Yue Chen would see that he was in ambush, and deliberately hid hundreds of miles away.

But just now, he saw the shocking waves erupting on Dapu Island, even if it was separated by a hundred miles, he could clearly see it, so he felt turbulent in his heart.

"No, judging from the intensity of the battle now, it seems that it has reached a fever pitch. Why hasn't Puling sent someone to inform me?"

"Come here, go to Dapu Island to investigate for me, and see what medicine is selling in the waterfall gourd!"

Angrily Sea Emperor was a little displeased.

The opportunity to besie Yue Chen this time was a rare opportunity in a lifetime. He didn't want Pu Ling to come up with some moths on his own initiative to sabotage his plan.

After a long while, several sea people flew back from Dapu Island with extremely ugly expressions, and said with trepidation, "Master Haidi... Dapu Island has already gone to the building, and those dragon blood tribes and Yue Chen have disappeared, but we found the waterfall instead. The remains of the Spirit Warrior."

"The injury should have been stabbed in the throat by a long spear, and there are some burnt marks on it, I am afraid it was killed in Yue Chen's hands!"

Hearing this, the angry scale sea emperor didn't catch his breath, and almost fainted himself.

"Idiot! What an idiot!"

"It doesn't matter if you want to die yourself, but also delayed the plan of the Emperor of the War and let Yue Chen escape again!"

"Everyone chased me, Yue Chen definitely can't run far, we can still chase along the trail!"

The Emperor Angrily roared furiously.

Although he thought that the Waterfall Spirit might fail and even be injured by Yue Chen, he did not expect that the Waterfall Spirit would be so wasteful.

With the sea element of thousands of battle saints in his hands, even his battle saint would be afraid of three points, but he died easily in Yue Chen's hands.

In the next second, millions of sea people flew out of the entire sea, like a dense colony of ants, hunting in all directions, and quickly grasped the movements of Yue Chen and others.

The Emperor Anurin did not hesitate at all, and pursued in the direction of Yue Chen's escape, without even having time to bring a single soldier.

At this moment, there is only hatred in his heart! Hatred to Yue Chen! This is not the first time that the two parties have settled against each other. From the very beginning, he suffered a loss in Yue Chen's hands.





After a long while, the original site of Xuanjia Island! Yue Chen and the others were suspended in mid-air, and Yue Chen pointed to the empty surface of the sea and said, "This is where your ancestors stayed before the predecessors, first he should dive into the water to recover his injuries!"

The faces of the dragon blood races showed extremely pious expressions, and looked at the original site of Xuanjia Island with reverent eyes, as if they were on a pilgrimage.

After all, if it were really discussed, given the age of the hegemon and the identity of the dragonblood race, it would be more than enough to be the ancestor of their clan.

"The younger generations Ao Rui and Ao Ji see their ancestors, and can see where the ancestors have been, the younger generations are already satisfied!"

Ao Rui and Ao Ji said in unison, and bowed respectfully. When they raised their heads, Ao Ji's old face was already covered with tears.

Although the dragon blood human race is powerful, but the encounters over the years have also been extremely miserable.

Trapped in a small secret realm for thousands of years, if it weren't for Yue Chen's timely rescue, I am afraid they would be destroyed with the secret realm in a short time.

And even though he’s a human race, he doesn’t have a clear ancestor. It can be said that he exists like a lonely ghost on the continent of Kyushu. Now I know that he has this ancestor with the same bloodline living in the world. Said it is like a spiritual pillar.

"Since we have finished paying homage to the ancestors, let's leave now!"

Ao Rui said anxiously.

He knew very well that the current situation was dangerous, and he might fall into the encirclement of the angry scale sea emperor with a little carelessness.

However, as soon as his voice fell, there was a joking voice in the air.

"You still want to escape. I think you are wishful thinking. I really can't think of what ancestors you idiots will come to pay homage to their ancestors when they die. It's so stupid!"

"Our marine clan has never been so stupid. If the strength is strong enough, he can naturally be regarded as an ancestor, like the kind of trash that can't even move, in the eyes of our marine clan, it is a burden, it is to become stronger The stumbling block on the road, and only your human race will cherish such meaningless things!"

Everyone looked up, and in mid-air it was an angry scale sea emperor who was talking with a joke on his face.

Unlike the human race that respects the old, loves the young, and respects their parents, the Hai race is particular about natural selection.

If the strength is strong enough to bring benefits to oneself, then there is nothing to think of ancestors and elders.

But as long as one's own strength surpasses these elders, the situation will be different. The elders who originally respected them will become the thorns in the eyes of the sea clan, and some will even directly kill them.

Some compassionate people may not directly kill, but they will also be expelled or relegated to their own subordinates. Only the strongest are worthy of occupying high positions.

A cold color flashed in Yue Chen's eyes, neither overbearing nor overbearing: "Human race and Sea race have different races, and their survival strategies are different, and there is no difference between them!"

"But what does the angry scale sea emperor do?

Seeing you look like a dusty servant, wouldn't it be Qianli Tracker who wanted to kill me? "

"But I advise you to die of this heart. This is a place to dominate seniors. If you don't want to provoke seniors to teach you, then I suggest you don't act rashly. Otherwise, you will be violent and angry. Emperor, it's hard for you to end!"

He originally wanted to use these words to deter Ragescale Sea Emperor, so that Ragescale Sea Emperor did not dare to act rashly.

Unexpectedly, the corner of the angry scale Haidi's mouth squeezed a disdainful smile, and he didn't take Yue Chen's words to heart.

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