Chapter 978: Seniors? Waste!

In the Demon Hunting Academy, it is very good to have an extraordinary Tier 4 strength. After graduation in the future, it will be scrambled by the major employment groups.

After all, the extraordinary fourth-order powerhouse around forty years old is still very young.

In East China Sea City, there are also a lot of people who are one or two hundred years old and are still extraordinary Tier Four.

Forty-year-old Transcendent Tier 4 has the possibility of becoming a top powerhouse!

Wang Xian’s current age has reached Transcendental Tier 4, he is definitely an evildoer, and he is stronger than 70% of the people in Transcendental Academy.

“The rubbish of the waste hire group, don’t let some rubbish waste my limbs, if you have the strength, come up by yourself!”

Standing on the ring, Wang Xian ignored Qin Shan and Qin Qing’s sister and brother. He pointed to the young man in the Jinyi’s employment group and mocked.


The violently changing face of the young man in Jin Yi slowly became gloomy, staring at Wang Xian very embarrassedly.

Just now, the strength that Wang Xian showed, surprised him, seeing that he actually pointed at himself and let himself come up.

He was angry and angry!

He is a sixth-grade student in the Demon Hunting Academy and a member of the college’s famous hired son.

Now he was ridiculed by a freshman.

Even if the strength of this new student is a bit enchanting.

However, this still made him extremely angry.


“Haha, good, let me come up and challenge me? Very good, good!”

The young man in Jin Yi was extremely angry and grinned, with a hideous look on his face.

With a movement of his body, he jumped directly onto the ring, and with a movement of his fingers, a golden long sword appeared in his hand.

A pair of armor appeared right in front of him.

The armor gleamed with golden light, and it was extraordinary at first glance.

Wearing it on, the young man in Jinyi stared at Wang Xian coldly, with a long sword in his hand pointing directly: “Boy, don’t think that you have some strength, you can be arrogant. Today, I will let you know the price of offending our son’s hire group!”

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian smiled coldly: “Abandon your limbs?”

“Just know!”

The Jinyi youth condensed his eyes and said coldly.

“I’m going, Wang Xian actually challenged senior seniors, and he is also a member of the Young Master’s Employment Team!”

“The equipment on this senior is Tier 5 extraordinary, he is simply too rich, a Tier 5 extraordinary armor weapon!”

“This King Immortal is looking for death, with the weapons and armor of the senior, ordinary extraordinary Tier 4 powerhouses are not opponents at all!”

“Too arrogant, he thought that if he could easily kill Qin Shan in a second, he would be able to fight against the transcendent Tier 4 seniors?”

All the students around saw that Wang Xian actually provoked the transcendent Tier 4 senior, with a look of astonishment on their faces.

Especially looking at the weapons and armors brought out by the young senior Jin Yi, I was even more shocked.

This piece of equipment is worth millions of middle-grade spirit stones!

“Destroy him, depose him!”

Not far from the ring, in the middle of the group of students in Class 3, Duan Qingwen murmured with a pale face.

Wang Xian made a move just now, which really scared him.

Thinking of my dissatisfaction with him over the past two days, and ridicule at him, I was even more frightened.

If Wang Xian wants to avenge him, he can easily play him to death!

“Your son’s hire group is really annoying!”

Wang Xian looked at the young man in Jin Yi, with a move of his palm, the red wooden sword appeared in his hand.

“Oh? Haha, bored? We will also be your nightmare in the future!”

The young man in Jinyi gritted his teeth, raised his head slightly, and turned his eyes to Qin Shan who fell on the ground and Qin Qing with red eyes.

“Dare to take such a heavy shot against Qin Shan, wait a while, I will let you pay back ten times!”

He raised his voice and said loudly.

“ten times!”

Wang Xian sneered, and the long sword in his hand directly lifted, and instantly attacked towards the young man in Jin Yi.

“Today, I want to teach you a good boy!”

Seeing Wang Xian attacking directly, the young man in Jin Yi shouted.

The golden long sword bloomed with golden light, and the sword was like the sharp beak of a bird, piercing directly towards Wang Xian.


With a wave of the red long sword in Wang Xian’s hand, the flame instantly enveloped the arena with a radius of one thousand meters.

Qin Qing’s face changed slightly, and she immediately flew below while holding her younger brother’s body.


“Fighting, this Wang Xian is so confident that he dared to confront the senior Grade 4 seniors!”

“Anyway, the strength of this king immortal is the strongest existence in our first grade!”

“Even if he is the strongest, but facing the sixth grade, in front of an extraordinary Tier 5 armor and weapon senior, he will lose!”


When the flames enveloped the ring, everyone’s faces showed shocked expressions, and they all started talking.

Qin Qing and Qin Shan, who came to the bottom, stared closely at the ring.

The golden light and flames blocked the sight of many people.

Basically, none of those present had reached the fourth-order transcendental level, and could not see the world shrouded in flames and golden light at all.


But soon, it can even be said to be an instant.

There was a scream of pain from the ring.

The miserable voice was full of horror, as if facing the threat of death.


“what happened?”

“It’s the voice of the senior.

Around, everyone’s face changed wildly when they heard this voice.


At this moment, the flame and golden light on the ring disappeared instantly, and a body flew heavily towards the bottom of the ring.

And the one who flew out with him had his arms.

Both arms were chopped!

Cut it directly!

In the Transcendent Continent, both arms can be recovered by cutting, but the spiritual stones needed to recover the pill, at least tens of millions of middle-grade spiritual stones.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to recover.

Seeing the beheaded arms, everyone was dumbfounded.


“My arm, my arm!”

The young man in Jinyi who fell heavily on the ground had hair scattered, and his face was full of fear.

He roared loudly, sounding very miserable.

Everyone was stunned, looking at the miserable situation of the young man in Jin Yi, their bodies couldn’t help retreating back.

“This… this, grumble!”


Some people couldn’t help swallowing and spitting, some people took a breath, and couldn’t help but retreat back.

Cut off his arms directly, such a brutal behavior, this will also be executed in a huge way in the Demon Hunting Academy.

This approach is very likely to be expelled from the Demon Hunting Academy directly.

He is so cruel!

So cruel!

“In the future, your son’s hire group, if anyone dares to bother me, I will just abolish my limbs and tell you all the sons of your son’s hire group!”

“in addition…”

Wang Xian raised his head, his gaze swept around, everyone met his gaze, and flickered away.

“In the future, if you provoke me, you have to think about whether you can bear the consequences!”

As he said, he smiled coldly, and jumped directly under the ring with a move.


Seeing Qin Shan staring at him, Wang Xian said with disdain, and walked directly outside.

Qin Shan’s face paled for a while, and Qin Qing next to him clenched her fists tightly!

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