Chapter 645 Kneel down and surrender (third!)

“There are people who are not afraid of death. It happens to use your blood to train the shark!”

The middle-aged voice sounded, with a wicked smile on his face, he slowly raised his hand, and the terrifying black spear in the sky slowly turned its direction.

Wang Xian raised his head, staring at a group of fifteen middle-aged people, and asked faintly: “Jiuding world, which world is there?”


The middle-aged raised his arm stiffened, his eyes staring at Wang Xian, and a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

“Who are you?”

The middle-aged slowly retracted his arm and looked at the dragons behind Wang Xian.

“Down, Dragon King of Dragon Gate!”

Wang Xian slowly said towards the middle-aged: “Dare to ask you which world you come from!”

“I didn’t expect you to know Jiuding World?”

The middle-aged still did not answer Wang Xian’s words, and looked at him curiously: “Dragon King, I heard your name not long ago, you are very good!”


Wang Xian looked at the middle-aged and didn’t answer his questions at all, but looked at him with a high attitude, a little to laugh.

“You are the Dragon King, really young, and there are more than 30 pill-level subordinates behind him, not bad, not bad!”

Around, the other dozens of powerful demon seal immortal gates looked at Wang Xian, a look of surprise flashed in their eyes.

“A little bit of strength, it seems that I still underestimate you, now surrendering to us, when our Xia Ding Demon Sealing the Immortal Gate appears, your reward is indispensable!”

A middle-aged man looked at Wang Xian and nodded slightly and said with satisfaction.

“What reward?”

Wang Xian stared at them a bit interestingly, and the corners of his mouth cocked slightly.

“Since you know that Jiuding World is about to emerge, the future must be a world of great controversy. Do you think you can stand firm in the future by virtue of your strength? Only by surrendering to us can you have the qualifications to survive. Otherwise, you, the dragon king, It’s just a loach in a quagmire!”

The middle-aged man in the center stared at Wang Xian sarcastically: “Become the starter of our Demon Sealed Immortal Gate, at least we have a backer!”

“You guys are really interesting one by one!”

When Wang Xian heard the words of the middle-aged, his face was full of ridicule: “Xia Ding World? Demon Sealed Immortal Gate? Let me be your subordinate, I really dare to think!”

“Haha, brother, it seems that this kid is a little dissatisfied, just kill him!”

A young man stared at Wang Xian, saw his appearance, and said uncomfortably.

“With more than 30 people in the Dan realm, the strength should be in the infant realm, plus the status in the rivers and lakes, it is more useful than others, stay!”

A woman suggested lightly.

“I don’t know what it is, let me teach you a lesson first!”

A young man said with a smile, suddenly there was a dagger in his hand.

As soon as his figure moved, the magical shadow flashed by in an instant.

That incomparable terrifying speed was displayed again. Just now, it was a fat woman who was directly beheading the infant realm at a terrifying speed.

One can imagine how fast their speed is!

The middle-aged man in the central government saw the young man’s hands.

“Haha, good brother!”

Voices came from all directions, and Wang Xian looked at the youth who was attacking him, and a faint disdain flashed in his eyes.


Black rays of light appeared in the youth’s eyes, and magical shadows appeared around Wang Xian.

Weapons from all directions pierced towards Wang Xian.

However, when the youth coldly watched the dagger pierce Wang Xian’s body, his body suddenly stiffened.

The dagger in his hand entered directly into Wang Xian’s body, and streams of water flowed out from the wound.

“You guys, kneel down! Surrender!”

At this moment, Wang Xian’s indifferent voice came, and everyone at the Demon Sealed Immortal Gate was shocked to see that the young man’s head flew towards their position.


The head fell beside the middle-aged man in the middle, rolling down on the ground, making a bumping sound.

“Senior Brother Mei!”

A middle-aged face changed drastically, and he roared loudly.

“Boom boom boom!”

At this moment, a terrifying sound of current came.


Immediately afterwards, everyone discovered in horror that the sky changed again.

The blue water flow directly defeated the devil energy surrounding it.

The huge and terrifying magic door slowly split open, and the entire sky turned blue.

A terrifying water sword formed in the sky, exuding a terrifying penetrating power.

“We… what terrifying existence did we encounter!”

At this moment, a group of wandering people kneeling in the chaotic sea area around them trembled.

What kind of existence did they encounter?

Fifteen terrifying people, none of them are opponents.

But now, there is even more terrifying, one person directly pressed these fifteen people, fucking, hearing their conversation, this world seems to have changed.

The chaotic sea, as a relatively well-known area in the entire subcontinent, even the international religious sects dare not intervene casually.

In fact, all those who get mixed up in the chaotic sea are nothing short of life.

Either it has offended the religious and terrorist organizations, or it can’t be mixed up.

This is true even for them who are strong in the infant realm, the leader of the wandering group.

Otherwise, who would be able to obtain genius treasures in this terrifying sea area, but after all, this is the ocean, a world belonging to the submarine race.

There are also a lot of damage to the strong infants here.

And if the strong infants return to a normal society, they will enjoy inexhaustible glory and wealth, and they will also be the top existence in the religion of God.

In this environment, a relatively crazy powerhouse has also been created, and a wandering group has been created.

The stray group is called stray dogs by the gods and major forces outside, which means madness.

However, it was this chaotic sea wandering group that declared far and wide, and two groups of people in a row wanted to subdue them.

This made them angry and frightened at the same time.

The strength displayed by that individual is simply too strong!

It’s so strong that all of them are scared by lunatics.


The fourteen powerhouses of the Demon Sealed Immortal Gate saw the devil energy and the magic door dissipate directly, surrounded by the terrifying current, and their faces showed shocked expressions.

“Give you ten seconds, kneel down, or be like him!”

Wang Xian faintly walked a few steps forward, sweeping across them with a smile on his face.

“You…impossible, how could you be so strong, how could you!”

The bodies of the demon seal immortal gate trembled slightly. They raised their heads and stared at the sky surrounded by the blue water. Looking at the terrifying water sword, their pupils couldn’t help but shrink!

“There are five seconds left!”

Wang Xian smiled faintly, making the faces of the crowd of Demon Sealing the door extremely embarrassing.

At the same time, they were also extremely scared, staring at Wang Xian in horror.

It was exactly the same, the same posture as they were just now, and the same power made all the wandering groups kneel down in the chaotic sea area.

However, in less than a minute, it became them now!

Kneel down and surrender!

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