Chapter 883

“Let’s go!”

Walking out of the hired group, Wang Xian and his party walked directly to a restaurant, rented a few rooms, and ordered some food.

The ordinary buildings on the Super Continent have five or six stories, about 20 meters high, and they are unusually strong.

In each town or city, there will be four or five huge towers, which are used to watch the towers from afar, with fixed formations and defensive flying monsters.

“Long Er Long San, you are a bit older, past the age of enrollment in the Demon Hunting Academy!”

Sitting on the table, Wang Xian glanced over the ten people beside him.

The previous names were too troublesome, and Wang Xian directly named them Long Yi to Long Shi.

Gu Qingwen is Longyi.

Long Er Long San are two middle-aged men, they are over sixty years old!

In the Transcendent Continent, people in their sixties are middle-aged, and young people under 50 are young.

To reach the extraordinary, the life span will be 500 years, and below 40 years old, it is already very young.

“It’s the team leader. If you enter the Demon Hunting Academy, we can only wait outside and wait until the task is done!”

The two middle-aged people nodded and said bitterly.

“Dragon King, I was not sure to enter the Demon Hunting Academy before, but now I am 80% sure!”

Long Yi’s face is full of fighting spirit: “With the blood of Shenlong, our current strength has been greatly improved. I dare not say invincible at the same level, but there are absolutely few opponents!”

Dragon Two and Dragon Three are Transcendent Tier 3, Long Yi and they are Transcendent Tier Two.

The former Shengyao hired group was one-star silver.

Long Yiji is now about 30 years old, and his talent is considered to be a genius level.

The rest of the crowd are already thirty-eight-nine and ninety-nine, close to forty, and barely meet the qualifications of the Demon Hunting Academy.

After becoming dragons and possessing the blood of Shenlong, their strength has been greatly improved.

“Look at it tomorrow, if you can join, it’s the best!”

Wang Xian nodded slowly.

Early the next morning, Wang Xian got up early.

After a simple meal, the group put on the emblem of the Xianfeng Mercenary Group and drove towards the square.

“Hurry up, let’s go there quickly!”

“Son, remember what I said to you, you must be cautious. Survival is of the utmost importance. Even if the assessment is not completed!”

“I don’t know what this year’s assessment is. Last year’s assessment is equivalent to a five-star bronze mission. I hope it won’t be so difficult this year!”

Early in the morning, a crowd of people hurriedly walked toward the square, some with their children, and some with excited faces.

Those who do not participate in the assessment are prohibited from entering the square!

A sign was placed at the entrance of the square, and a middle-aged man was standing there.

On the shoulders of the middle-aged, stood a black crow. The crow’s eyes were khaki-yellow, which looked very strange.

“We want to participate in the assessment!”

When Wang Xian and the others arrived, Long Yi said towards the middle-aged.


The middle-aged said indifferently.

The nine people immediately walked towards the square.

“This brother, I am the deputy head of the Hongliu Employment Group. I sent my son to participate in this assessment…

“Those who don’t participate in the assessment shut up, and those who participate in the assessment enter inside!”


“The Torrent Mercenary Group is the Golden Two-Star Mercenary Group. We are a famous and powerful mercenary group in Shenghai Town!”

“What’s the use?”

A voice came from behind, and some young people in the square stood there a little at a loss.

There are also some young people gathered together, wearing some college costumes.

“There are many students in Transcendent Academy…”

“There are also many elite students in Shenghai Academy!”

“Our Shenghai Town can have at most 70 or 80 people who can join the Demon Hunting Academy, and now so many proud men of the sky have come!”

At this time, voices came from the side, talking with embarrassment.

Wang Xian glanced away, and the so-called Transcendent College Shenghai College belonged to the Junior Training College.

Ordinary children will enter these academies to study and practice systematically, and then practice to break through to the extraordinary realm.

Those who are qualified and talented can enter the Intermediate Academy, which is similar to the Demon Hunting Academy.

However, the Demon Hunting Academy is very dangerous. If you enter the academy, the chance of death is very high, because hunting demon hunting is a battle.

And there will be many life and death battles.

One after another, more and more young people entered the square, and soon there were tens of thousands of young people in the entire square.

“It’s Aoxue, Qingfeng, and Beiming. The strength of their team is very strong. Almost 100% can enter the Demon Hunting Academy!”

“Aoxue, the daughter of Dogfish’s deputy head Aotian, Qingfeng, is the third most powerful among the current graduates of Transcendental College, and Beiming and Transcendental College’s graduates are ranked second. All of them have Transcendent Second-tier strength. Moreover, the group of people beside them is not weak. Together, they can definitely complete the assessment task!”

“It would be great if I could join their team!”

“Get out of the way, they walked towards the front, let’s get out of it!”

There was a small sensation behind, and Wang Xian immediately heard the group of people behind to give way.

Wang Xian turned his head slightly in surprise and looked at the group of people walking forward.

A group of eight people, two women, and six men.

“is her?”

Wang Xian frowned.


A cold stare came over, and the figure of the woman stopped.

“What’s wrong with Aoxue?”

The girl next to him saw him stop suddenly, asked suspiciously, and followed her gaze.

“Unexpectedly, I would meet you here!”

Aoxue laughed suddenly, her smile was full of gloom, full of drama.

“What’s wrong? Aoxue, do you know them?”

A young man on the side raised his eyebrows, looked at Aoxue, and scanned Wang Xian.

“Yes, my sword was destroyed by him, and they still want to kill me, ha ha!”

Aoxue was still smiling, but her eyes were like poisonous snakes.

“Is there such a thing?”

The young man slowly narrowed his eyes and swept Wang Xian’s crowd up and down.

“That’s what happened yesterday!”

Aoxue slowly reduced her smile: “I didn’t expect you to also participate in the assessment of the Demon Hunting Academy, very good!”

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian smiled coldly when he heard what they said.

When the people around heard the situation here, they looked over with amazement.

“Laugh, laugh now, no one has dared to destroy my sword yet, and wants to attack me. Tell you, it’s not safe outside, so be careful during the assessment!”

Aoxue said coldly.

“Hehe, someone dared to bully Aoxue, it seems that there are more corpses in the wild!”

The corner of the mouth of a young man next to him was slightly raised, and he shook the long sword in his handshake, and smiled coldly.


Wang Xian frowned and shouted coldly at them.

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