579 Chapter 5

This cooperation, for their Mu family, can be said to be a pie in the sky.

But also, for Wang Xian, it was a pie in the sky, and this pie was bigger than Mu’s.

If Wang Xian knew the thoughts of the two old men in the Mu family, instead of being angry, he would be even more excited.

“Two hundred tenth-level spiritual tools and twenty eleventh-level spiritual tools, which means that one can obtain one hundred tenth-level spiritual weapons and ten eleventh-level spiritual tools!”

“Two hundred five-level pill materials and 40 six-level pill materials, which means that oneself can obtain four hundred five-level pill and 80 six-level pill!”

“All add up to nearly 134 million Dragon Qi!”

“I may be able to upgrade to level 9 in less than a month. At that time, I won’t be able to restrain myself in this sky!”

Wang Xian raised his head slightly, with a smile on his face.

“First refine today’s materials!”

There are twenty Snow Mountain disciples who want to refine spirit swords and medicine pills. Although they are not as good as yesterday’s amount, they can still gain a lot.

The next day, those disciples of Xueshan took away the spirit tools and medicine pills, and the potential customers of the whole Xueshan were exhausted.

The store became cold again.

Wang Xian sat on the chair in the store again, looked at the spiritual tool in the space ring, and smiled on his face.

“The upgrade of the Dragon Field requires a thousand spiritual weapons, as well as innate-level materials, which will be collected soon and soon!”

“After I go back, Dragon Palace will be able to get a huge improvement, I don’t know how Shu Qing Qingyue and others, and Xiao Yu, A Jiaya!”

Wang Xian thought in his heart.

At the door, Wang Xian’s shop welcomed the second batch of guests in a real sense.

“His uncle, those bastards of Zhenliushan, relying on their good relationship with the visitor, made us wait in line. When it is our turn, it is estimated that it will be a few months away!”

“The most fearful thing is that the group of guys from Zhenliushan secretly stumbled upon us. If they let the holy visit always line up for us, then I really don’t know the year of the monkey. Now Yongchang is about to become reality and may face other Jiuding worlds. All forces are turning resources into strength to cope with the next changes!”

“Now all the pill refining shops have a good business, and several pill shops are sold out. If you want a pill, you can only find a pill refining master to refine it!”

“Our Tianwenzong’s alchemy master is simply a violent refining of heavenly objects. The success rate is too low. We must find a master!”

“It would be great if we had learned about the news of the outside world, now we are a step late, and we will have to wait a long time if we want to prepare!”

“Hey, there is a small shop here!”

A group of five people were walking and talking, with an angry look on their faces. When they passed by Wangxian’s shop, a middle-aged man looked at the plaque on it curiously.

“Master craftsman, master alchemy? Is there a master in this small shop?”

The middle-aged man looked at the shop with a face of confusion, and said in surprise.


The other four had weird expressions on their faces: “There will be a master in this small shop?”

“It’s a lie, it’s obviously a black shop. Will the master be in this broken shop?”

An old man snorted and said directly.

“Yes, this little shop is too broken, how could there be a master, his uncle’s mouthparts are very big, a black shop!”

A middle-aged man nodded in agreement, and continued to walk forward with an angry face.

“I gonna go see!”

A long-haired middle-aged Wei Wei slightly calmly said to the four people beside him.

“Old Ge, you still go and see, isn’t this a blatant black shop? How could there be…”

“Let’s take a look, can you find other crafting masters?”

The long-haired middle-aged directly interrupted him, said blankly, and continued to walk inside.

“Old Ge, you are going to the doctor in a hurry!”

The middle-aged frowned and saw that the middle-aged ignored him and followed him a little irritably.

“Let’s go, and we will also go over. If their store is deceiving, we will teach them a good lesson and let them know the end of the deception!”

The middle-aged man said impatiently towards the three people beside him.


The four people followed the long-haired middle-aged person into the store, looked around and frowned deeply.

“Hi, boy, do you have a master in the store?”

The crowd saw that there was no place for a customer to sit in the store, and their expressions were slightly embarrassed. When they saw Wang Xian sitting inside, they shouted coldly.


Wang Xian saw the five people who came in, frowned slightly when they heard their voices, and said faintly: “Are you going to refine alchemy or refining tools?”

“Little brother, do you have masters of alchemy and refining here?”

The long-haired middle-aged mouthparts gently asked Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded.

“Really?” The other four people’s eyes showed a different color: “Then please come out, Master, we want to negotiate a business with him!”

“Talk to me, alchemy or refining?”

Wang Xian swept over the five people, with a slight smile on their faces, and said with a smile.

“You?” The four of them stared at Wang Xian, even the long-haired middle-aged man frowned slightly.

“Our business involves hundreds of spiritual weapons and many elixirs, so please come out the master in the shop!”

The long-haired middle-aged man held his temper and said to Wang Xian.

“I am the master, you want to refine the alchemy, just tell me!”

Wang Xian said directly to them.

“You guys are playing tricks, aren’t you? Are you a master?”

When Wang Xian had just said what he said, the faces of the four people behind immediately showed angry expressions.

“Boy, you are a master, if you are a master, Laozi will be a master, his uncle’s, I think you owe it to you!”

“Sure enough, there is no master in this broken shop. It’s a lie. You guys are really looking for a beating!”

The four of you said something to me, staring at Wang Xian gloomily.

Even the long-haired middle-aged face turned gloomy.

“Boy, this joke of yours is not funny at all. If there is no master, why is your plaque pasted with the master alchemy master, dare to lie to us, but it will not end!”

The long-haired middle-aged man said coldly toward Wang Xian with a sullen face.

“Do not believe?”

Wang Xian raised his eyebrows: “Give me your materials, I will know it naturally!”

“Are you still lying to this day? Are you trying to lie to us, or is it?”

An old man’s eyes were cold, his body slowly exuding a terrifying aura.

“If you don’t believe it, then leave!”

Wang Xian frowned and stared at the five people, his tone was also slightly cold!

“Leave, we will naturally leave, but before that, Laozi must teach you a lesson, dare to play with us!”

A grumpy middle-aged man clenched his fist tightly and walked coldly towards the Wang Xian.

The long-haired middle-aged did not stop him, and stared at Wang Xian coldly.

They asked the sect, how can it be said that it is one of the six sects under the immortal gate, and there are tens of thousands of disciples in the gate.

As a high-level member of the sect, he was in a bad mood, and now he is being played by a black shop boy.

A kid is a master?


Even if you can’t kill him, you have to take a good lesson!

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