Chapter 681: The Might of the Dragon Palace (Fifth!)

“This…this is!”

Tang Yinxuan hurriedly looked at the terrifying monster that was as large as seventy to eighty meters at his feet, seemingly swimming toward the front slowly, but it reached several kilometers every second.

On this monster, terrifying creatures stood on it.

Possibly, in her opinion, the weakest is the group of Longmen members whom he = she is more familiar with!

“This is my Dragon Palace member!”

Wang Xian looked at Tang Yinxuan and said lightly, without the slightest concealment.

The world of Jiuding is about to appear, but to a certain extent, he will also let the Dragon Palace appear, like the world has announced the existence of the Dragon Palace.

“Dragon Palace?”

Tang Yinxuan was in a trance, looking around in disbelief.


At this moment, the sound of a dolphin came from nearby, and she turned her head quickly, stroking the dolphin that had been carrying her, and said softly, “It’s okay, you guys!”


A pink-nosed dolphin rubbed Tang’s message on his face, shook his head, and screamed twice following the whine.

“You said, they killed more than a hundred of your partners?”

When Wang Xian heard the call of the pink-nosed dolphin, he asked with a heavy face.


The pink-nosed dolphin nodded: “Dragon King, their group is so cruel. Not only did they kill us, but all the aquatic people there were slaughtered by them!”

“I will avenge you!”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered, and a cold look appeared in his eyes.

“Can you hear them?”

Aside, Tang Yinxuan looked at Wang Xian who was talking with the pink-nosed dolphin with a shocked face.

“They are my people!”

Wang Xian smiled faintly at it.

The pink-nosed dolphin arched Tang Yinxuan’s nose, expressing some of her own words.

“Strictly speaking, these dolphins are the first batch of intelligent creatures in our Dragon Palace domain, and judging from the sound waves just now, they seem to have embarked on a special path of cultivation!”

The Prime Minister tortoise on the side looked at the dolphins with a pensive expression on his face.

“The wise races are born and teach them knowledge, even if they can’t jump through the dragon gate, they must be taught and restrained!”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded. Since Longgong is the king of the sea and establishes a dynasty, it will naturally have people.

Ordinary aquariums cannot be called citizens, only those who have wisdom and can communicate can be called citizens.

Aquatic people who don’t have open minds will kill them if they kill them.

But as long as it is the aqua clan after Kaizhi, if they wantonly kill, Dragon Palace will take action.

In the plan of Wang Xian and Prime Minister tortoise, the Dragon Palace will only take care of the ocean in the future, and marine life will not enter the mainland, and it is forbidden to attack humans.

Form a separate marine civilization.

But now is the time when the aquarium is developing vigorously, and the Reiki Waterfall is a great fortune for the aquarium.

Now that the Shui people are being slaughtered, the Dragon Palace can’t ignore it. Not only must they take care of them, but they must also avenge them!

“Are there many warriors under the Reiki Falls?”

Wang Xian looked forward and interrogated Tang Yin.

“I don’t know, we were cultivating under the sea at the time, and a group of foreign warriors jumped directly into the water and began to slaughter the surrounding sea creatures!”

Tang Yinxun shook her head, eyes full of sadness. The death of more than one hundred dolphins made her very heartbroken.

These dolphins, in her opinion, are more loyal than humans!

“Then let’s go directly!”

Wang Xian didn’t ask any more, standing on it, looking forward with cold eyes.

Standing on top of Kun, he stared at the front with twinkling eyes. In less than two minutes, a bloody smell came.

“A lot of aquariums have died, at least hundreds of millions of them. Although these aquariums have not turned on their wisdom, they are relatively talented who can come to the bottom of the Reiki Waterfall in advance!”

Prime Minister Turtle’s face sank as he smelled the blood in the sea.

“It seems that their strength is very strong!”

Wang Xian squinted his eyes slightly, and the red and blue light scanned forward.

One by one energy clusters appeared in his eyes, and Wang Xian saw a figure resembling a sea in his body.

The figure was sitting there, absorbing the falling aura at a terrifying speed.

“Fairy god, there is a fairy god-level existence ahead!”

Wang Xian raised his head slightly and looked towards the position of the mountain: “Not only one, there are three in total!”

“Dragon King, no matter how many immortals they have, we must avenge the more than one hundred people who died!”

Prime Minister Turtle said with cold eyes.


A faint murderous aura surged from Wang Xian.

Ao Qitian and Ao Jian slowly came behind Wang Xian.

On a huge Kun, Wang Xian and three members of the Dragon Palace of the fairy god level stood at the forefront, and powerful members of the Dragon Palace stood behind.

Thousands of Dragon Palace members have now begun to assume majesty.

The power of the Dragon Palace has been slowly revealed.

A terrifying aura, covering the front.

Below the Lingqi waterfall, sea snakes and middle-aged people sit on the mountain peaks on the bottom of the sea.

At the top of the central mountain, the founder of the Yin Snake Group, Da She, is sitting on the top with a gray viper wrapped around his neck.

The head of the poisonous snake was lying on top of his head, absorbing the aura that fell from the sky.


“It’s terrifying!”

At this moment, the big snake opened his eyes, a blood-red light flashed through his eyes, and his eyes looked forward.

“What a terrifying power?”

“Under what circumstances, is there another immortal god level existence coming?”

Around, the members of the Yin Snake Group who were sitting cross-legged for cultivation immediately opened their eyes and looked forward with shocked faces.


When they opened their eyes, their bodies immediately stood up and looked forward with shocked faces.

Even the serpent stood up slowly, staring at the existence of the giant in front of him with twinkling eyes.

Cold eyes stared at the figures standing on the behemoth, and a hint of shock flashed in his eyes.

But immediately, his tongue slowly spit out, full of bloodthirsty look!

At seventy or eighty meters, it is definitely the largest creature on earth.

“It’s them!”

Tang Yinxuan, who stood by, stared at the crowd of Yin Snake Group, with an angry look on her face.

A group of dolphins also made a buzzing angry sound.

“Don’t worry, none of them can escape today!”

“Dragon King, leave it to our Demon War Department!”

Ao Qitian slowly patted his ears, and the metal stick appeared in his hand and lifted it up, his eyes full of warfare.


Wang Xian nodded and looked at Ao Jian and Prime Minister Gui: “Don’t let him run away!”

“Don’t worry about the Dragon King, killing so many of our Shui people, we will never let them leave here!”

“Today, we must use the blood of the gods to pay tribute to the dead people of our Dragon Palace!”

With the blood of the gods, pay memorial service!

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