Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1717: Apologize to me

Yue Chen nodded slightly, and followed Wei Zhongxian to the city gate without any hesitation.

When Yue Chen arrived at the city gate, Guitong was fighting with Hou Feng, and the two were going with each other.

Hou Feng kept yelling at the gate, and Guitong and the others would naturally not tolerate his arrogance. Therefore, under the leadership of several generals from Lu Bu, Guitong took out his big sword and went out to the city gate to fight Hou Feng.

Although with Hou Feng's strength, if he was in his heyday, he could crush the ghost boy, but because of Yue Chen's abolition of an arm, both his strength and flexibility were greatly weakened, and instead he was crushed and beaten by the ghost boy.

"Damn, this young man is the son of the Hou family in Zhongzhou, how could he not be the opponent of a monster like you!"

Hou Feng cursed in a desperate manner, unable to believe that he was not Guitong's opponent.

In the next second, the long spear in his hand burst into a brown light, and the gun body seemed to be covered with a layer of stone armor, and even Hou Feng's strength increased by a few points.

"Yes, Xiaofeng, you are quite proficient in the secret martial art of the Hou Family, the "Stone Armor Spear"!"

The White Lion war emperor nodded and shouted with satisfaction.

Although Hou Feng acted arrogantly, his talent was considered to be the top existence among the major families in Zhongzhou, and his strength was the top rank, otherwise it would not be possible to become a strong emperor at a young age.

"Damn, isn't it just martial arts, do you think I can't?"

Guitong cursed, and then he rushed towards Hou Feng.

Relying on his short stature, Hou Feng didn't hit him with a single shot, but instead was knocked out by him.

If it hadn't been for him to take back the great sword for the convenience of avoiding it, I am afraid Hou Feng would be pierced by him this time.

boom! Hou Feng flew out several tens of meters, if it weren't for the White Lion War Emperor to reach out to support him, I'm afraid he would have fallen to the ground.

"The White Lion Battle Emperor, look at how arrogant the people of Yue Country are, you must be the master for me!"

Hou Feng said with a sad face.

The White Lion war emperor focused his head and said: "Don't worry, since this war emperor is here, he will definitely call for you. No matter who hurts you, I will let him double the repayment."

"If you punch you, let you return two punches, cut off your arm, let you cut off his arms!"

His tone is extremely confident, with the strength of Emperor Zhan, he believes that no one in this Yue country can compete with him.

Not to mention that his status in the temple is not low, even Elder Tao and others are nothing in his eyes.

"Thank you, White Lion Battle Emperor!"

Hou Feng said with a smile of joy, and suddenly he saw Yue Chen's figure in his eyes, and immediately shouted: "Yue Chen, you dare to come out, hurry up and kneel down for Ben Shao!"

"This one next to me is the White Lion War Emperor. Although the White Lion War Emperor is only a beginner-level powerhouse, his master, Wan Beast Emperor, is a powerhouse at the peak of the War Emperor, and he has a wide range of followers."

"Even in Qingping Continent, there are a few disciples. They are not the ones you can offend. Now you should kneel down for me, or I will ask the White Lion and the Emperor to step down on your Yue country!"

After hearing his words, Yue Chen sneered twice and was about to go back, but saw the White Lion Emperor suddenly ask: "Yue Chen?

Are you the monarch Yue Chen of the Yue Kingdom? "

Hou Feng hurriedly shouted: "Yes, you are not mistaken, White Lion Battle Emperor, this kid is the despicable Yue Chen, even if he hurt me deliberately, my arm was also cut off by him."

"Didn't you say that you want to cut off his arms, I am here to thank the White Lion Emperor for revenge for me!"

The white lion war emperor's expression was a little strange, and he shouted after a moment: "Apologize to me immediately!"

Hou Feng thought he was reprimanding Yue Chen, and followed the fox with a fake tiger: "Have you heard what the white lion war emperor said?

Hurry up and apologize to me! "

"Otherwise, Yue Guo will wait to be flattened!"

Unexpectedly, the next second he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and turned his face to see the White Lion Zhandi staring at him angrily.

"Senior White Lion War Emperor, what do you mean... what does this mean?"

Hou Feng was puzzled.

The White Lion war emperor angrily said: "Hurry up and apologize to little friend Yue Chen, or I will have to kill you. I have long heard that your boy's behavior is bad, and it's not a good thing in Zhongzhou."

"Unexpectedly, this time you came to Yue country to dominate the blessing. Do you think that you are a member of the Hou family and you can cover the sky with one hand?

Will he be able to dominate? "

"I tell you, my white lion is the first to not agree!"

The white lion war emperor has a righteous appearance, not at all the appearance that he said to cut off the arms of the person who offended Hou Feng, as if he had changed himself.

Hou Feng thought he saw the illusion, and quickly explained: "Have you forgotten the Emperor White Lion?

I asked you to help me teach this kid Yue Chen, how did you do it to me? "

"If you want to fight, you are also teaching Yue Chen this kid, it's the right thing to beat him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hou Feng suddenly felt a burning pain on his face.

Bang! Two huge five-fingerprints appeared on his face. Before he could explain, the slap of the White Lion War Emperor fell on his face like raindrops.

All the people in Yue Guo were a little dumbfounded, and they didn't know what happened.

"This... isn't this old man the one invited by Hou Feng?

Why did they suddenly start fighting in their nests, and they fought with their own people? "

Guitong murmured, unable to understand the current situation.

Even Yue Chen was a little surprised. After the White Lion war emperor slapped 20 or 30 slaps from left to right, he turned to look at Yue Chen, and respectfully said: "This is little friend Yue Chen, I'm in heaven. The little friend Yue Chen that the Emperor Shi Zhan heard about."

The doubt in Yue Chen's eyes dissipated a bit after hearing him mention the Heavenly Food Zhan Emperor, but the bottom of his eyes was still a little bit puzzled.

Although he is kind to Heavenly Food Zhan Emperor, he should not be so polite to him by the White Lion Zhan Emperor, who has nothing to do with him?

Is it?

Yue Chen's face was startled, "It wasn't the Emperor Tianshi Zhan who used his last wish here, right?

This old guy is too bad! "

The Emperor Tianshi Zhan, who was far away in the Leng Howl Valley of the Qingping Continent, just swallowed a roasted pork leg and sneezed.

"Oh sneeze! What's the matter?

How can you feel cold with the strength of this war emperor?

It must be too little to eat, but also to eat more tonic! "

Seeing Yue Chen's face weird, the white lion war emperor quickly explained: "I heard from the Tianshi war emperor that little friend Yue Chen has a lot of cream and balm on hand. This time he came here to ask for medicine. "

"If little friend Yue Chen is willing to sell some cream balm, then my ten thousand beasts are willing to spend the price of an emperor soldier, and there is another promise."

As soon as he said this, everyone was surprised.

However, everyone was surprised in different directions. For example, Xu Chu and other generals were surprised that the White Lion Warrior was actually willing to take out an emperor soldier, and the shot was lavish.

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