Chapter 650 Sea Monster (third!)

Dragon Palace is still too weak.

At present, only he and Ao Jian are the top combat powers, and there are only a dozen in the other Infant Realm.

As the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace, it is impossible for him to suppress a sea area, so Ao Jian and the others are needed.

But if he encounters the situation of the king of manta rays, he is completely useless.

There must be two thirteenth-level Dragon Palace members to suppress this place. In addition, it is better to have an immortal god level in the Dragon Palace to suppress it!

Therefore, it is best for Dragon Palace to be able to produce two members of the fairy god level.

Only with high-end combat power can Dragon Palace develop better.

The prerequisite for establishing submarine order is to have strong force to suppress it.

The king of the devil fish who fought with them just now was very intelligent and knew how to advance and retreat. When he saw that he couldn’t beat them, he fled directly.

If the dragon palace has more powerful combat power, it can completely check and balance the king of devil fish.

Even if it can’t be killed, it can be deterred and even subdued.

But even if it can’t be conquered, if the king of manta rays wants to stay in this area, he will be restrained by the Dragon Palace.

The devil fish king of the fairy god level has very high wisdom, but his subordinates do not have such high wisdom.

Dragon Palace can completely make his subordinates break through the Dragon Gate, if they pass, they will be Dragon Palace’s people in the future.

With talents, plus Dragon Palace’s increase in cultivation, Dragon Palace will gradually become stronger!

If you use war to support war, the speed of improvement will be even faster!

Even if there are enough levels of the dragon palace immortal gods, directly slay the disobedient creatures of the immortal god level, suppress one party, establish an invincible force centered on the dragon palace, and even establish a submarine civilization.

“I hope that collecting the resources of the entire chaotic area can create two members of the Dragon Palace of the fairy god level. In that case, the area of ​​the Dragon Palace will increase by about a thousand kilometers!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart and looked around. At his left and right, hundreds of Dragon Palace members and more than one hundred dragon men were scattered within a few kilometers, searching for treasures in the chaotic sea area in an advancing manner.

Looking ahead, one can see dark mountains standing on the bottom of the sea.

“There is a pure blood coral there!”

The dragon ghost dwarf stared at a mountain halfway up, with an expression of excitement in his eyes.

Dive into the bottom of the sea. In the past, for their wandering group, they could dive to a depth of tens of meters at most.

Such a mighty and mighty position came directly to a depth of kilometers, even if they were strong in the infant realm, they would not dare.

The devil fish in this sea is too terrifying.

Wang Xian and Ao Jian did not search, but looked around vigilantly to prevent the king of manta rays from suddenly appearing and attacking them.

“There are too many pure blood corals in the entire sea area, and as long as their roots are not completely removed, pure blood corals will grow out after a while!”

“Devil fish swallows pure blood corals to become stronger, and pure blood corals also consume devil fish and other seabed creatures to strengthen themselves. This is a perfect cycle. As long as there are creatures in this sea area, pure blood corals will not go extinct!”

“Pure blood corals can emit a special smell, attracting creatures to approach, and then prey and grow. Even if there are devil fish in the chaotic sea, there are still a lot of fish!”

There was the sound of the Demon Azure Dragon talking with Dragon Tong and Dragon Ghost.

“Presumably the people of the Demon Sealing the Immortal Gate have also discovered this kind of natural treasure, so they want to completely occupy this place!”

Listening to their conversation, Wang Xian said inwardly.

Around, members of the Dragon Palace and dragon people found pure blood corals and magic cloud beads from time to time.

They were advancing very fast, and occasionally devil fish appeared around them, and they were easily beheaded by Ao Jian.

As long as the king of manta rays does not come, there is no danger for them here.

The entire chaotic sea area is thousands of miles away, and it takes at least half a month to search it completely.

But they have this time.

After swimming out of the bottom of the sea and telling Xiaoyu Lan Qingyue and the others about his situation, Wang Xian stayed at the bottom of the chaotic sea.

Each space ring is filled with pure blood coral and magic cloud beads, which is priceless.

“The low-level Demon Cloud Orbs will also be picked and planted in the Dragon Palace!”

Wang Xian said to the members of the Dragon Palace and Dragon Man.

He plans to open a medicinal garden in the Dragon Palace to plant all kinds of spiritual plants.

“Huh? Dragon King, the position in front is a bit weird!”

At this moment, the dragon ghost’s suspicious voice came, his eyes were staring forward, his eyes full of vigilance.


When Wang Xian heard the dragon ghost’s voice, he immediately looked forward.

The dragon ghost is the dwarf old man, less than one meter tall, but the dragon ghost possesses the alertness and weirdness that other dragon people do not have.

They have been under the sea for five or six days, searching most of the entire chaotic sea area.

In front, there is an area with dense mountain peaks. There are about a dozen mountain peaks within a few kilometers of each other, one next to the other.

Wang Xian frowned slightly, with a puzzled look on his face.

“What’s weird?”

Wang Xian looked at the dragon ghost and asked at him.

“I don’t know. When I was chased by the Yin Snake Group of our island country, I often felt this way. Our island country is best at hiding, assassinating, and deceiving. This gives me a similar feeling!”

The dragon ghost’s short body looked around, and his old skin was almost wrinkled together, looking a little scary.

“Qiang Qiang!”

Ao Jian took out the long sword in his hand and placed it in front of him, and the long sword made a sound of metal crashing.

A hint of surprise flashed across Wang Xian’s face, and his figure hovered slightly.


“Water rushing into the big waterfall!”

The blue energy instantly covered a ten-kilometer radius, and the entire area was completely covered by him.

“Hey, what a terrifying means of concealment, is this the sea monster you are talking about?”

Wang Xian looked at Ao Jian in surprise.

“Yes, the Dragon King, it should be the sea monster we encountered at the beginning. The sea monster is very strange, not very powerful, but can easily escape my lock!”

Ao Jian nodded and scanned the surroundings.


With a wave of Wang Xian’s dragon claw, the sea water within a radius of ten kilometers immediately shook.

“Swish swish swish!”

At this moment, the silhouettes of the same color as the sea seemed to emerge from the second dimension, and directly attacked Wang Xian.

“It’s so scary to hide, it’s only 100 meters in front of me!”

Wang Xian flashed a hint of shock, watching a dagger-sharp claw stab him towards him.

The claws fell on the dragon’s head, leaving no trace.

Wang Xian’s figure was shaken, and a blue light appeared in front of him instantly.

A five-meter-long sea monster with two claws longer than his body appeared in front of him.

However, what surprised him again was that the siren was only visible for a second under the shining of the blue light, and then disappeared again!

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