Chapter 644 Kneeling down and surrendering

“Brother, this mackerel is the first existence of strange creatures in the ocean. After awakening, he may be a mermaid with peerless talent, with a powerful talent for manipulating water currents!”

“Yes, such foreign objects can only exist in this vast ocean, and they are only recorded in the world’s spirit beasts. Today I saw it for the first time, haha, we are really lucky!”

The middle-aged man stared at the shark with excitement and laughed: “If you train well, it will be a great help. Unfortunately, we are not cultivating water attributes!”


The crowd around heard their conversation with a surprised look on their faces.

The dwarf old man heard their conversation with a smile in his eyes and narrowed his eyes: “How much blood are you going to exchange for?”

“Stupid things!”

The fat woman next to him coldly swept the middle-aged group of fifteen people: “It’s an idiot to raise the price yourself!”

“This Xiongtai, the water attribute of our Anger Sea Wandering Group’s cultivation, I think this thing is more predestined to us, I don’t know what is special about this man!”

Next to him, an old man holding a long hairpin asked with a smile, and there was a water snake entwined on the long hairpin in his hand and kept flowing on it.

The middle-aged gaze swept over the fat woman slowly, and stared at the shark in the center with a smile: “The shark is invaluable to the water attribute cultivator, but I want it. How much blood do you want!”

The middle-aged stared at the dwarf old man and asked faintly.


“Really stupid, isn’t this making the heavenly ghost lion speak loudly!”

“Which stray group are these people? Why haven’t you seen them?”

“New here, but with this kind of IQ, it won’t last long!”

When the people around heard the words of the middle-aged, they all watched with sarcasm.

“This kind of divine object is of great value in nature. The blood of fifty innate-level creatures, or the blood of five pill-level powerhouses, or the blood of infant-level powerhouses is fine, haha!”

The dwarf old man laughed when he heard the middle-aged man’s words.

“God, you dare to speak loudly!”

Hearing the price offered by the dwarf old man, the old man with a long sword in his hand said with a gloomy face.

“Haha, fetish, of course the value is relatively high!”

The dwarf old man looked at the middle-aged and asked faintly: “If you can take it out, you can trade immediately!”

“no problem!”

The middle-aged nodded indifferently.

His words made the dwarf old man happy, and secretly said that his asking price was a little too low, and he was slightly annoyed.

The crowd around were also surprised to look at the middle-aged.

“Is a strong infantile enough?”

A young man standing next to the middle-aged murmured.

When he finished saying these words, the whole figure suddenly disappeared!


At this moment, a scream of horror came, and the scream stopped abruptly after only a second.

“It’s nothing more than the blood of a powerful infant, it’s all for you!”

Under the gaze of all the wandering group warriors around, the young man had the head of the fat woman in his hands and threw it at the dwarf old man.



Around, everyone retreated back in horror, staring at the middle-aged fifteen of them with horror, their complexions changed drastically.

“My friend, what are you doing?”

The dwarf old man stared at the middle-aged them with alert and horror.

“Who are you? Dare to make trouble on our chaotic island!”

The old man with the ghost face tattooed directly took out his weapon and stared at the middle-aged warily.

Around, all the strong men of the wandering group stared at the middle-aged them coldly, exuding a terrifying aura.

Their eyes were a little solemn, the fat woman just now was a strong infant-level powerhouse, not much weaker than the leader of the devil boy, she was directly beheaded!

There are eight strong infant states, and there are a total of eight infant states in the field!

“Ha ha!”

The middle-aged laughed wildly: “What do you do? Of course I am here to subdue you. You are honored to be the subordinates of our Demon Sealed Immortal Gate!”

“Jie Jie, surrender all!”

The face of the young man who had just worked with him showed excitement, his eyes swept over everyone, and a terrifying devilish energy rose from his body.


“Kneel down!”

The two young men also screamed coldly, and the devilish energy in their bodies surged away.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of demonic energy rushed to the sky, and the surroundings suddenly fell under demonic power.

In the surroundings, the terrifying magic power has condensed into a series of magic gates, and there is also a huge magic gate in the sky.

There is a huge evil devil pattern on the magic gate.

The radius of the magic seal is several kilometers.


The sudden change of horror made all the wandering groups look horrified.

“What a strong momentum, fifteen people turned out to be fifteen strong infants!”

The leader of the Demon Boy, the old man who is known as the Lord of Chaos, was holding the weapon and his hand trembled slightly.

Just now, when the young man instantly attacked and cut off the head of the mother snake, he was already shocked.

That is a strong infant in the realm of infants, even if it can be directly killed under a sneak attack, it also shows the horror of that young man.

However, the remaining fourteen people were equally terrifying.


A warrior whose strength is lower than that of the Dan realm, his complexion changed drastically. They seemed to be suppressed by a mountain, each of them gritted their teeth and knelt directly on the ground, with a look of fear in their eyes.

“Give you ten seconds. If you don’t kneel down and surrender, you will end up with this fat woman. Of course, you can also challenge our strength!”

The middle-aged slowly walked to the center, held his head slightly and glanced at everyone around him, and said lightly with a smile on his face.

“Cough cough cough cough!”

The faces of the wandering groups changed drastically. They looked around, and their pupils were full of fear.

“Who are you?”

The leader of the demon boy asked with a trembling body.

“You are not qualified to ask me something!”

The middle-aged man stared at the magic boy with a smile: “There are five seconds left!”

His words, words, standing there condescendingly glanced at everyone.


At this moment, the magic door in the sky slowly opened, and the hideous magic shadow turned out like a living thing to condense a jet-black spear.

“What kind of attack is this, how can it be so terrifying!”

The dwarf old man of the sky ghost looked terrified, feeling the fear in the sky, his body trembling, and his legs slowly knelt down!


The members of the Tiangui Wandering Group saw their leader kneel down, followed by kneeling on the ground.

The magic is unstoppable!


The leader of the devil boy knelt on the ground with a very embarrassed expression when he saw the leader of Tiangui kneel down.

These fifteen incomparably terrifying Infant Realm powerhouses are completely beyond their ability to contend.

The rest of the wandering group leaders knelt on the ground one by one, trembling.

The magic is unstoppable!

“Ha ha!”

The middle-aged watched them kneel down one by one, with a faint smile on their faces, and finally fell on the thirty-odd people who were still standing there.

“There are people who are not afraid of death. It happens to use your blood to train the shark!”

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