Chapter 740 Injured (16/20)

The elders and deacons of the Huangtian Immortal Clan looked at their prince, looking at each other.

It was the first time they saw the prince who was so optimistic about him.

That domineering, horrifying talent, the optimistic prince squatted on the ground and started crying.

The look of self-blame on their faces made them look distressed.

They can also guess some from the Prince’s mouth.

The two half-step fairy gods, thirteen infant realm powerhouses, and the terrifying fairy-breaking blasting stone, with their prince’s strength, have no ability to resist.

Only two half-step strong immortals can make the prince unable to escape.

Now that their prince can escape, it is obviously related to the seriously injured girl Wang Yu.

They also heard Elder Feng said that the girl’s strength was terrifying, and it didn’t take long to even be able to step into the realm of immortals.

“Hunyuan fairy gate, you are looking for death!”

Elder Feng roared with cold eyes.

“Immediately activate Xianmen’s highest alert, ready to fight at any time!”

An old man with a cane said in a deep voice.

“It’s the Great Elder!”

A group of elders and deacons immediately responded loudly.

“I’ll contact the head!”

“This girl must be cured, even if it consumes more pills!”

“Elder Feng, come and enlighten the prince!”

The old man on crutches issued orders one by one, and in an instant, dozens of Huangtianxianmen powerhouses immediately began to implement them.

The Hunyuan Immortal Gate dispatched such a powerful man to kill their prince, which is tantamount to declaring war!

The headmaster has only one son, and he is also their future headmaster heir to the immortal door. Nothing can be lost!

“Boom boom boom, boom boom boom!”

The rapid ringing of bells rang through the entire Huangtian City and Huangtian Immortal Gate, and the bells ringed endlessly.

This caused a huge change in the expressions of all the people in Huangtian Immortal Gate and Huangtian City.

“The highest alert, everyone prepares weapons!”

A roar resounded through the entire Huangtian City, and in an instant, everyone was in a state of combat!

Vigilance, the highest vigilance!

The practice of Hunyuan Fairy Gate can already be upgraded to Fairy Gate War.

Everything waits for the head to come back and give an order!

“What’s the matter? How could it be the highest alert?”

At this moment, in a street in Huangtian City, the faces of Elder Fan and the Brambles faction changed slightly.

“What is the highest alert?”

Elder Fan immediately asked a few people from the Brambles faction on the side.

“The highest alert means entering a state of combat, and war may break out at any time. This war is the war of the entire fairy gate!”

Several thorns people said with horror on their faces.

“What happened?”

Elder Fan frowned, his face changed slightly, and immediately picked up his mobile phone to call Xiao Yu.

However, the phone could not get through, which made her have a bad feeling!

“I’ll go find Xiao Yu first!”

Elder Fan moved directly towards the position of Huangtian Immortal Gate.

The ten dragon people not far away frowned and hurriedly followed.

“This lady…”

“Is Xiao Yu in your fairy gate?”

“Yes, Miss Yu and our prince are in danger, Miss Yu is healing!”

“Take me over immediately!”

Elder Fan followed an immortal elder into Yaofeng, and saw Xiaoyu who was pale on the bed’s face changed slightly!

“Don’t worry, Miss Wang Yu has nothing to do with her. She is currently recovering. We will treat Miss Wang Yu with the best medicine!”

An elder in the room saw Elder Fan coming in and immediately walked over and said.

“Let me look at her!”

Elder Fan’s expression was a little embarrassed, and he walked over with some self-blame in his heart.

Feeling the injury on her body, I breathed a sigh of relief.

As the mutant bone dragon, Elder Fan knew that Xiaoyu was only seriously injured, and it was not a major problem.

His gaze swept over the pill that contained powerful energy next to him.

These pills are enough to make Xiaoyu recover.

The heart that lifted up also relaxed.

“With Xiaoyu’s strength, and a half-step immortal god and three infant realm powerhouses around him secretly protected, how could he get hurt!”

Elder Fan glanced at Feng Lingtian who was lying on the bed, and said with a calm face to the elders who were on crutches around them.


Elder Huang Tianxianmen and Elder Feng were slightly surprised when they heard her words!


At this moment, drops of blood suddenly dripped towards the ground out of thin air.

Everyone was stunned, and the expressions of the elders of Huangtianxianmen suddenly changed, and they immediately took out their weapons.

“Crook, are you injured, show up!”

Elder Fan glanced over, his face changed slightly, and said quickly.


A treacherous monster appeared, with a faint white light emitting from his body, and the white light energy slowly dissipated, revealing his true body.

There is this terrible wound on his body.

Elder Fan’s face changed slightly, and he immediately took out the pills from the space ring.

“Thank you, give me some pills!”

Elder Fan said with a calm face.

The elders at the Huangtian Immortal Gate next to them saw all the wicked monsters inhaling a cold breath, and a look of horror flashed in their eyes.

The injuries were so serious that they could still hide in the room without being discovered by them.

The person who shocked him the most was a very strange creature.

“Hurry up, trouble!”

A trace of impatience appeared in Elder Fan’s eyes, and a faint aura exuded from his body.

Everyone was shocked again, and glanced at each other: “Immediately take the pill for treatment!”

“Only one of the four treacherous monsters has appeared, and the rest are probably already…”

Elder Fan was calm.

At this moment, she saw Feng Lingtian walking towards Xiaoyu’s bed, her face slightly calm: “Feng Lingtian, what happened to Xiaoyu!”

“Let me do it!”

Elder Feng looked at Elder Fan and slowly began to explain.


Without saying a few words, there was a voice from Xiao Yu, and Elder Fan was taken aback and walked over immediately.

“Xiaoyu, you are okay, are you okay!”

Standing on the side, Feng Lingtian asked with a bit of excitement when he saw Xiaoyu wake up.

“Have you escaped? That’s good, it seems you still have some effect!”

Xiaoyu looked at Feng Lingtian and smiled.

“I’m useless, I’m useless at all!”

Feng Lingtian stood there with his head down, his body trembling a little!

Xiaoyu was stunned, and a smile squeezed out on his face: “It’s still useful, we can’t escape without you!”

“They came to kill me. If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t…”

Feng Lingtian lowered his head and said quietly.

“Well, if it weren’t for me to let you take me to play, you wouldn’t be attacked, things are over, why are you still like a girl!”

Xiaoyu said with a sense of amusement.

“Xiaoyu, if I follow you today, maybe you won’t get hurt!”

Elder Fan walked over with some self-blame and said towards her.

“Master, how can I blame you, don’t blame it, I just got hurt a little bit!”

Xiaoyu smiled.

“I will tell your brother about this now!”

Elder Fan took out his cell phone and said.

“No, no need, let me tell my brother when I’m better!”

Xiaoyu shook his head immediately and looked at his master.

“Three creeps may have died!”

Elder Fan sighed and said.

“Then… Then I’ll tell my brother!”

Xiaoyu was startled, and said hesitantly.

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