Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1721: Ghost boy who suffers

The fewer people these people wish to enter the secret realm, the more likely they are to obtain the legendary imperial soldier.

"Your Majesty Yankui, just tell me what you mean!"

Seeing everyone clashing, Shi Jian's eyes flashed with joy, adding to the flames.

If everyone is hostile to each other, he is the one who has the most advantage. After all, he is the host and can mobilize the most soldiers and resources. If he can get the top emperor soldiers from the ancestors of the Liu family, then his position can be more stable. .

Not to mention that the top-level imperial soldiers have greatly improved their personal strength.

Although he has now taken the throne of the Liu clan, there are still many warriors loyal to the Liu clan, so he dare not take it lightly.

Yan Kui cleared his throat and said with a serious face: "I mean it is very simple. Not everyone is worthy to enter this ancient tomb secret realm to hunt for treasure. After all, some people are weak. There is not even a strong emperor in China, and they are worthy of us. Enter the eighth-level empire together?"

When he said this, his eyes were staring at Yue Chen, which was obviously aimed at Yue Chen.

The monarchs looked at each other and nodded one after another: "His Majesty Yankui made sense, but how are you going to resolve this matter?"

Yankui categorically said: "Competition, otherwise we will compete here. Of course, the eighth-level empire present is needless to say. There are strong emperors as a backing, and we are naturally relieved of strength."

"But in order to prevent those seven-level empires from mixing with us indiscriminately, I think we still need to conduct some selections!" He pointed to the humanity in the cloak behind him: "My subordinate is the strength of the battle saint, in the seventh-level empire present. , If any empire can’t defeat my subordinate, it’s not eligible to enter the secret realm.”

"What do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, the monarchs of the eighth-level empires nodded one after another.

"Yes, I support His Majesty Yankui's idea. There must be a selection, otherwise everyone can enter the secret realm. Isn't it a mess?"

"If the huge empire can't even defeat a battle saint, then I don't think there is a need, even if you enter the secret realm, you won't get any good things."

"This emperor also agrees, let these seven-level empires try, and if it doesn't work, drive out!"

Yankui's idea was good for the monarchs of these eighth-level empires, so no one opposed it, and the monarchs of the eighth-level empire and the monarchs of the seventh-level empire gradually separated into two teams.

The monarchs of the seventh-level empire looked at Yue Chen with bitter eyes.

Yue Chen frowned, knowing that this was Yankui's conspiracy, and it was a plan to kill two birds with one stone.

On the one hand, he deliberately proposed an idea against the seventh-level empire, but everyone knew that this was not against the seventh-level empire, but only against him, Yue Chen.

These seven-level empires that were involved together did not resent Yankui, or said they did not dare to resent Yankui who was the monarch of the eighth-level empire, instead they transferred their grievances to Yue Chen.

On the other hand, it also created obstacles for Yue Chen. After all, Yue Chen didn't even understand the strong under the cloak, even if he was a man or a woman, and was even more talked about his specific strength.

After thinking for a while, Yue Chen sneered and said: "Your Majesty Yankui's idea is really sullied. If you want to target me, Yue Chen, just say it, why cover it up?"

"I understand that you want to retaliate against my Yue Chen, these seven-level empires are just innocent being implicated."

"I, Yue Chen, always do things alone. Since you are aiming at me, Yue Chen will respond to this fight. No one else is needed!"

"If I win, then these 7th-level empires can enter with me. If I lose, then I am willing to give up this opportunity in exchange for the opportunity to enter these 7th-level empires. What do you think?"

Yan Kui was stunned when he said this, and the monarchs of the other eighth-level empires were also a little stunned.

An eighth-level imperial monarch dissatisfied: "Your Majesty Yue Chen's words are too overbearing. Why do you have the right to let these miscellaneous pieces come in if you lose?"

"Your strength is obvious to all, but these miscellaneous pieces are not yet qualified, and if you compare it to the background, I am afraid that your Majesty Yue Chen is not qualified."

His words were extremely cryptic, but he still showed his contempt for Yue Chen. After all, although Yue Chen's strength was strong, Yue State was only a seventh-level empire without a war emperor.

Yue Chen said: "Background?

Although there is no war emperor behind my Yue country, there is more than one war emperor behind my Yue Chen, don't you want Bibi? "

"In the Jiuzhou Continent, Palace Master Lin Yan and Zhuge Cangqing are my supporters for Yue Chen. Do you have any comments?"

"If it is said that in the Qingping Continent, whether it is the Ice Phoenix War God or Huang Wu Zhan Emperor, which one do you dare to offend?"

What he said was extremely tough, and he didn't save any face for the monarchs of these eighth-level empires, but these monarchs bowed their heads and dared not say anything more.

Although there are also monarchs behind these eight-level empires, most of them are just preliminary war emperors.

Not to mention anything else, just a Lin Yan is not that they are willing to offend easily.

Not to mention the long list that Yue Chen reported, such as the god-level powerhouses like the Ice Phoenix War God, that is the existence they would not even dare to think of.

"Okay, this emperor promises you that it is!"

Seeing that the atmosphere on the scene was a little stalemate, Yan Kui had no choice but to agree to Yue Chen's condition. Anyway, his purpose was to make things difficult for Yue Chen. Even if these seven-level empires were put in, it would be no big deal.

"Yue Chen, let me take the first shot for the first time, and I can also help you test the details of this cloak boy."

"Anyway, my body is relatively strong, as long as it is not an injury that hurts the soul, even if it is defeated, it will not cause much damage to me."

Seeing Yue Chen and Yan Kui agreed to fight, Guitong couldn't help himself.

He also felt the terrifying strength under the cloak, but still couldn't help but eager to try. After all, with this naturally raised body, it would be difficult for him to be killed even if he wanted to be killed.

"Yes, then you go and test first!"

Yue Chen nodded sternly.

Guitong's idea is in line with his mind, after all, this competition has something to do with Yue Chen's reputation.

He can already imagine that if he is defeated, with Yankui’s character, I am afraid that he will have to write about his defeated experience in the spirit world, and he may even spend more than ten days on the spirit world live broadcast continuously in order to humiliate himself. Tells about his experience of being defeated.

At that time, the fame he has built up will be defeated.

It is extremely difficult to accumulate things like fame, and it even takes several or dozens of victories to establish one's reputation in the hearts of everyone.

But as long as it fails once, it will collapse like a statue.

Iwakui glanced at Guitong coldly, his eyes a little bit contemptuous besides hostility.

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