Chapter 705 Retreat for a year (fourth!)

“Ah, ah, I am not reconciled. I knew that I would kill you all even if I was seriously injured!”

Over the island, a stern voice came.

“Dead, dead, both adults, Snow Demon and Blood Arrow, are dead!”

“Under the siege of the six immortals, the two adults couldn’t escape at all. The enemies they provoke are too terrifying!”

“Let’s go quickly, and run away from here!”

When the voice of grief and indignation resounded through the world, more than two million people fleeing below were full of horror. After looking back, they continued to flee forward.


Wang Xian snorted at them, waved his arm, and threw the two dying fairy gods, Snow Demon and Blood Arrow, to the ground, staring at them coldly.

“Looking for a dead end!”

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, two water swords penetrated his head directly.

The two space rings flew into Wang Xian’s hands. He opened them and looked at them, with a satisfied expression on his face.

The two space rings were much larger than the ones he carried.

A full 2,000-meter-square-meter space is filled with a lot of metal materials.

In addition, there are actually four or five eighth-level spirit grasses.

The eighth-level spirit grass has a great effect on the lower gods.

In addition, there are six thirteen level spiritual weapons in the space ring of the two people.

Two spirit swords with water energy, three staffs, and one armor.

“Jade Hand Immortal Gate combat skills, the combat skills of the Zombie Dao!”

Wang Xian looked at the two dark books and the legend of combat skills, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

These combat skills can completely make the magic monkey practice, and it has a great effect on the members of the Dragon Palace.

“The two corpses are put away, this fairy god is full of treasures!”

There was a smile on Wang Xian’s face, and there were almost a dozen tons of materials at only Level 13.

“The treasures of the entire Yuding World, probably most of them are among the two of them!”

Wang Xian raised his head and looked at the stars in the sky.

He moved his body and came to the side of the star guide.

Star Lead: Extraordinary

Function: lay down a starry sky practice site.

Consumables: can be used 0 times

When Wang Xian saw the news of the star guide, he was stunned.

“What’s the matter, the level, the level turned out to be extraordinary, what is extraordinary?”

Wang Xian was shocked and extraordinary. This was the first time he heard a level.

“Transcendent, is it the realm of immortals? Or? Higher than the realm of immortals?”

“No, my current strength hasn’t even completed the first transformation of the Shenlong Transformation. The level of this fairy god is just the name of the earth warrior. In terms of the cultivation level of the universe, there may be another name!”

“And transcendent, it is very likely to be the name that exists after the immortal god!”

Wang Xian looked in his heart and guessed in his heart.

Now, although his realm is called immortal gods, he knows that, compared with the immortal immortal gods in the legend, they are not gods.

The realm of immortals on earth has a life span of only 500 years.

“Forget it, don’t think about it, this transcendent state is obviously not the division of the realm on earth!”

Wang Xian shook his head, no longer thinking about this distant problem.

“Search for any treasures in the mountain and take them all!”

Wang Xian stretched out his hand and directly held the star guide in his hand.

The star guide has been turned on and will only dissipate when it is consumed.

“Dragon King, there are some elixir in the medicine garden, I am going to take the whole medicine garden away directly!”

“In addition to the medicine garden, we found a large number of corpses in it, many of which were the corpses of the powerful infants. They were used to refine the puppets. These can become the nourishment of the dragon pond!”

Below, Prime Minister Turtle’s voice came.

“Okay, take it all away, let’s go back!”

Wang Xian took the star guide and said to them.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Tortoise nodded, and with a wave of his arm, a medicine garden about two kilometers in radius flew directly into the air, supported by him with khaki energy.


A group of people moved and flew towards the Dragon Palace at a terrifying speed.

At this point, the world of Yu Ding disappeared into the world just now.

In the future, there will be no legends about the world of Yu Ding.

Yu Ding was also destined to become the world where the only fairy god was destroyed, the top powerhouse was killed, and a group of immortal disciples escaped in the world of Jiuding.

A terrifying world powerhouse disappeared.

Instead, the Dragon Palace is more powerful.


When Wang Xian came around the Dragon Palace, he looked around with surprise.

Around, a terrifying eighty-meter Kun was slowly wandering in the sky.

In addition to this terrifying Kun, a variety of aquatic creatures entangled the practitioners around the Dragon Palace.

The turtles standing upright in the water, their eyes are filled with the light of wisdom.

Holding a book in their hands, they explained to the surrounding aquariums.

Those wisdom turned on, especially the five or six-year-old aquarium creatures respectfully obey the teachings of these turtles.

Wang Xian swept away his eyes and found that the strength of many aquatic creatures had reached the level of martial artist seven or eight, which surprised him slightly.

“Dragon King, this aura waterfall has greatly improved the strength of many aquarium creatures, and it has also allowed more than two hundred aquarium creatures to pass through the dragon gate!”

Prime Minister Turtle saw the surroundings and said to him with a smile on his face.


Wang Xian nodded and moved into the Dragon Palace.

Some members of the surrounding dragon palace are learning some knowledge, some are practicing, and the whole dragon palace is in good order.

“First put the star guide disk at the top of the dragon palace, the cultivation speed in the dragon palace should be able to be greatly improved!”

When Wang Xian moved his body, he came to the top of the Dinghai Shen Needle and placed the star guide disk on it.

In an instant, the star guide disk covered a five-kilometer radius.

The rich aura instantly caused white auras to appear in the entire Dragon Palace.

“Superimposed, the energy of the star guide disc can be superimposed with the aura of the dragon palace, that is to say, the aura in the dragon palace is about twenty times that of the outside world!”

There was a trace of blazing heat in Wang Xian’s eyes.

“Ling Ling~”

Suddenly, a guqin sound from the soul came into his ears, and he was taken aback for a moment, looking towards the location of the Dragon King’s bedroom.

With a move in his heart, he sensed the situation inside, and smiled on his face.

“Really, I didn’t find it when I came!”

Wang Xian moved into the bedroom and said slightly dissatisfied.


However, what he did not expect was that Xiaoyu and Lan Qingyue glared at him when they heard his voice, and sat quietly on the bed looking at Tang Yinxuan who was playing the guqin.

Wang Xian didn’t want to listen to the guqin. He wanted to check the development of the Dragon Palace, and he flew out of the palace with a move.

Feeling the majestic aura in the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian decided in his heart that no matter how the outside world changes, he should practice in the Dragon Palace for a year.

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