Chapter 580

Inside the shop, Wang Xian frowned slightly as he looked at the middle-aged man staring at him coldly, with a cold expression in his eyes.

These five people didn’t believe what they said, and their tempers were so violent, which also made Wang Xian slightly angry.

Masses of water energy slowly condensed in Wang Xian’s hands.

“Boy, Laozi let you know and deceived us!”

The middle-aged body gradually rose up with a violent aura like a tornado, staring at Wang Xian with cold eyes.

“Five blind things!”

A trace of killing intent flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes, and the energy in his body gradually became stronger.

“I’m looking for death, dare to scold us!”

When the five people heard Wang Xian’s words, there was a cold killing intent in their eyes, and one of the middle-aged people directly pulled out the long knife in his hand.



However, just when Wang Xian and the five members of Tianwenzong were preparing to do it, a voice suddenly came.

Wang Xian was taken aback, his gaze looked outside the door, and his aura suddenly disappeared.

The five middle-aged people frowned and immediately looked at the doorway.

But soon, the five people showed a look of error on their faces.

There were about ten people who came, including the old man yesterday.

“Master, some are late!”

The old man glanced at the five people from Tianwenzong who swept aside, and waved at the crowd behind him with a smile on his face.

“Master, this is the material brought by our Mu family. Compared with what we said yesterday, it has doubled, doubled!”

As the old man said, the four middle-aged men carried boxes on the ground and opened them directly!

The metal in a box is all grade ten and eleven grade metal.

In addition, there is a whole box and a whole box preserved intact spiritual grass.

In an instant, the smell of metal and the aroma of elixir filled the shop.


There was a hint of surprise in Wang Xian’s eyes. He ignored the five middle-aged and walked in front of the boxes.

“Yes, it’s twice as much. All the materials are here. Four hundred tenth-level spiritual implements, forty eleventh-level spiritual implements, four hundred five-level pill materials, and eighty six-level elixirs. There are only a lot more materials for the medicine pill. Master, if you don’t rest assured, just count them!”

The old man said with a smile at Wang Xian.

“No, I can still trust the reputation of your Mu family!”

Wang Xian’s gaze swept across ten large boxes, his gaze fiery.

The Mu family asked him to refine spirit weapons and pills, they dare not miss it!

“Thank you, Master, for your trust. This is the information you need to refine the spirit weapon and pill. Master, you can refine it according to the above!”

The old man handed Wang Xian a notebook and said to him.

“Okay, don’t worry about your Mu family, you can send someone to pick it up after five days!”

Wang Xian took the notebook and said with a smile.

“Well, if you have any requirements, you can come directly to my Mu’s house!”

The old man nodded, glanced at the five people aside, smiled and continued: “Master, since there is still business in your store, then we will leave first!”


Wang Xian nodded.

The Mu family left, and at this moment, the five members of Tianwenzong were completely stunned.

What did they see? The crowd just now, the old man, they know.

Mu family, Mu family!

The distinguished family of Dahongxianmen, the world’s top big family in Yongchang.

It is no exaggeration to say that a Mu family is stronger than their entire Tianwen Sect!

And that old man is the elder of the Mu family, a strong infant, and handles all matters of the Mu family externally.

At the same time, he is also an elder of Dahong Immortal Gate.

It’s such a family, such an old man, even… even calling that young man a master!


They saw the boxes of ten-level and eleven-level metals, and the boxes of spirit grass, their hearts beating violently.

The Mu family has its own alchemy master, why do they want others to make alchemy?

This is because….

The five looked at each other, shocked and incredible expressions in their eyes.

This boy is a master!

A master treated respectfully by the Mu family!

Thinking of the actions of a few of them just now, a trace of panic appeared on the faces of the five middle-aged people.

“Big…Master, I…us!”

The face of the middle-aged man who was about to do it showed a flustered look. He moved towards Wang Xian, his voice trembling a little.

They were desperate to find a master alchemy refining device, and now they met one, and they almost fought with this master…

This uncle… is almost…

How could there be such a young master!

The five people felt a little wronged, but at this time, they were asking for help, so they could only bow their heads respectfully.

“Master, it was our fault just now. It was because we didn’t know Taishan. We apologize to you, and apologize to you!”

The long-haired middle-aged took a deep breath and immediately said to Wang Xian.

“Yes, we are wrong, we apologize to you!”

The other four also said quickly.

A master, a master treated so respectfully by the Mu family, is not something that Tianwenzong can afford.

Even if they can afford to provoke them, at this time, they will not provoke them, they will ask others.

Wang Xian looked at them, with a faint sneer on his face: “Get out if nothing is wrong!”

“This…Master, we are not right!”

The long-haired middle-aged man saw Wang Xian’s cold face, gritted his teeth, and took out two things from his pocket: “Master, it was our fault just now. We will apologize to you!”

Two things, one exudes a hot flame, the other exudes a cool blue light!

“Huh? Fire Spirit Orbs, Water Spirit Orbs, all of them are level 11!”

Wang Xian looked at the two water and fire spirit beads with a gleam of light in his eyes.

“How many spirit weapons and elixirs do you want to refine!”

Without hesitation, Wang Xian directly accepted the Water and Fire Spirit Orb.

Regarding the offense just now, seeing that the five people were so respectful and took out the eleventh-level water and fire spirit orb, Wang Xian did not pursue it anymore.

After all, they came to find their own refining tools and alchemy, and it was him who benefited the most.

“Master is broad-minded, thank you for forgiveness!”

The five people heard Wang Xian taking the Water and Fire Spirit Orb, and when they heard his words, their faces showed excitement and flattered.

There is no arrogance and emotion when I first came in

“The spirit weapons we refined have reached hundreds of pieces. For the pill, we will prepare more than two hundred pieces!”

An old man said quickly.

“Two copies of the material for the spirit weapon, one for you, three copies of the material for the pill, and four pills for you. I have the price here!”

When Wang Xian heard them, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.


The five of them were slightly taken aback when they heard Wang Xian’s words, with a look of error on their faces.

There is no big mouth from the lion, and it is not the market price.

Low, too low!

“Master, how do you charge the fee?”

The long-haired middle-aged said, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

“No fee is charged, that’s the condition I just made!”

Wang Xian shook his head and said directly.

The purpose of reducing one’s own income is to obtain more benefits.

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