Chapter 686 Sneak Attack (Fifth!)

“Boom boom boom!”

The entire ocean became completely violent, and the terrifying energy contained in the battle at the level of the fairy gods destroyed the world.

Especially two immortals who are desperately desperate.

“Sleep with flames!”:

The fifty-meter flame giant was only about forty meters at this time, and the face of the old man with the red mask in the center was full of hideous and murderous aura.

His hands thumped into the void heavily.

His arms were reduced at a terrifying speed, burning the flames in his body, causing flames to burn within a radius of seven or eight kilometers.

“Papa!” The flame burst in the air!

With a solemn expression on Wang Xian’s face, the dragon claws grabbed towards the flame giant’s chest.

The flame can’t cause much damage to it, but at the same time, the masked old man protects his body very well after being injured once!

The terrifying flame made Ao Qitian dare not approach at all.

The terrorist attack that burned his own life, once Ao Qitian entered, his body would be subject to a terrorist attack.

Standing on the top of the flame giant, Ao Qitian is ready for a fatal blow at any time!

“If you want to kill me, one of you must be buried with us!”

The masked old man showed a tragic look on his face: “You won’t be able to support the time when the flames all over my body burn out!”

Wang Xian waved the dragon’s claws expressionlessly and moved towards the flame giant again.

At the same time, the flame attribute, the flames of both sides can’t cause much damage to each other, only the strength of the body.

After all, the flame of the flame giant is a condensed energy, while the body of Wang Xian is the body of a dragon.

The powerful flesh was directly caught at the flame giant.


The flame giant raised his terrifying arm and directly smashed it up and down.

His arm was bigger than Wang Xian’s entire body. With a single blow, a large flame on it dissipated, but Wang Xian’s figure also flew out several kilometers.

“This guy doesn’t know how long it has been in the realm of immortals, whether it is attacking skills or the use of flames, it is simply too strong!”

A trace of blood appeared at the corner of Wang Xian’s mouth: “However, you still have to die!”

A cold color flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes, and there were no more than three Shenlong’s flesh bodies comparable to them in the universe.

Even if it is injured by the impact, if you want to recover, it will be very fast.

“Crack, click, click!”

Wang Xian raised his right paw with his arm, and the thick flame on it covered it. The entire dragon paw became seven or eight meters in size and rushed towards the flame giant again.

“Eat me a great!”

At the same time, the devil energy around Ao Qitian almost condensed into a substance surrounding him for defense, swinging the metal club in his hand, and smashing it directly at the flame giant.


It was another horrible impact of meat touching meat. At this time, the sun had already set, and the flames illuminated a radius of dozens of kilometers, just like the sun.

“Haha, if you want to kill me, if you want to kill me, one of you two will die!”

After a shock, the masked old man’s face paled, and he shouted savagely.


“no no!”

However, at this moment, a screaming sound suddenly came from the side.

A golden light flashed through the body of the two-headed woman with Yanmei.

On the other side, a ten-meter-sized tortoise shell slammed on the body of another two-headed woman.

“Although distributing your body can exert a stronger attack power, but the defense power is much worse. The soil attribute, the best is defense, you give up your advantage and accelerate your death faster!”

The voice of Prime Minister tortoise came, and the ten-meter-sized turtle shell in front of it exudes khaki energy with terrifying suction.

And, on the top of the turtle shell, sharp soil thorns kept attacking.

“We have no destiny and no enmity, why do we desperately kill us!”

A severed head roared loudly with a face full of reconciliation.

“We have no grievances, but why prevent us from taking revenge, when we are bullied?”

Prime Minister Turtle’s eyes flickered, and with a wave of his arm, the tortoise shell was exuding mountains and rivers and woods, suppressing it away.


The tortoise shell suppressed these two bodies and fell directly into the ocean, making a roar on the bottom of the sea!

“there’s still one!”

Prime Minister Turtle looked at the flame giant, and Ao Jianjian pointed towards it.


Wang Xian yelled coldly, the golden sword, the horrible mountain peaks of loess condensed in the void, and the sticks exuding demonic energy!

“Kill, kill, I will kill you!”

The old man in the red mask saw Ao Jian and Prime Minister Tortoise behead the Yanmei double-headed woman, and a trace of despair and madness flashed in his eyes.

He roared loudly, and the flame on his body instantly turned a radius of ten kilometers around him into a flame field.

But Wang Xian and the others did not back down.

Four immortals besieged one, and each of them was evenly matched, completely crushed!


Wang Xian, Ao Jian, Ao Qitian, and Prime Minister Gui attacked, and flames splashed around.

Thousands of tons of seawater were instantly evaporated and turned into water mist, which immediately condensed into clouds in the sky, and the torrential rain fell instantly.

The whole process takes no more than one minute.

The flame giant collapsed, and the old man with a red mask in the center couldn’t help vomiting blood, his eyes dimmed.


A metal stick with a magic flame hit him directly, and his body fell towards the bottom of the sea.


Wang Xian took a deep breath, feeling exhausted.

This battle lasted about half an hour in total.

“It’s really hard to kill at the level of the immortal gods. Two sieges of the same level will take a lot of effort, even to prevent being killed together!”

Wang Xian heaved a sigh of relief, and his heart moved, returning to his human form.

The whole body was covered with scars, each scar was extremely heavy, if it was consumed by dragon energy, it would be at least several million dragon energy.

In addition to the injuries on his body, he was also extremely exhausted.

Aside, Ao Qitian was also panting heavily, and the blood had spread all over his body, and most of the blood was his own.

The only one who didn’t have any injuries was Prime Minister Tortoise.

The strong soil attribute defense and the tortoise shell behind him make his defense almost invincible.

However, Prime Minister Tortoise consumes too much, and the khaki light on the tortoise shell is extremely dim.

“Little Fairy!”

Xiaoyu Lan Qingyue and the others quickly flew towards Wang Xian’s position.

Standing on the Kun, Tang Yinxuan hesitated for a while and followed.

She stood on top of a pink-nosed dolphin and followed behind.

Wang Xian saved her life, making Tang Yinxuan’s heart extremely complicated.

The goodwill of giving the piano once, and later the worship and admiration of the Dragon King, and then the Tianyinmen was destroyed in the back.

To this day I was rescued by him.


At this moment, Tang Yinxuan suddenly felt throbbing and panic from the pink-nosed dolphin beneath him.

She felt this feeling when they were hunted down not long ago.


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