Chapter 566 First Guest (Fifth!)

“The store is there, and then the customers will come to the door!”

When Wang Xian and the middle-aged landlord set up the shop, the moon was already high, but at this time the city of Yongchang was still brightly lit.

Wang Xian looked at this small shop with a satisfied look on his face.

Wang Xian didn’t have the idea of ​​opening a store at first, because it was too much trouble.

Yongchang World’s alchemy and refining systems are very mature, so there is no store that directly sells spirit grass and materials.

Instead, every pill shop and refining shop will purchase spirit grass and refining materials.

This also cut off Wang Xian’s own purchase of spirit grass and his own alchemy to earn the price difference.

In Yongchang, a prosperous and relatively small area, many things have been monopolized.

You don’t need to worry about materials to enter the shop, you just need to refine it directly.

But after opening a store by myself, customers are required to prepare all the materials.

He is not a pill shop or a weapon shop, but a processing shop.

The customer takes the materials, and he refines them into pills and spiritual implements.

A store of this nature must be the first in Yongchang.

This kind of shop is not unique, but Wang Xian’s helpless act.

“If this is the case, I have to stay in the store every day and wait for business!”

Wang Xian raised his brows slightly, but soon he was relieved.

At present, even if I stay in Fengyushan, there is nothing to learn.

He has mastered all the combat skills at the first level, and if he wants to learn the combat skills at the second level, he needs to exchange resources.

Two thousand spirit stones, one day’s time.

For the disciples of Dahong Immortal Clan, this is definitely a terrifying number.

Two thousand spiritual stones, unless it is a disciple of a family with a profound background, and only those whose parents are strong can have this money, otherwise, ordinary disciples simply cannot come up with so many spiritual stones.

“I can’t do anything while staying in Fengyu Mountain, so I can just tell Master Yu.”

Wang Xian hesitated, locked the door of the store, and flew towards Dahongxianmen Yujian.

“Huh? Master Yu, you haven’t slept yet!”

Wang Xian came into the room and greeted him in surprise when he saw Master Yu sitting in the living room drinking tea.

“When you come back, I really didn’t expect your strength to be so strong!”

Master Yu looked at Wang Xian with blinking eyes and sighed slightly.

She did not expect that the injured young man picked up under the waterfall would actually make Fengyushan rise nine places in one day!

“I didn’t expect it either.”

Wang Xian smiled and didn’t say much.

“You won Kong Guilin today. Don’t challenge again for the time being, and don’t carry out the Shanmen challenge.”

Master Yu said to him.

“Huh? Why?”

Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Yu Master in surprise.

“The tenth place is enough. The disciples of Fengyushan are not qualified to bear the resources before the tenth place. Moreover, it is not a good thing to be sharp!”

Master Yu looked at Wang Xian and said.

There was a contemplative look on Wang Xian’s face, he knew what Yu Master meant.

The disciples of Fengyushan are very weak. If they obtain resources that are completely inconsistent with their own strength, it may cause dissatisfaction and coveting of some Shanmen disciples. They may not say anything on the face, but some targets are inevitable.

If a disciple of the Dan realm targets the innate disciple, it is simply easy, even the rules of the Dahong Immortal Sect are useless.

“Where is the ranking of Youth Tianjiao?”

Wang Xian asked towards Yu Master.

“If you have the strength of the top three, you can naturally challenge yourself unscrupulously. For now, let’s slow down for a while!”

Yu Shi suggested to Wang Xian.

“I know Master Yu, I want to practice outside for a period of time!”

Wang Xian nodded and said.

“Outside? Yes, but come back once a week. I am your mentor and will be responsible for you!”

Master Yu said towards Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded.

“Get a good rest. After five days, I will bring you the resources of the mountain gate and the 20th resource of your youth Tianjiao!”

Master Yu showed a smile on his face and said to him.

“Good Yushi!”

Wang Xian nodded in gratitude.

“sleep early!”

Master Yu said to Wang Xian, and then walked upstairs.

Wang Xian looked at her figure and smiled.

Master Yu is the closest person to him in the world of Yongchang.

“Repay her well in the future!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, without returning to the room, he directly flew with the sword again towards the city of Yongchang.

When he came to the shop in Yongchang City, Wang Xian did not rest, but walked around and bought three plaques.

One plaque hanging horizontally and two plaques hanging vertically.

Wang Xian directly engraved the alchemy master on it, and the other two cards gave some introductions.

Bring your own materials and refining by the alchemy master himself.

Bring your own materials and refining by the master craftsman.

Wang Xian looked at it, with a satisfied expression on his face, and hung the plaque directly in front of the store.

In the evening, Wang Xian bought some tables and chairs.

After busying for three hours, the whole shop was finally set up.

“Now, just waiting for the business to come!”

A faint smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face and came to the third floor to rest.

Early the next morning, Wang Xian opened the store door early and sat in the store waiting for the guests to come.

The location in the center of Yongchang City, the daily flow of people is very scary.

From early in the morning, the street in front of the store has been crowded with people.

However, no one entered the store.

Looking around, Wang Xian’s shop is really small and pitiful.

Moreover, the decoration inside is totally different from the surrounding shops. It is a shabby room.

Some other pill stores are luxuriously decorated, and you can smell a refreshing medicinal fragrance at the door.

The weapon shop, from far away, can feel a sharp aura from inside.

There is no characteristic in him here.

“Master craftsman, master alchemy master, bragging, really know how to blow, this small shop will have a master? Is this small temple there will be a big Buddha like a master?”

“Now that there are less and less spirit stones, there are more and more unscrupulous businessmen. Ha ha, a plaque of a small shop of more than 20 square meters also says Master Refiner and Master Alchemist, ah!”

“Newly opened store? But this is obviously a lie, right? If there is a master, holding an opening ceremony will naturally arouse many people, swindlers!”

Some passers-by saw Wang Xian’s shop sign, looked inside curiously, and said one by one with disdain.

One morning or even one afternoon, there were many people passing by, and many people who noticed the plaque, but they all had disdain and ridicule in their eyes.

How can there be master-level characters in such a small shop? What’s more, do other masters stay in such a small shop?

The typical is bad marketing methods.

Wang Xian sat in the store and watched a famous passerby stop at the door for a few seconds to utter a few words. He was very helpless, but he was not discouraged and waited quietly.

Today is only the first day of opening, he is not in a hurry!

As long as you have the strength, you will naturally be famous in Yongchang!

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