Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1720: Entry qualification

Even if he was killed on the spot, no one would dare to make irresponsible remarks in front of him, but there would be many people secretly applauding.

The official positions of these elders are also considered No. 1 in Kunlun, although they only have a false name and no real power position, it is worthy of many people to fight for.

Now these old men are dead, but everyone can profit from it.

But the Yue Chen and others that Shi Jian faced were different. They were all genuine monarchs of various empires, and none of them were easy to get along with.

If he only offends one or two, Shi Jian can still deal with it. If he is offended, I am afraid that Kunlun will be in bad luck. Even if these monarchs do not go to war with Kunlun, they simply sever trade with Kunlun. , I'm afraid he can't stand it.

A monarch of an eighth-level empire said unceremoniously: "Shi Jian, you don't need to talk to us here, this emperor will ask you something straightforward, what is this beam of light?"

"We are all clear about the details of your Kunlun country. I advise you not to fool us here. If you don't have a satisfactory answer today, I guarantee that your Kunlun country will not get better."

What he said was extremely domineering, because it was not him alone, but all the monarchs including Yue Chen.

A trace of anger flashed in Shi Jian's eyes, but he quickly adjusted his emotions and said with a smile: "This is natural. Since you are here, there must be an explanation. I am not a stingy person, Shi Jian!"

"If I say nothing, you will naturally not believe it, but if there is really a magic weapon to come to this world, it would also be wrong to me, Shi Jian."

The ghost boy in the crowd was a little displeased and said: "Then what the **** is there, don't be fussy!"

Due to the fact that he had fought side by side with Liu Xiaolou, the ghost boy had a pretty good impression of Liu Xiaolou. Therefore, after learning that the operation was to rescue Liu Xiaolou, the ghost boy was extremely active.

Similarly, Shi Jian, the culprit in Liu Xiaolou's distress, naturally has no good impressions.

Now relying on the large number of people, he expected Ding Shijian not to embarrass himself, so he dared to speak so arrogantly.

If it was one-on-one encounter in the wild, even if he was killed, he would not dare to be so disrespectful to a strong emperor.

He knew very well that although his own body was a born existence, it was not truly invincible.

Shi Jian glared at the ghost boy, didn't dare and didn't say much, and continued: "Since everyone is so eager, I won't sell it. This time, a secret world was born."

"Everyone knows that this ancient Kunlun mausoleum is the tomb of the Liu family, and it's not a young age. I don't know what method the Liu family used to turn this into a secret realm."

"Since everyone is here, you can naturally go to the secret territory to find out. No matter what you find belongs to everyone, I, Shi Jian, will not brazenly rob it."

"But I have one more thing. There are already a few small mice sneaking into the imperial tomb. They are a group of despicable tomb thieves who want to desecrate the majesty of the Liu family."

"As everyone knows, Shi Jian is also deeply trusted by the Liu family, because the Liu family's extinct heir had no choice but to serve as the monarch of this Kunlun country. Now someone wants to desecrate the Liu family, who has a great favor to me, and it is a provocation to me Shi Jian. "

"If someone can help me kill these little mice, I'm willing to offer a reward from the emperor soldier!"

Hearing what he said, everyone couldn't help but talk, since he promised that everyone could enter the secret realm, everyone also had a good impression of him.

"His Majesty Shi Jian is really a benevolent gentleman, these little mice stealing the imperial tomb, this emperor will never let them go!"

"Yes, my Fenghua country will not let them go. If I see it, I will help His Majesty Shi Jian to be wiped out."

"I don't know what secret treasures there are in this imperial tomb, but the funeral of the monarchs of the Liu family will definitely not be bad."

Looking at the greedy corners of everyone's lips, Yue Chen sneered.

He knew very well that the tomb thieves in Shi Jian's mouth were Liu Xiaolou and others. You must know how Liu Xiaolou, as a descendant of the Liu family, could steal the tombs of his ancestors. He was forced to enter the ancient tomb only because of helplessness.

As for the greedy faces of these monarchs, it made him feel ridiculous. On the one hand, they were yelling to catch the tomb robbers, and on the other hand, they were already discussing whether the treasures in the tomb were rich enough.

"Since you have agreed to my request, then Shi Jian is not hiding it, everyone please come in!"

Shi Jian's face showed a bit of joy at this time.

Made an inviting gesture.

Yue Chen and others followed the direction he directed, and they saw the secret realm of Kunlun ancient tombs without taking a few steps.

At this moment, the entrance of the secret realm was wide open, hundreds of meters wide, and could even accommodate an army to enter. Just when Yue Chen was about to enter, he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Everyone, wait, I am Iwakuni Iwakui, I have a few words to say!"

Yankui said as he separated everyone and walked to the secret realm, behind him was a person wearing a cloak and covering his body.

Because of the cloak, Yue Chen couldn't see the age and gender of this person, but there was a faint feeling of palpitations.

"I'm afraid he is a strong man. Although he has not reached the level of the emperor, he is definitely considered a top existence in the battle saint!"

Yue Chen said with emotion in his heart.

If the opponent is a strong war emperor, then it is impossible for him to have the idea of ​​confrontation at all.

Therefore, he guessed that under this cloak should be a top existence among the saints of war, and could even fight against himself.

Everyone was stunned when they saw Yankui standing up, and after a while, Yue Chen asked, "What does your Majesty Yankui mean?

Is it to prevent us from entering? "

"Or the injury I hit last time is not healed and it hurts my brain?"

Everyone burst into laughter when the words were outstanding.

The fact that Yan Kui suffered several losses in Yue Chen's hands is well known to them, especially the operation of Yan Kui in the Ten Thousand Congress, which made him a joke for the entire Chuzhou.

Now that Yue Chen mentioned it, they couldn't help but think of Yankui's scandals.

A trace of killing intent flashed through Yankui's eyes, and he said coldly: "I will naturally not forget the humiliation you brought to Yankui, but what I want to talk about today is the qualification to enter this secret realm!"

"The Secret Realm is very cherished, I think you will not object to this, right?

If too many people enter, then our income will also be reduced a lot! "

Hearing his words, everyone nodded in agreement.

After all, the scope of the secret realm is limited, not to mention that this is just an ancient Kunlun Mausoleum, which is much smaller than those natural secret realms, and it can be said that the resources available are also limited.

If it were not for rumors, the number of emperor soldiers from the ancestors of the Liu family in the ancient tomb would probably be at least half of the number of participants.

Seeing what Yankui said now, everyone couldn't help but agree, and it was almost in their hearts.

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