Chapter 687 Death and Resurrection (Part 1!)

Unnatural heavy rain falls from the sky, and every raindrop is the size of a bean.

Within a radius of more than ten kilometers, there are completely two worlds with the outside.

The throbbing and panic from the pink-nosed dolphin gave Tang Yinxuan a bad premonition.

Sometimes, a woman’s sixth sense is very scary!


The pink-nosed dolphin under him made a panic sound again, and Tang Yinxuan frowned and scanned the surroundings.

Heavy rain, except heavy rain or heavy rain!

Tang Yinxuan raised her head with blessed soul and looked into the sky.

Ahead, the Reiki waterfall falls from the sky, making this place like a fairyland!

Tang Yinxuan frowned, the crisis in her heart was even worse, and the pink-nosed dolphin took her to Wang Xian’s side.

Xiaoyu Lan Qingyue and Sun Lingxiu were treating Wang Xian’s injuries and asked with concern.

Everything seems very normal.

But the throbbing of the pink-nosed dolphin is more alive with her bad premonition.

At this moment, she suddenly saw two pairs of blood-red eyes appearing in the sky, following closely, two blood-red hideous faces appeared in the void.

The hideous face opened his mouth, and black terrifying energy brewed in his mouth!

Two groups of terrifying energies are aimed at Wang Xian and Prime Minister tortoise on the side

Tang Yinxuan’s face changed drastically: “Be careful!”

With a look of horror on her face, she moved to Wang Xian’s side, and a water energy shield appeared in the sky above.


Tang Yinxuan’s sudden cry made Wang Xian and the others stunned for a moment, followed by a horrible energy that made their hearts palpitating and attacked them.

Wang Xian’s face changed drastically.

“Tianyin Wuji, use your body as a piano!”

At this moment, he saw Tang Yinxuan next to him as if she was a guqin, propping up a defense above.

Wang Xian waved his arm.



However, in the void, the black energy was like an aurora, passing through Tang Yinxuan’s body in a flash, directly penetrating half of Wang Xian’s body, he didn’t even use his defenses.


On the side, at the moment Tang Yinxuan reminded him, Prime Minister tortoise raised the tortoise shell in his hand, his eyes widened, and his figure fell towards the bottom of the sea at a terrifying speed.

The blood was spit out directly.

“Little Fairy!”

“Brother, Tang Yinxuan!”

Lan Qingyue, Xiao Yu and the rest of the girls exclaimed.

“Damn, damn girl, if there is no reminder from her, we will kill the two of them!”

“It doesn’t matter, the two have been seriously injured, there are only two left. In one minute, a quick fight!”

At this moment, a broken voice came from the void, and two figures came from inside.

A strange middle-aged man with blood-red clothes, blood-red lips and red eyes.

A middle-aged man with pitch black, snow-white arms and blood-red eyes.

The two people seemed to be walking out of a sea of ​​blood, their bodies exuding terrifying blood.

At the same time, an astonishing breath radiated from their bodies.

This is definitely not the strength that the lower immortal can burst out.

“Roar, you damn it!”

Aside, Ao Qitian saw that the Dragon King’s body had been directly penetrated in half, and instantly became furious, his body size grew to about 13 meters in terror.

He held the metal club in his hand and violently attacked the two men in the sky.

“You guys, die!”

Ao Jian’s body was extremely cold, and he directly transformed into the shape of a golden swordfish. With the sword, the golden light flashed, carrying the silent sword body and directly attacked.

“If you are not injured, you can still discuss with us, now!”

The snow-white arms of the young demon in black clothes turned into pitch black in an instant, and the black energy was like an aurora, and it instantly attacked towards Ao Jian.

On the side, a spear appeared in the hand of the middle-aged monster in blood-red clothes, and the spear was extremely blood-red.


The terrifying spear attacked towards Ao Qitian.

Feeling the terrifying power above, the faces of Ao Qitian and Ao Jian changed dramatically.

Their strength at this time was not as good as one-half of their peak, and now they have encountered two existences stronger than their peak, and they are not opponents at all.

Ao Qitian’s blood-red eyes could only passively defensively, slamming the spear heavily.



The scary scarlet spear hit Ao Qitian’s metal club, breaking the metal club instantly.

This changed Ao Qitian’s expression drastically.

The metal rods were those he had obtained in the ocean. They were extremely hard and belonged to the thirteenth grade material.

It can be used to create a thirteen level spiritual tool, a spiritual tool used by immortals.

Although this metal rod was just a blank, in the hands of Ao Qitian, it was stronger and stronger than the twelfth-level spiritual weapon.

Today, however, it broke directly under the attack of the spear.

Ao Qitian’s tiger’s mouth cracked, blood rushed out wildly, and his figure fell into the ocean at a terrifying speed.


In the side position, the dense black glow collided with the dazzling gold, and the two energy stalemate in the void, as if dividing the world into two.

“Huh? It’s a terrifying kendo, but hehe!”

The middle-aged demon in blood-red clothes shook his arm when Ao Jian resisted his attack.

A blood-red bow and arrow appeared in his hand, and he drew it in the void: “Ghost Eater!”


The ferocious devil shot from the blood-red bow and arrow, and instantly landed on Ao Jian.


The terrifying power made Ao Jian’s blood splattered and fell towards the ocean.

“Jie Jie, seven immortal-level corpses, great, simply great, haha, that Shenlong will be my mount!”

The middle-aged black-clothed Yaoyi had an unusual blood-red light in his eyes. He laughed and grabbed Wang Xian directly.

The blood-red middle-aged man was also full of excitement, swooping down, and flew towards the place where Prime Minister Turtle fell.

“Little Fairy!”

Wang Xian heard the voices of Xiaoyu Lan Qingyue and the others, his spirits were a little tranced, and the whole body was abnormally weak.

This is the last time his injury has even endangered his life.

Saw Ao Qitian and Ao Jian were seriously injured in the ocean.

Wang Xian turned his head and saw Tang Yinxuan, who was pierced by black energy, had almost no life, and felt a slight pain in his heart.

He glanced over the girls at Xiaoyu Lan Qingyue, and a trace of blood flashed in his eyes.

“Wait for my resurrection!”

He roared and raised his head to look at the two middle-aged monsters in the sky.

“Roar, you damn it!”

Wang Xian instantly became the body of the five-element dragon. Although it was now extremely broken, it was more bloody and fierce.


The colorful light on Wang Xian’s body was flourishing, and a bright green one-hundred-meter long sword appeared directly in the void.

The sword is very green!

When the green sword appeared, the position in the center of Wang Xianlong’s body dissipated directly, only the keel was connected!

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