Chapter 979

There was silence in the entire arena, and everyone watched blankly as the figure disappeared from their sight.

They looked at Qin Shan who fell on the ground, and then at the young man in Jinyi.

Just now, Qin Shan overwhelmed everyone with his powerful strength and became the first and strongest new student.

Today, however, the limbs are abolished.

Just now, a member of the noble and superior son’s employment group, Jinyi Senior, had his arms directly cut off.

Even worse than Qin Shan.

It’s all because of that young man, that new student, Wang Xian!

“How strong is his strength?”

A young man murmured and couldn’t help swallowing and spitting again.

“This this…”

The cold sweat on Duan Qingwen’s forehead kept flowing, and his eyes were full of fear.

A member of the Young Master’s Hiring Group, even the senior dared to cut off his arms directly, is too cruel.

If he dealt with himself this way, wouldn’t he be finished?

He can’t take out the spirit stone to restore his arm.

Once his arms were cut off, his life was over.

Now, he was a little grateful. Fortunately, Wang Xian ignored him at the time, otherwise…

The consequences are completely unimaginable for him!

The expressions on the faces of the rest of the freshmen are also very exciting.

This is the king of the new students, the strongest among the new students!

An extraordinary fourth-order senior was directly cut off his arms in less than ten seconds, this is extraordinary fourth-order!

Then, his strength is at least the fourth-order transcendent.

As to whether it is possible to be stronger, they don’t know.

But even so, it is already very awesome.

You know, there are no more than ten first-year freshmen and students who have reached the third rank. As for the fourth rank, it may be that the Demon Hunting Academy hasn’t appeared in ten years.

So strong, it is no longer on the same level with them.

“Damn, damn, our son’s hire group will not let you go, and my Liu Minghai will not let you go!”

At this time, the young man in Jinyi on the side showed a hideous look, and angry voices sounded around the arena of the competition.

“Qin Qing, that kid is too arrogant, he actually started so hard!”

Several girls from the Amethyst Employment Group hurriedly walked to Qin Qing’s side and looked at her brother’s broken limbs, with an angry expression on their faces.

“First give Xiaoshan a treatment!”

Qin Qing hugged Qin Shan with flushed eyes, and said calmly.

“Hmph, let’s report it to the teacher, that guy should be expelled if he shot so hard!”

“Yes, a small freshman who is so arrogant, really thinks he is invincible in the Demon Hunting Academy. Our Amethyst Hiring Group wants to deal with him easily!”

Several girls next to each other said with dissatisfaction.

“Let’s go, this thing can’t be forgotten!”

Qin Qing gritted her teeth and said with embarrassment.

The injury on Qin Shan’s body is not as simple as she said. If you want to heal completely, you need at least a million middle-grade spirit stones.

After all, although Wang Xian didn’t cut off his limbs just now, they were already shattered inside.

It is also a terrible expense to put a million middle-grade spirit stones in their home.

Where does this money come from?

Qin Qing’s face was very embarrassed, and there was only one way to ask the head of the group to borrow it.

But if you pay the debt later…

“You wait for me, you wait for me…”

Liu Minghai’s whisper came from the side, and he walked outside with a grim face.

Qin Qing looked at him with some anger and helplessness in her eyes.

If it hadn’t been for Liu Minghai’s words to beat Wangxian and give so many spirit stones, his own brother would not have shot.

If it hadn’t been for his younger brother for 400,000 middle-grade spirit stones, he would not have fallen into this situation.

Qin Qing left helplessly.

Watching Qin Qing and Liu Minghai leave, the new students behind slowly leave.

What happened here today, I believe, will spread throughout the Demon Hunting Academy in a short time.

Just as they said, what happened at the freshman competition ring was quickly passed on through the communication stone tray inside the Demon Hunting Academy.

When everyone saw the news, they were all dumbfounded.

“I’m going, won’t it be true? Now the new student is so fierce?”

“I cut off Liu Minghai’s arms directly, so fierce? Openly provoke the son’s hire group again?”

“The young man was called Wang Xian, and he openly threatened the Young Master’s Hiring Corps not to provoke him, otherwise he would simply abolish his limbs. This is the first person who dares to challenge the Young Master’s Hiring Corps!”

“Liu Minghai’s arms were directly cut off. If he wants to recover, at least tens of millions of middle-grade spirit stones, he is completely engaged with the Young Master’s Hiring Corps!”

“It’s not just the Young Master’s Employment Team. Qin Qing’s younger brother also directly caused Wang Xian to abolish his limbs. This is even the Amethyst Employment Team that provokes him!”

“I heard that Qin Qing’s brother’s limbs need a million middle-grade spirit stones to heal. Qin Qing is well-known in the Amethyst Hiring Group. It is estimated that many of her sisters want to avenge her!”

“The strength of this freshman is really terrifying, and his talent can be ranked at the top in our Demon Hunting Academy!”

“What about the horror? Now that I have provoke the Young Master Hiring Group and the Amethyst Hiring Group one after another, that kid is probably going to be over!”

In the communication slab, a group of students from the Demon Hunting Academy were discussing what happened today.

For a freshman who offended the two major hire groups of the Demon Hunting Academy, everyone was a little dumbfounded.

No matter how strong you are, you will directly provoke the two powerful mercenary groups in the Demon Hunting Academy, and you will be unlucky in the future.

Even death in the wild is not impossible.

“What an arrogant boy, very good, very good, for a long time no one dared to provoke our son’s hire group!”

At this moment, to the west of the Demon Hunting Academy, there is an area.

This area is the base of the employment association in the college.

Some of the college’s top hire groups will establish a headquarters here.

A luxurious courtyard is surrounded by tables, chairs and benches, and a dozen young people are sitting scattered on the chairs.

In the frontmost position, a young man was feeding a two-meter black bird with fresh beast meat in his hands.

While feeding, he said coldly.

“Liu Haiming has gone for treatment. That kid slapped our son’s employment team twice in a row. People who don’t know think we are bullied!”

Next to him, a young man with a black hat leaned on a chair and said slowly with his head up.

“Then don’t play with him, find a chance and just kill it!”

The young man who was feeding the black bird said lightly.

“Find someone to watch that kid, and if he goes out of the city, or if he accepts any task, report it immediately!”

The young people in the courtyard said that they did not have much reaction to today’s events.

The dog that bites doesn’t bark.

Their group of young masters with a good family is not only relying on the spirit stone to make the young master hire group become the sixth-ranked existence in the Demon Hunting Academy.

But their own strength.

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