Chapter 884

A cold shout sounded, making the faces of Aoxue’s group sank.

“Even Miss Aoxue dared to bully, I think you are purely seeking death!”

“Go, who did you let go, kid, provoke Miss Aoxue, Master Beiming and others, you don’t know how to die if you die!”

“The stinky kid from there, pay attention to what you say, and be careful not to live long!”

However, as soon as Wang Xian finished speaking, a ridiculous and cold voice came from around.

One by one young people stood up and stared at Wang Xian and the others coldly.

“Miss Aoxue, would you like us to help you later!”

One by one young people, with a look of flattery in their eyes, said to them towards Aoxue.

Aoxue, the group of people, is one of the best in the entire square. If they take care of them, the chances of completing the assessment will increase a lot.

In the assessment of the Demon Hunting Academy, candidates can form a team. As a demon hunter, it is normal to have a team.

As long as the assessment task can be completed, regardless of method or means.

“If it goes well, help!”

Aoxue saw the appearance of several young people’s flattery, raised her head slightly, and said coldly.

“Yes Yes!”

Several young people nodded quickly.

“What’s the matter? They provoke Aoxue Qingfeng Beiming and the others?”

“Hey, there will be death in the assessment, this group of people is going to be unlucky!”

“Aoxue and his family are all strong in the hire group. I heard that they have done several missions with the hire group, and the methods are very strong!”

“It’s really looking for death, and that’s okay, a few competitors are missing!”

“Look, the badge they wore on their chest turned out to be a bronze one-star mercenary group!”

“A bronze one-star cannon fodder mercenary group, dare to provoke Aoxue and the others? Is this looking for death?”

The people around were slightly surprised, but when they saw Wang Xian wearing the bronze one-star mercenary group badge on their chests, they all showed abusive expressions on their faces.

A rookie, go to provoke their group of arrogances, and each of them has an extremely strong background. Isn’t this an act of seeking death?

It’s no wonder that a few people just flattered them directly, holding a few rookies to please Aoxue and the others, it couldn’t be more appropriate!

Wang Xian and the group of dragon people heard the sounds around them, their expressions gradually became gloomy and cold, his eyes swept across the group of people, and a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

In the square, thousands of other people looked over with abusive faces, full of schadenfreude.


At this moment, the sound of a bird’s song resounded over the entire square.

“The tutor from the Demon Hunting Academy is here!”

All the faces in the square changed slightly, and they whispered quickly, one by one young people stood up straight.

“Go, let’s go ahead.”

Qingfeng held his head high, holding a knife in both hands, and walked toward the front.


Aoxue nodded, passing by the voices in front of Wang Xian and them, looking at them with a smile on her face, and said naughty: “Regret it? But regret is useless now, hehe!”

After she finished speaking, she walked forward with a smile on her face.

Wang Xian’s face was calm, his eyes flickered, and he didn’t speak.


At this moment, there was a sound of wings stirring up in the sky.

Wang Xian glanced at their backs and looked into the sky.

There are five middle-aged people, and each middle-aged person exudes a strong aura.

This terrifying aura, unconcealedly, moved toward the downward pressure.

“It’s horrible, at least Tier 5 Beyond!”

“Hey, the fifth-level extraordinary, in Shenghai Town, it is also a strong one!”

The faces of the youths showed solemn expressions.

Although the life span of an extraordinary power has reached five hundred years, it is very difficult to increase their strength, requiring a lot of resources to comprehend magical powers.

Sometimes, a class can trap a warrior for decades, or even hundreds of years.

Not to mention, in this world, the chance of death is too great.

Even if he is extraordinary, he can’t guarantee that he can live for two to three hundred years.

“There are a lot of people, there are tens of thousands of people!”

“There are more people, more deaths, too many, cut half of them, or at least a few thousand people will die!”

Five middle-aged people stood on a ten-meter-sized black strange bird, and two of them murmured downwards.

The sound spread throughout the square.

The words of the two middle-aged people changed the faces of all the young people, but they gritted their teeth and their faces were full of fighting spirit.

At this time, they can’t show their timidity, it is tantamount to being eliminated directly!

The Demon Hunting Academy does not look at talents or age, only whether you can complete the assessment and hunt down monsters!

This is the only standard of the Demon Hunting Academy.

“Hehe, they are all brave!”

A young and middle-aged man laughed.

“This year’s assessment task is carried out on the fisherman island. Each person gets five jade glues to complete the task. If so many people go, but if you want to deliver food, get out part of it!”

The middle-aged man standing on the left said, touching his chin, and yelling at the last sentence.

“Murman Island, get five jade glues!”

“This… turned out to be going to fish island to get jade glue!”


The complexions of everyone in the square changed slightly, and some youths even turned pale.

“You will leave in five minutes. At that time, you will directly enter the fisherman island. We will not be responsible for the death or injury. If you want to exit now, speed up and don’t miss your life!”

The middle-aged swept across the crowd below and waved impatiently.

“I… I quit!”

“I also quit!”

“Murman Island, the big-mouthed piranhas above are at least Tier 1 transcendent, and the center position even has big-mouthed piranhas of Tier 4 and 5!”

The young people were pale and bowed their heads and walked outside.

For a time, successive people walked towards the outside, this task is difficult to complete for the first-order transcendent, and the second-order transcendent must be cautious.

In the field, most of them were Transcendent Level One, and each of them could only embarrassedly walk outside and exit.

Five minutes later, there were only a thousand people in the square.

“This is almost the same. Everyone receives the assessment card. The task period is two days. As long as the assessment task is completed, they can withdraw directly. If the over-completed is completed, they will be directly added to the future credits. The credits are of great use! There is one last point. , Die if you die!”

A middle-aged man said with a smile on his face: “Fly with us to the beach, the ship is ready!”


The crowd below nodded and flew directly into the air. Obviously, the Demon Hunting Academy has the privilege of flying in the town.


A few middle-aged people didn’t have the slightest wordy, and flew directly into the sky.

“Hehe, I didn’t expect you to still dare to stay here!”

Just when Wang Xian and the others flew into the sky, a mocking voice came.

Wang Xian turned his head and grinned: “I have been depressed for a long time since I came here!”

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