Chapter 651 Subduing the wicked demon (fourth!)

Trick: Level 11

Extractable Dragon Qi: 553353

When this information appeared in Wang Xian’s mind, the shadow in front of him had completely disappeared.

Even if the front is the big waterfall water rushing wave, which is the domain controlled by Wang Xianshui’s energy, he still can’t feel the existence of the creepy monster.

“The perfect concealment of sight and energy, this creepy monster is really terrifying, a natural assassin!”

Wang Xian was a little shocked, no wonder there are creatures that can survive in the territory of the king of devil fish.

The treacherous monster is like the chameleon of nature, but it is much more terrifying than the chameleon!


The concealment of the treacherous monster caused the dragon people to take a breath of air, and stared at the surrounding vigilantly.

Ao Jian also looked at him in surprise, and with a wave of his arm, the dazzling golden energy directly covered a few kilometers in a radius.

Under the shining light of metallic energy, a figure appeared in front of him.

About 1.5 meters, thin body, sharp arms.


However, those wicked monsters realized that they were discovered, and after a second, they disappeared again after a second.

“Powerful talent!”

A gleam of light flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes, the blue water energy on his body flickered, and the rushing waves of the cascade rapidly shrank.


At this moment, he felt fluctuations from one location.


With a wave of Wang Xian’s dragon’s claw, the sticks formed by the flow of water out of thin air formed a cage.


At this moment, a figure emerged, with sharp claws piercing towards the water cell, apparently trying to rescue the comrades inside!

Wang Xian’s dragon claws once again, and a stream of water trapped it.

The eleventh level creature, for him, was pinched to death.

The two wicked monsters were trapped in the cage, and the whole space was calmed down immediately, and no wicked monster dared to come out again.

The spatial velocity of the rushing water of the big waterfall shrank, and Wang Xian stared at this space.

“Appear to surrender, otherwise, die!”

Wang Xian shouted coldly toward the front, the speed of the water space under his control contracted, and in just ten seconds, it was only within a radius of a kilometer.


Wang Xian frowned, a trace of impatience flashed in his eyes.


The sea began to boil slowly, and a terrifying temperature radiated from the front.


In an instant, figures appeared one by one, they had blue skin and their ears looked relatively long.

A total of more than one hundred creepy monsters stared at Wang Xian and the others with murderous eyes, and the white energy on their bodies propped up a space to resist Wang Xian’s boiling water attack.

“Ha ha!”


Wang Xian looked at more than one hundred sly monsters, with a smile on his face, and water ropes twisted towards the sly monsters.

“What are you going to do, we have no grievances against you!”

The water rope entangled towards the neck of a wicked demon. They wanted to break free, but found that it had no effect at all.

A relatively tall wicked demon stared at Wang Xian and asked with blinking eyes.

“Surrender to me, surrender to the Dragon Palace!”

Wang Xian said in a deep voice, one by one, water ropes wrapped around their necks.

“What good is it to surrender to you!”

The treacherous demon asked again towards Wang Xian, his face was very calm, and his eyes were full of light of wisdom.

This made Wang Xian’s heart happy, and said faintly: “You can not die!”

Can not die!

That is, if they don’t surrender, they will die.

The crowd of sly monsters glanced at each other, and some of the sly monsters looked very ugly.

Wang Xian stared at them in surprise, seeing their expressions, and his thoughts of conquering them were even more serious.

The wisdom of this group of wicked monsters is almost comparable to the king of the devil fish at the level of the fairy gods.

However, it is clear that their strength is much weaker than the King of Manta rays.

Wisdom is one of the manifestations of the strength of a race. Although it is not the only standard, creatures with high intelligence are more likely to step onto a higher level.

Although, this wasn’t the key to Wang Xian’s emphasis on wicked monsters.

The key is that their concealment method is too abnormal!

“We can follow your instructions!”

The wicked demon said to Wang Xian with a calm face.

“Ha ha!”

When Wang Xian saw that he was a little unwilling, he smiled faintly, a drop of essence and blood suspended in the water.

“Absorb it, don’t have any resistance, otherwise, you will die!”

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, a drop of blood fell in front of them.

A total of one hundred and fifty-three creeps.

They looked at the blood in front of them, and their eyes fell on the creepy monster who was talking.

The treacherous demon shook his head helplessly and swallowed it.

A crowd of wicked monsters around looked at the wicked monster’s reaction.

“What a wise and harmonious race!”

Wang Xian stared at him, and a trace of heat flashed in the eyes of the wicked demon who swallowed blood.

“Let the rest of the creepy monsters swallow them all!”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The creepy monster immediately bowed respectfully and nodded towards the surrounding creepy monsters.

The wicked monsters around did not hesitate anymore and took them directly!

“Fifteen infant states, the rest are all at level 11. The power of this sly monster clan is very strong, and the talent is very abnormal!”

A gleam of light flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes.

“Meet the Dragon King!”

At this moment, the wicked demon who had taken the essence and blood immediately bowed respectfully to Wang Xian.

“You are their leader, are all the members of your clan of treacherous monsters here?”

Wang Xian beckoned at the wicked demon who spoke just now, and asked at him.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The wicked demon nodded respectfully: “The clansmen are all here, this area is our lair!”


Wang Xian looked at the creepy monster who came by, and the dragon claw slowly placed on him.

“It is true, it is true, physique, special physique!”

Wang Xian stared at the creepy demon and muttered.

The physique and bloodline are just external existences for any cultivator.

The physique and bloodline are divided into different levels. The top physique and bloodline can make a creature set foot on the peak of the universe.

Sun Lingxiu’s bright physique, Wangxian’s dragon bloodline, tengu’s bloodline, and the physique of this creepy monster.

The reason why Wang Xian affirmed that the creepy monsters were not bloodlines but physiques, because of their flesh and blood.

They have a very special kind of energy in their flesh and skin.

This energy can make him hide his figure.

Natural killer, horrible shadowless killer!

They can blend into any environment within a second, and their ability can no longer be described as concealment.

Blending in, blending in perfectly, even if Wang Xian releases a space controlled by his own water energy, they can blend in quickly.

So that he couldn’t even find out where they were.

“I don’t know what physique this is. It’s really powerful. Assassinations and sneak attacks are simply impossible to guard against!”

Wang Xian sighed slightly, feeling that he had picked up the treasure this time.

The value of the demon clan is comparable to that of the golden swordfish clan!

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