Chapter 680 Rescue (fourth!)

Tang Yinxuan stared at the back angrily.

Hundreds of dolphins all overdrawn and consumed their own energy, sending out terrifying sonic attacks.

This caused their bodies to collapse directly.

This is a dolphin who has just started to practice, and doesn’t use energy very much. The outbreak now is purely a suicide attack.

“Asshole, how come these dolphins have become monsters one by one!”

The roar of anger came from behind, and the members of the Yin snake group were hit hard by the attack of the dolphins. The sea snake sitting down directly floated in the sea, motionless, and was directly brain-dead by the sound wave attack.

“Kill this group of dolphins, catch the woman, and see what secrets she has!”

An old man gave a soft drink and quickly pursued.

Tang Yinxuan turned pale when he saw the people chasing from behind, and they sat up and played with both hands. The sea water pushed the dolphins.


The eyes of the Chinese White Dolphin next to her were gleaming, buzzing with ripples, pushing her body.

Around, a famous dolphin acted like the law, and the speed suddenly doubled.

“Huh? What a magical dolphin, but I want to escape, delusional!”

A thousand meters behind them, four members of the Yin Snake Group were sitting on the sea snake, exuding an icy snake-like aura, and chased them directly behind.

Tang Yinxuan’s face changed slightly, as she moved the guqin, the spiritual energy in her body was quickly consumed.

The toxins in her chest made her whole body numb, and there was a feeling of heat, and she was confused!

She couldn’t hold it anymore, she fell directly on the dolphin, and the guqin fell into the sea, slowly falling towards the bottom of the sea.

“A group of aquarium creatures still want to escape our pursuit!”

A member of the Yin Snake saw a group of dolphins suddenly speed up, and a trace of mockery flashed in his eyes.

“I want to escape!”

The tail of the sea snake that the four members of the Yin Snake Group sat down shook, and a stream of water condensed, and the speed was directly increased by three or four times.

“Jie Jie, it is really a group of magical dolphins, with such a high level of wisdom and know how to cultivate!”

The figures of the four members of the Yin Snake Group instantly appeared in front of a group of dolphins, riding on the sea snakes, scanning them coldly.

“A group of beasts, killed our two companions, we can go to death!”

An old man of the Yin Snake group moved his body and directly got down from the sea snake and raised his fangs in his hands.

A terrifying whirlpool formed in his hands, and all the strength of the Dan realm level burst out.

A crowd of dolphins showed horror and uttered a mournful cry.


The whirlpool in the old man’s hand gradually became several tens of meters in size, and he swung directly toward the front.


“Everyone who is born with wisdom will be the people of our Dragon Palace. Kill my Dragon Palace people and be cut!”

Suddenly, a terrifying earth-yellow big hand fell, directly obliterating the vortex of tens of meters.

Prime Minister Turtle shook his arm, and the strong man in the Dan realm turned into dust directly.

“What?” The expressions of the other three members of the Yin Snake Group changed drastically, and a huge shadow appeared in front of them.

The three of them quickly turned their heads, only to see a look that made them feel terrified.

Behind them, a terrifying monster about 70 or 80 meters in size blocked the top of them.

The monster’s body exudes gray energy, and it seems to contain unparalleled power.

And on the monster’s body, there stood a person, and behind one of the weird old men there was a tortoise shell.

The trio’s faces were dumbfounded, and their heads almost exploded.

A terrifying monster of seventy or eighty meters, a tortoise man carrying a tortoise shell?

This this…


However, at this moment, Prime Minister Turtle waved once again, and the terrifying khaki big hand directly attacked the three of them.

The three members of the Yin Snake Group did not have the slightest resistance at all, and were directly killed.


A group of dolphins saw the king immortal and felt its breath, and they sent out sound waves.

“All of them are born with wisdom, and they have aura inside them!”

Wang Xian looked down, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

“Dragon King, these dolphins already have wisdom and are now on the way to cultivation!”

The Prime Minister tortoise also stared at the dolphins and said.


The pink-nosed dolphins called again, and a crowd of dolphins swam over.

The dolphin carrying Tang Yinxuan came to the front and swam towards Wang Xian.

“Dragon King, save her, save her!”

The faint voice came into Wang Xian’s mind.

“What a cute dolphin!”

On the side, Xiaoyu looked at the dolphins with affection: “Ah, brother, there are still people on it!”


Wang Xian nodded and waved his arm, and the woman on the dolphin floated towards him.

After Wang Xian brought Xiaoyu Lan Qingyue and the others to the Dragon Palace, they directly caused everyone in the Dragon Palace to rush over.

I just didn’t expect someone to chase and kill a group of dolphins in the middle.

“It’s a woman!”

Lan Qingyue and the others looked over, with a hint of surprise on their faces.


When Wang Xian saw the woman’s face, he was slightly taken aback, a look of error appeared on his face.

Tang Yinxuan, it turned out to be Tang Yinxuan.

“Why Xiaoxian? Do you know?”

Seeing his surprised look, Lan Qingyue asked curiously.


Wang Xian nodded and waved his arm to hold her body.

“so beautiful!”

A hint of surprise flashed in Elder Fan’s eyes, and he looked at Wang Xian.

Lan Qingyue and the others also looked at it unkindly.

“Ahem, it’s just a fate!”

Wang Xian said without changing his face, and put his arm on her with a move.

“The saint of Tianyinmen is not only one-sided fate with you, as if you also gave her a guqin!”

Lan Qingyue didn’t know where she got the news, and stared at Tang Yinxuan with blinking eyes.

“The one in it is snake venom, and there is lewd poison in it!”

The light in Sun Lingxiu’s hand fell on Tang Yinxuan, and said lightly.

“Then if we don’t come, maybe Xiaoxian has already begun to dedicate her life to detoxify this beauty!”

Ajiaya smiled and said faintly.

“Uh, what are you talking about!”

Wang Xianlong Qi entered her body and quickly cleared the toxins in her body.


Tang Yinxuan opened his eyes, feeling that there was no strangeness in his body, and even his aura had recovered, she was taken aback for a moment, and turned her head quickly.

For an instant, Tang Yinxuan was stunned and looked at Wang Xian with a bit of astonishment.

Immediately after slowly regaining his expression, he was slightly silent: “Why are you!”

When Tang Yinxuan remembered these words, Wang Xian suddenly felt a few sharp rays of light coming from his surroundings.


Wang Xian quickly coughed, and smiled on his face: “It’s me, it’s a coincidence. I didn’t expect to meet you!”


Tang Yinxuan turned her head slightly in surprise, and saw five girls: Xiaoyu, Lan Qingyue, Liu Lingxiu, Ajiaya, and Elder Fan.

However, when he swept aside, he stopped.

The old man carrying a tortoise shell, his body exudes a horrible two-meter-sized magic monkey.

A clam girl with a huge clam shell?

Prawns that stand upright!

And densely packed with strangely shaped terrifying sea creatures!

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