Chapter 739 Beauty To Save The Hero 5 (15/20)

Xiaoyu’s face changed slightly when he saw what they had thrown over, and he was about to flee towards the surroundings.

However, the horror-breaking blasting stone did not attack towards their center position, but blocked all the areas where they escaped.


When Feng Lingtian saw the surrounding blasting stones, his face showed despair.

This time, he was even more desperate than when he was surrounded by fifteen strong immortals.

Xiaoyu’s face changed slightly, and the black bone shield on his left hand was directly enlarged.

At this time, Feng Lingtian felt the black bone shield surrounding it.

“My defense is very strong!”

Xiaoyu glanced at Feng Lingtian and said to him.


However, at this moment, the blasting stones that blocked the immortals around them exploded.

The power of terror.

Even at a distance of 100 meters, Xiao Yu felt a terrifying energy impact on her body.


Xiaoyu’s face changed drastically, and a mouthful of blood was spit out directly on Feng Lingtian’s body.

“Not good!” Her expression changed.

“Boom boom boom!”

At this moment, a series of explosions came, and the blood in Xiaoyu’s mouth could not be controlled and vomited out.

Feng Lingtian was completely stunned, looking at the blood in front of him, his eyes blank.


However, at this moment, an unparalleled explosion sounded above their heads.

Like the sky is falling,

The ground collapsed!


A crack appeared on Xiaoyu’s shield, her face changed slightly, and a trace of panic appeared in her eyes.

The bone shield itself is a part of her body.

She was originally a mutant bone dragon, and the bone shield was her physical body. Now the bone shield is split, which is equivalent to her body being severely injured.


The surrounding explosion sound continued, and a drop of blood stayed on the bone shield and fell towards the position below.

Bright red blood dripped on Feng Lingtian’s body, regaining some color in his absent-minded eyes.

The explosion sound around began to decrease!

He looked quickly and found that Xiaoyu’s face was extremely pale, and his whole person seemed to have no vitality!

“No, no, why am I so useless!”

Seeing this scene, Feng Lingtian suddenly felt extremely painful, his eyes were blood red, and his face slowly became grim. A drop of blood was spit out from his mouth, and his body was glowing with blue wind.

Feng Mang directly tore his upper body clothes.


A big mouthful of blood was spit out from his mouth, and the whole world seemed to calm down in his ears.

The sound of the explosion, the sound of the broken fairy blasting stone thrown over.


Blood began to flow out of his eyes, and he picked up Xiao Yu’s body and flew into the sky in an instant.

“Shadowless Blood Escape!”

He roared, and the whole person flew in the direction of Huangtian Immortal Gate at a speed that was three or four times faster than usual.

“Stop him and kill him!”

The surrounding Hunyuan Immortal Gates saw the figure suddenly flying out and roared loudly.

“Swish swish!”

In an instant, golden figures attacked Feng Lingtian.

“Damn it!”

“How can there be such a terrifying defense, and the speed of that little bunny erupting, so fast!”

In the sky, the deputy head of Hunyuan Immortal Clan looked slightly embarrassed.

He clenched his fists, glanced at the old man not far away, and finally let go.

If it weren’t for the fairy gods beside him, he would really dare to take the risk.

But there was an immortal god next to him watching, once he acted, he violated the immortal god’s agreement!

If the gods violate the treaty, they will be sanctioned by all the gods.

So far, no fairy god has dared to offend, because the rules are set, the first offender, and everyone who establishes the rules will definitely take the first offender.

At that time, even his hands-on will make the entire fairy gate into a desperate situation!

He dared not take risks.

Feng Lingtian’s figure flew in the direction of Huangtian Immortal Gate at a terrifying speed.

The crowd behind could not keep up at all.

The wind attribute is one of the best in terms of speed. Now Feng Lingtian explodes with blood sacrifice, and the speed is even more terrifying.

None of the powerhouses of Hunyuan Immortal Gate expected that they would be able to withstand the attack of the Broken Immortal Blasting Stone.

This kind of blasting stone will be severely injured in an instant if it is hit by a celestial god in half a step.

The strong immortal gods would also be injured if they were hit by dozens of them at the same time.

At this time, in the place where the bombing was just now, deep pits of several hundred meters appeared.

If it weren’t for Xiaoyu, it was a mutant bone dragon, and replaced with another dragon, unless the earth dragon might not be killed.

The rest of the dragons will die directly under this terrifying attack.

“Ah, it’s coming soon, it’s coming soon!”

Feng Lingtian hugged Xiaoyu’s body and turned into a blue light.

“Ah, come here, come here!”

Huangtian Immortal Gate was close in front of him, and the group of powerful infants at Hunyuan Immortal Gate stopped with ugly expressions.

Feng Lingtian’s stern voice sounded at Huangtian Immortal Gate.

This completely stunned everyone in Huangtianxianmen.

“It’s the voice of the prince!”

“It’s Ling Tian’s voice!”

A shocked voice came, and the complexions of a group of Huangtianxianmen powerhouses changed drastically, and they flew into the sky in an instant.

The prince’s voice was too harsh, making them panic!


“Ling Tian!”

“Ling Tian!”

Seeing Feng Lingtian’s figure, the complexion of a group of powerful immortal infants realm changed drastically, and they flew over in an instant!

A group of strong people instantly supported Feng Lingtian’s body with wind energy!

“Go and save him! Hurry up!”

Feng Lingtian looked at the elders and deacons around him and shouted loudly.

“I’m so useless, so useless, I need a woman to protect it!”

Feng Lingtian kept talking, causing the Huang Tianxian Clan expert’s complexion to slightly change.

“Ling Tian, ​​go to Yaofeng, let’s go to Yaofeng!”

A group of people quickly looked at Xiaoyu in his arms, their faces changed slightly as they watched the bone shield that was spilled with blood.


A crowd of people fell on a mountain in an instant.

“Bring all the pills of the immortal door, all of them!”

Feng Lingtian said frantically.

“Yes, Lao Feng, bring all the pills of Xianmen, all of them!”

A group of strong men from Huangtianxianmen saw their prince in such a crazy state, their expressions also changed drastically, they shouted loudly.

“Save her, we must save her!”

Feng Lingtian’s spirit seemed to be irritated and roared.

“Ling Tian, ​​calm down, Miss Wang Yu still has a lot of vitality, but her body has suffered a powerful attack!”

Elder Feng sensed Xiaoyu’s body, heaved a sigh of relief, and said solemnly towards Feng Lingtian.

“Ling Tian, ​​who attacked you?”

An old man handed Feng Lingtian pills one by one, and said with murderous intent in his eyes.

“It’s the Hunyuan Immortal Gate. They trapped us with the Hunyuan Formation and attacked us with Broken Immortal Explosive Stones. If not, if it weren’t for her to block the attack for me, I’m afraid…”

“I’m so useless. Without her, two half-step immortals and thirteen powerful infants would have killed me!”

Feng Lingtian cried as he talked, squatting on the ground and constantly blaming himself.

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