Chapter 567 First Guest Next (First!)

“The Saint Visiting unexpectedly can’t repair my sister’s weapon. It’s really a vain name. It’s just an eleventh-level weapon.”

At the door of Saint’s visit, two girls walked out of it with a frustrated face, and a girl with two braids pouted slightly and said with a displeased face.

“Bo Yu is too special, they are not sure, mainly because I have too little material in my hands!”

The girl next to the braided girl frowned slightly, her face a little ugly.

“Sister Xue, should I give you an eleventh-level spiritual weapon?”

The girl frowned as she watched the girl next to her, took her arm, and said with a smile.

“Hakuha is the best for me, and this is the weapon my grandma gave me. I have used it with me for more than 20 years.”

The girl shook her head.

“Blame the guy from Yongchang Immortal Gate, huh, sister, you should shave him into a stick!”

The girl raised her fist a little angrily.

The girl was silent, did not speak, and looked at another forging workshop.

“It’s a joke. A shop sign says Master Craftsman and Master Alchemy. It’s really an idiot to be a customer!”

“No, you look at this store, there is nothing in it, no weapons, no medicine, it’s cheating!”

At this moment, two middle-aged voices came from nearby.

The girl moved her eyes and looked towards their position.


“Oh, really, it’s a really interesting shop. The master refiner and the master alchemy master personally refine the alchemy and refine the tools. The customer prepares the materials. The mouthparts are really big, but this shop is really small and pitiful. It’s too fake! ”

The girl was also attracted by the words of the two middle-aged women, looked towards the store, and blinked silently.

“How can other master craftsmen and alchemy masters stay in this small shop, huh, really, the shop is really brainless!”

The girl continued to talk, feeling a little funny.

Another girl looked inside with a hesitant look on her face.

“Sister Xue, let’s go to the Bailing Forge, there is also a master craftsman in the Bailing Forge!”

The girl looked away from the shop, pointed to a weapon shop not far away and said.


However, when she looked at the girl, she found that she was staring at the shop beside her with a pensive look on her face.

“Sister Xue, don’t you think that this little shop really has a master refiner, do you?”

The girl was a little surprised and pointed to the girl in the store and said.

“I know the master of Bailing Forge, that master is much weaker than Master Xuanhuo!”

The girl frowned slightly and walked straight in.

“Oh, Sister Xue, you…you believe this too!”

The girl yelled, and quickly followed.

“Try it, it won’t waste time to prove it!”

The girl insisted on walking inside, and she was a dead horse as a doctor.

“This…well, if there is no master refiner, I will sue him and close this shop!”

The girl said, pouting her mouth slightly and walked inside.

“Huh? Someone here?”

Sitting in the store, controlling the beating of the little water figures in the palm of his hand, Wang Xian saw the two girls walk in, raised his head and slowly stood up.

“Do you have a master refiner here?”

The girl walked in, glanced around and fell on Wang Xian.


Wang Xian also looked at the girl, his gaze fell on a dagger in her hand, and only by looking at the scabbard, he could see the extraordinary.

“Where is the master?”

The girl on the side immediately asked Wang Xian.

“What kind of weapons do you need to build, and do you prepare materials? As long as the materials are sufficient, a spirit weapon below level 12 can be refined 100%!”

Wang Xian glanced at the girls and said to them.

“Cut, what a big tone!” The girl curled her lips: “Where is the master, your shop looks like a liar!”


The girl on the side directly drew out the short sword in her hand.

The short sword came out, thin as wings, white as snow.

The whole sword is as thin as paper, and looks extremely transparent.

But at this time, the position of the sword tip has been broken

“The eleventh-level spiritual weapon, the sword name is Bo Yu, can it be repaired!”

The girl asked directly.

“Repair?” Wang Xian raised his eyebrows, reached out and took Bo Yu, and the girl handed him the sword.

“What about the materials?”

Wang Xian asked directly.

“Ice Wing Metal!”

The girl took out a somewhat transparent metal.

Ice Wing Metal: Level 12

“What a violent thing!”

Wang Xian looked at the metal in the girl’s hand and said softly.

“Huh? What violent thing?”

The girl on the side heard Wang Xian’s words and asked immediately.

She looked at Wang Xian’s eyes, always like a liar.

“Twelfth-level materials to create eleventh-level weapons are naturally a violent thing!”

Wang Xian said to the girl.

“Can it be repaired?”

The girl frowned and asked, not too much hope in her heart.

“What’s wrong with building an eleventh-level spiritual weapon with twelve-level materials!” The girl muttered, as if to refute Wang Xian’s lack of knowledge.

“Yes, if you are rewarded.” Wang Xian nodded and looked at the materials in the girl’s hands, estimating how much is left, and whether he needs to be paid again!

“Two thousand spirit stones, as long as you can repair them, I can give you two thousand spirit stones!”

Before Wang Xian answered, the girl said directly.

“Huh?” Wang Xian raised his brows: “Yes, the remaining materials belong to me!”


The girl clicked without hesitation, and stared at Wang Xian closely: “But the premise, you must be able to repair my thin feather!”

“Get ready for the spirit stone, wait for ten minutes!”

Wang Xian directly took the ice wing metal in the girl’s hand and walked directly upstairs.

“This this…”

The girl looked at Wang Xian’s figure with some surprise: “Is there a master upstairs?”

“Let’s wait ten minutes!”

The girl said to the girl.

“I always feel that this store is a little weird, a little weird!”

The girl murmured, and then looked around: “There are no chairs for the guests. What a broken shop!”

The girl frowned slightly, but she was not worried about the store’s tricks.

No one has dared to lie to her for falling snow!

“Unexpectedly, the first business will be so profitable. Two thousand spirit stones will be added to repair the remaining materials!”

When Wang Xian came upstairs, a look of excitement flashed in his eyes. It seemed that the opening of the store this time was really the right choice.

Looking at the thin feather sword in his hand, Wang Xian’s mouth was slightly raised.

“The art of water refining!”

When Wang Xian moved his arm, he directly sat on the ground, a pool of water energy appeared in front of him, and directly threw the thin feather sword on it.

“Ding, do you use the water of the original source to make a spirit weapon!”

At this moment, the voice of the system came, causing Wang Xian’s mouth to slightly cocked.


In an instant, a scorching temperature came from before him, and the original water on his body exuded a terrifying temperature.

This is an application of water energy, called boiling water!

The refining device of water refining is made with boiling water!

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