Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1718: Wan Beast Line

Jia Xu and others are extremely interested in the promise of the White Lion War Emperor. Although they do not understand the line of the Ten Thousand Beasts that the White Lion War Emperor said, the White Lion War Emperor did not even see Hou Feng and the Hou Family in their eyes. , As if he dared to fight when he raised his hand, he could also see that the so-called line of ten thousand beasts was definitely not simple.

At least not inferior to the Hou family.

Hou Feng clutched his red and swollen face, his eyes flashed with panic and anxiety.

"Ahem...Have you heard the rumors about the White Lion Battle Emperor, how could this kid have that kind of treasure?"

"He is just a monarch of a third-rate empire. How could there be such a treasure? I think he just fooled the Emperor Tianshi Zhan!"

He knew very well that if Yue Chen really had a good relationship with the White Lion Battle Emperor, he might have a difficult revenge plan.

Not only that, maybe those things that I did were shaken off by Yue Chen, and if they were passed on to the family, I would be miserable.

Hearing Hou Feng's words, the white lion war emperor also had some doubts in his eyes.

After all, he only talked with the Emperor Tianshi Zhan via the jade tube of the spirit world, but did not actually meet, and he did not know the situation of Emperor Tianshi Zhan.

In the past, Wan Beast Battle Emperor was injured by the Demon God powerhouse, causing damage to his strength. His disciples were always looking for a way to heal him.

One of the disciples in the Qingping Continent was a good friend of Emperor Tianshi Zhan. After seeing the soul of Emperor Zhan Tianshi miraculously restored, he got news about Yue Chen and knew that Yue Chen possessed cream anoint in his hands. .

Only then hurriedly informed the White Lion Emperor and others in the Nine Provinces to come and look for Yue Chen.

But all this is just hearsay, and the White Lion Emperor himself is not sure that this news is 100% accurate.

"Little friend Yue Chen, do you have any cream on your hands?"

The White Lion war emperor asked tentatively.

In the next second, Yue Chen took out a cream of cream from the storage space in his hand and asked, "You should be talking about this stuff, right?"

"If the white lion war emperor needs to take it, it's all as we make a good relationship!"

Originally, he thought that this matter might be difficult to handle, and he even had to fight the White Lion Battle Emperor, and he had already planned to be seriously injured.

Unexpectedly, the white lion war emperor's appeal was just a cream anointing. This thing is a treasure that is extremely cherished in the hands of others, but it is nothing to Yue Chen.

The amount of cream in his hand is outrageous. If he takes one serving a day, he may be able to take it for tens of thousands of years.

After seeing the cream of the cream, the white lion war emperor who had originally suspected no longer had any suspicions, and the eyes that looked at Yue Chen were also full of gratitude, and at the same time the corner of his eyes casually glanced at Hou Feng.

Guru! Hou Feng swallowed, faintly feeling that something was wrong, and explained in a low voice: "Senior White Lion...I just said nonsense...Don't..." Before he finishes, the White Lion fights the emperor. The fist blasted Hou Feng out of hundreds of meters, and he fell heavily to the ground for a long while without getting up.

The white lion war emperor did not pay attention to Hou Feng at all, but turned to look at Yue Chen and said, "Thank you, little friend Yue Chen this time, but please give me the container containing the cream. Copies."

"Otherwise, this place is far from Zhongzhou, I'm afraid I haven't arrived in Zhongzhou yet, this cream is already ineffective."

Yue Chen was startled, and said in a puzzled way: "Container?

Is there any special container needed to hold the cream? "

His frost spirit ointment has been stored in the system, and will only be taken out when needed, so I don't understand why the white lion war emperor will ask him for a container.

The White Lion war emperor was also a little surprised: "I heard that this cream is very special. Because it contains a lot of soul energy, it needs a special container to hold it."

"But I have been searching for so many years and I have no clue. I haven't even seen Shuang Ling ointment, let alone a container. I originally thought that little friend Yue Chen had a container in your hand..." He didn't finish his words, but Yue Chen also understood his Meaning, I can only helplessly explain: "I got a bound space equipment because of some chance and coincidence. I didn't expect this equipment to have this effect."

"But this equipment is bound to me now, there is no way to take it out."

Hearing this, the White Lion Zhandi looked a little disappointed, but it only took a moment for him to relax and say, "In that case, I would like to invite little friend Yue Chen to visit Zhongzhou in person, and to hear from this little ghost boy and Hou Feng just now It seems that you have some contradictions with Hou Feng on the dividends of the live broadcast of the spirit world."

"As far as I know, the live broadcast of the spirit world is now the top priority of the Zhongzhou Temple. After all, the benefits it brings are too generous. If you want to solve this matter, you will inevitably take a trip to the Zhongzhou Temple."

Yue Chen nodded slightly, he knew what the White Lion Emperor had said.

After all, even if Lin Yan was the deputy head of Chuzhou, he still lacked the right to speak in this respect, and there was no way to compare with the families in Zhongzhou.

Just as he was about to agree, he suddenly heard the sound of the system in his ear.

"Task: Rescue Liu Xiaolou, the Crown Prince of Kunlun."

"Mission introduction: Although Liu Xiaolou, who once had a relationship with his host, is just an ordinary neutral warrior on the surface, his identity is the son of the former monarch of Kunlun Kingdom.

Because Liu Xiaolou was young when the monarch died, he was usurped by Shi Jian, who was the general at the time, and Shi Jian also mobilized a lot of power to kill Liu Xiaolou.

Now Liu Xiaolou has been forced into the Jedi, taking refuge in the tombs of the successive royal families of Kunlun Kingdom, and needs the support of the host. "

"Task reward: a drop of random dragon blood!"

After seeing the task, Yue Chen's face changed slightly, and he swallowed back what he was about to say: "Senior White Lion, I don't know if you are in a hurry about this matter, I still have some personal matters to deal with in Chuzhou."

The White Lion war emperor waved his hand and understood: "It's okay. Master, his old man has been ill for decades, but he is not in a hurry. It is too late to go to Zhongzhou after little friend Yue Chen is finished."

After leaving his spiritual world number, he turned into an afterimage and left.

Kunlun State at this time, inside the old imperial tomb.

Since the usurpation of the throne by General Shi Jian, the imperial tomb of the Liu family of Kunlun Kingdom has been abandoned, and the entire family has been killed by Shi Jian.

The imperial tomb was also turned into ruins because it was unattended. The majestic and majestic imperial tomb was now covered with weeds, and a few hurried figures fled toward the depths of the imperial tomb.

"Ah... Brother Xiaolou, do you think Brother Yue Chen will come to rescue us?"

"I'm always a little worried, after all, we are just one-sided fate, and brother Yue Chen is not close to each other, will he really be willing to come to save people?"

"This Kunlun kingdom is also an eighth-tier empire, and Shi Jian's dog is even a strong emperor. What if Brother Yue Chen refuses to come?"

A young man asked, it was the young man who had spoken to Yue Chen.

Liu Xiaolou's face was pale and not bloody. Hearing what the youth said, he firmly said: "Big Brother Yue Chen is a hero. Since he promised to help us, it is absolutely impossible to break his promise!"

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