Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1723: Evenly matched

After that, Yan Gang turned into a brown afterimage and flew towards Yue Chen, like a heavy artillery shell.

Boom! Yue Chen didn't have the slightest fear, holding a gun to catch Yan Gang's attack.

The moment Yan Gang's fist and Yue Chen's spear tip touched each other, the ground under their feet suddenly cracked, and there were dense cracks like spider webs.

Yue Chen gritted his teeth, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, with the strength of his immortal golden body, he actually felt a faint feeling that his body couldn't support it.

"Yankui's defensive ability is indeed invincible in the world. If you face him head-on, I am afraid I will lose in a short time!"

Yue Chen thought to himself in his heart.

He is very aware of the physical gap between himself and Yan Gang. If his indestructible golden body can be cultivated to the third level, he might be able to directly explode Yan Gang with his physical strength alone.

But now he obviously still doesn't have that kind of ability.

However, compared to speed, he can be said to be a rock crusher.

Thinking of this, Yue Chen immediately adjusted his strategy, flying away from Yan Gang's attack range, Yan Gang's mouth made a sorrowful smile, thinking that Yue Chen was stunned, and hurriedly flew over.

The two flew one by one and chased each other, fighting in mid-air.

Because of the flexibility of the battle, Yue Chen almost crushed Yangang at his own speed. The spear kept piercing Yangang's weak defensive power. He even almost pierced Yangang's eyes several times, forcing him to return. Defense.

On the other hand, Yan Gang's body was too heavy, and because his speed was a lot worse than Yue Chen, he could only roar and furiously incompetently in mid-air.

Even Yue Chen's sleeves can't be touched.

"Roar! You are looking for death, do you think I really can't deal with you?"

"Let you see the power of my Yan family's supernatural powers!"

Yan Gang was furious, and couldn't bear it.

Family legend! Yue Chen frowned slightly and made a defensive posture.

Now Yan Gang's strength is extremely terrifying, and he thinks that he is not an opponent if he heads up. If Yan Gang uses his magical powers again, he might even be injured.

The monarchs on the land also talked about it.

"Family transmission?

I heard that the Yan Family has a supernatural power that is extremely powerful. Although it is only an intermediate supernatural power, its power is not inferior to the top supernatural power. It is just that the training conditions are too harsh, and even the Yan family has no second person to successfully practice besides the ancestor. "

"Yeah, Iwamori used this magical power to defeat three demon emperors of the same rank as him. I didn't expect to see this magical power today!"

"This Yangang plane is also too impulsive, but it is necessary to use this kind of magical power for a momentary defeat. If you can't kill Yue Chen, I am afraid that the Yan Family's magical power will be greatly reduced."

Everyone talked a lot, Yue Chen listened to his ears, his expression was also serious, and he could also hear from these discussions that the Yan Family's family life was indeed good.


Yue Chen was ready to dodge or defend, but suddenly he heard Yan Kui's sullen voice.

Yan Kui, who was already ready to go, saw that Yan Kui was furious, and he could only fly back to the ground reluctantly.

Upon seeing this, Yue Chen flew back.

"Have you forgotten the ancestor's admonition when you went out? You can't use this magical power until the critical moment!"

Yankui said sullenly.

Iwagang only showed a trace of regret and nodded slightly and said nothing more.

Before the two of them set off, they had a long conversation with the ancestor Yansen, and Yansen warned them that this magical power can only be used when Yue Chen must be killed.

Although I don't know why the ancestor hated Yue Chen so much, the two Yankui would naturally not disobey the ancestor's instructions. If it weren't for Yan Gang's ignorance due to eagerness, it would be impossible to say that he would use magical powers to deal with Yue Chen.

"This... Your Majesty Shi Jian, how do you judge the outcome?"

A monarch stood up and asked a little embarrassingly.

The current situation on the court is that there are wins and losses for each other, and both Yue Chen and Yan Gang have taken a bit of advantage, and they have also suffered losses in the opponent's hands. First, it can be said that the outcome is unpredictable but they are called to stop.

Everyone couldn't tell who lost and who won, so they called out the host Shi Jian.

Of course, the most important reason is to ask Shi Jian to bear the blame. After all, no matter which side declares victory, it will offend the defeated side. It can be said that it is a task that is not thankful on both sides.

That is, Shi Jian couldn't refuse because he was the host, otherwise he didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing.

One side is a tyrannical rock country, both of which are eighth-tier empires, but the power gap between them is also huge.

In addition to territorial restrictions, the eighth-level empire also has a strong war emperor.

The war emperor of Kunlun Kingdom is Shi Jian, but he is only the strength of the middle emperor, and the strength of the high emperor of Yansen ancestor is very different.

At that time, the ancestor of the Liu family of Kunlun Kingdom died because of reaching the upper limit of age. In order to stabilize the status of the eighth-level empire in a hurry, Kunlun Kingdom invited Shi Jian, who had no power at that time and was even chased by other warlords. Entered Kunlun country as a general.

To this end, he also transferred a lot of benefits to calm down the anger of the war emperor who chased Shi Jian. Unexpectedly, as time went on, Shi Jian's ambition and appetite would become bigger and bigger, and he finally defeated the Liu family. , Almost slaughtered the entire royal family.

"This...I think it's even Monarch Yue Chen's victory, after all, this is Monarch Yankui who called for a pause first!"

Shi Jian hesitated for a moment and said.

For Iwakuni, he was not too afraid.

Although Iwakuni was strong enough to overwhelm him, Iwakuni's primary goal now is to deal with Yue Chen. After all, Yankui has suffered from Yue Chen several times, which can be described as embarrassing to the extreme.

Whether it was for his own face or Yan Guo's dignity, Yan Kui would not let Yue Chen go.

Therefore, even if he has a small offense, he believes that Yankui will not care about him. Now in the struggle between Iwakuni and Yueguo, Iwakuni has fallen into the wind. If he makes enemies outside, wouldn't he look for death by himself?

Yue Chen was different, Yue Guo was originally a seventh-level empire.

Shi Jian worried that if Yue Chen was targeted by him and retaliated against Kunlun country frantically, he would have a lot of fun.

Of course, this was based on the fact that he didn't know the friendship between Yue Chen and Liu Xiaolou, so he would judge this way.

If he knew that Yue Chen's purpose was to aid Liu Xiaolou this time, he would not be willing to let Yue Chen enter the secret territory even if he was killed.

Seeing Shi Jian making a judgment, everyone nodded in agreement.

"Yes, since it was His Majesty Yankui who called for a timeout, it was naturally His Majesty Yankui's fault. I think it is understandable for His Majesty Yue Chen to enter."

"With your Majesty Yue Chen's strength a bit more tyrannical than most of the monarchs present, if your Majesty Yue Chen is not qualified, then I think at least 80% of the monarchs are not qualified, right?"

"Support, this is the secret realm of His Majesty Shi Jian. Since His Majesty Shi Jian agrees, we naturally have nothing to say!"

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