Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1724: Iwakui's Compromise

Many monarchs supported Shi Jian's decision, especially those seven-tier empires cheered.

After all, Yue Chen can win, and they can also enter the secret realm with peace of mind.

If Yue Chen loses, who knows what moth those eighth-level empires will put out to deal with them.

Yankui looked embarrassed, but after thinking for a while he nodded and agreed with everyone.

"Yue Chen, then I will give everyone a face and let you enter the secret realm!"

After holding down a sentence, Yan Kui stepped into the secret realm, and did not talk to Yue Chen again.

There was a Ruoyouruwu smile at the corner of his mouth.

It was just that he deliberately made things difficult for Yue Chen, but he didn't really want to let Yue Chen enter the secret realm.

After all, if you want to kill Yue Chen, you must let Yue Chen not have a chance to escape, otherwise Yue Chen also has a secret method, and when Yan Gang displays his magical powers, he chooses to use the secret method to escape, isn't his wishful thinking going to be empty?

What's more, there are so many people here, if any strong person is facing Yue Chen in his heart, wouldn't it be bad to stop him?

Yue Chen and others followed closely and entered the secret realm.

"Your Majesty, if it's an ancient tomb, give it to me ghost boy!"

"I'm not bragging about the robbery of the tomb. There are not many people in the Kyushu mainland who are better than me!"

Guitong's body has recovered more than half, and he is triumphant.

After learning that this secret realm was a cemetery, he couldn't suppress the joy in his heart.

There is nothing happier for him than being able to explore different cemeteries, let alone an imperial tomb.

Yue Chen nodded slightly, turned to look at Zhou Yu and asked, "Gong Jin, do you know anything about this Kunlun ancient tomb?"

Zhou Yu thought for a moment and said: "I have heard about it in ancient books before. It is said that there are many institutions in this ancient Kunlun Mausoleum, otherwise Shi Jian would have eradicated it long ago."

"There is another thing worthy of consideration. It seems that there is a funerary in this ancient Kunlun Mausoleum, that is, the soldiers of the ancestors of the Liu family in the mouths of the monarchs. They are called'Five Elements Seal', which is said to be extremely hard and extremely innocent to the Five Elements. Strong restraint effect."

"But Weichen always feels that the emperor soldier is not that simple, but he can't tell what to do. It's better to wait until he sees the emperor soldier to make a difference!"

While several people were talking, the team had already entered the secret territory, and after walking for a while, the front suddenly became clear.

A long tunnel appeared. The tunnel was so wide that it could accommodate thousands of people moving forward at the same time. At the same time, there were countless bright lights on both sides of the tunnel.

These ever-bright lights are still very bright after countless years, even with a hint of fragrance.

"The ancestors of the Liu family are really rich and wealthy. They are even willing to use the whale oil of this'dragon whale' as a beacon, but this institution is really cruel!"

Guitong smashed his mouth.

He has stolen countless tombs, and it’s not that no one has used this'dragon whale' oil as a lamp, but basically only one or two lamps are used in the main tomb. Over.

But what surprised him even more was that these organs were densely packed and extremely complicated, making him a little scalp numb.

Of course, he alone can see this. The organs in these passages are extremely concealed, and it would be impossible to find out if it were not for the ghost boy who has experienced many battles.

At this time, Yan Kui and others have already walked into the passage. In addition to him, there are more than a dozen monarchs and their warriors. In particular, there are a few monarchs that Yue Chen has dealt with on the Ten Thousand Congresses and have good friendships. .

Guitong subconsciously said: "Don't go in, there are institutions in it, and you will die if you go in!"

When the words came out, everyone stopped. Yan Kui turned his head and glared at the ghost boy, cursing, "What **** mechanism, why didn't this king see it?"

"There are so many monarchs here, it's the turn of you to speak up here?

I think you are jealous. We seized the opportunity to take away the "Ambergris oil" here, so we deliberately threatened. "

As soon as the ghost boy laughed out of anger, Yue Chen said coldly: "Since His Majesty Yankui doesn't believe our judgment, just enter, why bother to talk nonsense with us?"

Although ‘Ambergris Whale Oil’ is extremely precious in the eyes of others, it is nothing but useless waste in his Yue Chen’s eyes.

According to rumors, ambergris whale oil can help repair the soul, but Yue Chen has millions of creams in his hand, which can cure any soul damage, so why bother to covet such things as ambergris whale oil.

"Hmph, it's just a radical method. You think the king doesn't dare to go in?"

Yan Kui was not convinced by Qi Dao.

After all, I took Yan Gang and the two walked into the tomb passage.

Other monarchs hesitated in place, no one dared to move forward.

Anyway, they and Yue Chen didn't have any grudges, Yue Chen couldn't deliberately entrap them, so he still made sure that the road ahead was safe before entering.

After all, these people are the princes of a country. It can be said that they have endless glory and wealth. Wouldn't they be nothing if they die here?

With a hint of contempt at the corner of Yan Kui's mouth, he said coldly: "A group of cowards, since you listen to the bewitching of Yue Chen, then I will take advantage of it myself!"

He walked a few steps and didn't encounter any danger. He strengthened the guess in his heart. Guitong must have said that just to intimidate himself deliberately.

However, just when he was triumphant, he suddenly heard the sound of a mechanism in his ear.

"No, there really is a mechanism!"

Yankui started to panic at the moment, exclaiming and preparing to leave.

It's a pity that his speed is a bit worse than the speed of the organ after all.

Whoosh... Whoosh... On both sides of Iwakui's standing position, the wall suddenly cracked, and thousands of short arrows shot from it. Although Iwakui had tried his best to dodge, he still received an arrow on his body and was stabbed in his thigh. on.


Puff! Yankui screamed and fell to the ground, exclaiming and looking at the arrows continuously shooting out in despair.

The power of these arrows is so powerful that even the body of the saintly strongman can easily penetrate, and he can resist an arrow in front of him. If a thousand arrows are launched on him, it is bound to die.

When Clang... When Clang... When Clang... Just as Iwakui closed his eyes and was about to wait for death, he suddenly heard a few sounds of gold and iron clinking, and he looked up to see that Iwagang was guarding him, with a grinning expression of pain.

Even if his defense is strong and can block these arrows, it is not without pain after all.

"Big Brother Yankui, go!"

Yan Gang shouted angrily, grabbed Yan Kui and protected him under his body, and rushed towards the outside of the organ.

This mechanism was designed to be extremely insidious. Yan Kui initially stepped behind him and did not arouse him, but waited for him to have penetrated hundreds of meters before being excited. The mechanism continued to shoot arrows on the way the two fled back.

No matter where the two go, the arrow shoots from the wall.

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