Chapter 706 Great Changes in the World (Fifth!)

“Ring Ling Ling~”

Standing in the center of the Dragon Palace and looking around, Wang Xian suddenly heard a beautiful voice.

This voice directly conveyed to the depths of his heart, making him feel unconsciously happy.

Wang Xian was slightly stunned, standing there listening slowly, he suddenly felt that his mind was taken in.

Wang Xian was alert and immediately came out of this state.

“What is this, and how can it infect a person’s heart so easily?”

There was a surprised look on Wang Xian’s face. At this moment, he found that he was in front of a mountain not far in front.

Hundreds of dolphins lay there while making the same sound inside their bodies.

Although it wasn’t as irritating as the one from the Dragon King Palace, this sound was still capable of moving people’s emotions.

“Dragon King, this is the special energy of Tang Yinxuan and the dolphins. They can attack with sound, and they can also use sound to mobilize emotions, a very powerful method!”

At this time, Prime Minister Turtle came to Wang Xian’s side and explained to him.

“No wonder!”

Wang Xian nodded, no wonder Xiaoyu Lan Qingyue and the others were not excited or happy when he entered, but instead told him not to speak.

He shook his head speechlessly.

“The energy of these dolphins has a very good effect. The aquarium can’t relax. After hearing the sound of the dolphins, they can quickly enter the practice. Even Miss Tang Yinxuan can guide them to practice with her voice!”

Prime Minister Kame continued.

“So amazing?”

Wang Xian was surprised.

“Yes, Dragon King, Miss Tang Yinxuan saved our lives. Now it is of great use to the development of our Dragon Palace Aquarium. I suggest that Dragon King keep it in the Dragon Palace!”

Prime Minister Turtle suggested.


Wang Xian nodded: “Go and organize the aquarium to give a second sermon right away. In addition, the effect of the star guide can only last for one year, allowing all members of the Dragon Palace to retreat and practice for one year!”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded, and immediately went to organize.

Wang Xian moved into the palace of the Dragon Palace, and he smiled when he saw six girls chatting there.

“elder brother!”

Xiaoyu walked over, holding his shoulders with a smile on his face.

“Wake up, thank you for your last reminder!”

Wang Xian touched Xiaoyu’s head, looked at Tang Yinxuan, and said with a smile.

“Need not!”

Tang Yinxuan smiled faintly.

“Is it all done?”

Lan Qingyue walked to Wang Xian’s side and asked towards him.

“It’s all handled. I got a treasure outside and practiced in the Dragon Palace. The effect is only a little worse than that of the Reiki Waterfall. It can last for one year. If you don’t take care of things, I am going to retreat in the Dragon Palace for a year!”

Wang Xian said to them.

“Retreat for a year?”

Lan Qingyue and the others slowly nodded: “Yes, Xiaoxian, now the world of China is undergoing major changes. The advent of the world of Jiuding has a great impact on the real world!”

“Well, it’s probably going to be chaotic for a while, anyway, it doesn’t have much to do with us, we just need to practice hard!”

Wang Xian smiled, and Lan Qingyue and the others came to the position of the dragon chair and looked at Guan Shuqing, who was still unconscious.

“Xiao Xian, Yin Xuan said, Shuqing may be something wrong with the soul, and the soul is too weak to support her awakening. Finding some spiritual herbs that strengthen the soul can help her wake up quickly. Another is to wait for time. When it grows, see if her soul will repair and grow by itself.”

Sun Lingxiu looked at Guan Shuqing’s body and said to Wang Xian.

“Well, after waiting for a year, if you still don’t wake up, take her to seek medical advice!”

Wang Xian nodded slowly.

“Okay, we are cultivating here, I don’t know if we can step into the realm of immortals in one year!”

Lan Qingyue said with a smile.

“I am going to organize a sermon soon, and start practicing after the sermon!”

Wang Xian said.

After resting in the Dragon Palace for a long time, Prime Minister Turtle informed Wang Xian that all the aquatic races had arrived.

Wang Xian walked out of the bedroom, glanced around and looked at the billions of water people.

Compared to the last time, these aquariums look more alert, powerful, and fierce.

Exudes a sense of spirituality.

However, when they saw Wang Xian coming out, they were very gentle in an instant, looking at him in the sky piously.

Wang Xian transformed into a dragon and began his second sermon.

The method of cultivation, the technique of cultivation, directly enters the minds of hundreds of millions of water races.

At the location of the Dragon King’s palace, six girls looked at him with admiration.

The sermon continued for two hours, and then Wang Xian returned to the Dragon Palace and began to retreat.

Lan Qingyue Xiaoyu and the rest of the girls also began to practice in retreat.

The star guide plate, a heaven-defying auxiliary treasure for cultivation, cannot be wasted.

The entire Dragon Palace fell into peace. In the Dragon King Palace, Wang Xian and six beautiful women were practicing, while in other places, all Dragon Palace members were practicing.

Even if it was Prime Minister Ao Jian and the others.

With the help of the star guide, the nine-joo is entrenched in the dragon, and they may be able to advance to the thirteenth level in one or two years.

At that time, the Dragon Palace will directly add nine immortal gods, and even the worlds that appear in the world of Jiuding can occupy a place.

In addition, before practicing in retreat, the matter of stealing dragon veins has also been arranged.

Time slowly passed, and the whole world was undergoing tremendous changes.

Two months later, all Jiuding World appeared, and countless Jiuding World warriors entered the arena.

The immortal gates are in power, and twenty immortal gates stand on the rivers and lakes, raising the power of the rivers and lakes to a terrifying level.

There are constant disputes between the arena, the battle between the fairy gate and the fairy gate.

The collision between genius and genius.

The impact of the real world and the world of Jiuding.

Combination of martial arts and reality.

Everything was going on, even the battle of the gods and gods broke out, the sky was dim, the sun and the moon were dark.

All this has nothing to do with the Dragon Palace, which is far away from disputes.

Time flies quickly, there is no sun or moon in cultivation, and a year is fleeting.

“Brother, shall we go out?”

A year later, when the energy of the star’s lead dissipated, Xiaoyu held Wang Xian’s arm with excitement and asked.

“It’s time to go out and have a look, Qingyue, Lingxiu, Yinxuan, Qinglan, are you going out?”

Qinglan is Elder Fan’s name, originally named Fan Qinglan.

“It’s time to go home and have a look!”

Lan Qingyue and the others nodded.

“Okay, let’s go then.”

Wang Xian smiled and looked aside: “Ao Yao!”

“The minister is here!”

Ao Yao’s figure instantly emerged from the Dragon King’s palace.

“Calling sixteen infancy demons to go out with me, you also go out with me!”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Ao Yao nodded.

“Magic Blue Dragon!”

“The old slave is here!”

“Call all the members of Longmen, let’s go out!”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

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