Chapter 4232 Shenlong Behind

“Ho ho ho ho!”

“Ho ho ho ho!”

In the front position, the roar of the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor continued.

From the beginning, one arm was suppressed, and now, six of its arms have been completely suppressed!

Among them, there is one of his teeth.

Teeth exuding terror.

The tooth tried to break through the defense of the king of the gods of the universe, but it was still blocked.

The Nine Corpse Beast Emperor had no resistance at all.

Death will greet him!

Its vitality is also dissipating a little bit.


Not long after, the figure of Tianci and Anlie appeared beside Wang Xian.

“Foster father!”

Godsend yelled immediately when he saw Wang Xian!

Wang Xian nodded and motioned to him!

Godsend looked at it.

“Foster father, what kind of existence is this? It is so huge and so terrifying!”

When Tianci saw the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor, his face was full of shock.

“The starry beast of the starry sky universe, the existence of the Tianyuan good fortune level, has no wisdom, but its vitality and special abilities are very powerful.”

Wang Xian said.

When he believed in the kings of the universe and the gods to besiege the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor, Wang Xian saw that the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor displayed his powerful talents several times.

However, they were all blocked by the king of gods who believed in the universe with special treasures and abilities.

The gap between them is still too big!

“What a scary existence!”

Godsend’s gaze flickered, full of awe-inspiring expressions, and followed him with a surprise: “Foster father, that middle-aged and old man, wasn’t we killed the last time?”

“Yes, this time I also happened to encounter it. When the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor is about to be beheaded, we immediately start to snatch away the body of the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor. In addition, God has given you the four star behemoths beside you. Beheaded!”

“If you have the opportunity, I will kill those gods who believe in the universe and interfere with them.”

Wang Xian said to Godsend.

“Good foster father!”

Tianci nodded and stood beside Wang Xian, watching quietly.

Wang Xian also stared coldly at the front, watching them besieging the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

From time to time, the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor burst out with powerful talents, wanting to fight back and want to escape.

But they were all blocked by the king of gods who believed in the universe.

This time, in order to completely destroy the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor, they also paid a lot of resources!

“This nine-corpse beast emperor is about to fail. Be prepared to prevent him from making a final counterattack!”

“At the last moment, I can’t make him escape. Besides, let’s leave a trace of his vitality.”

After another few days passed, a king of the gods shouted loudly.

His face was filled with excitement.

At this moment, the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor, his power is already very weak and very weak!

Soon, they will be completely wiped out.

However, they are not going to kill it directly.

They want to keep a trace of its vitality.

This is to prepare for the next action.

In the next step, they want to evolve, do they want a behemoth believer to make a breakthrough!

How to completely control it after the breakthrough.

This is a very important thing.

Leaving a little bit of life is also to prevent other star behemoths in the starry sky universe from discovering an extra spot, so that they can directly make a breakthrough!


In the surrounding locations, Fei Lian, scorpion worm, scorpion scorpion, and the four wasting starry sky beasts uttered a low growl.

They stared fiercely at the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor who was about to be suppressed.

Although they have become believers in the universe.

But in their hearts, they still yearn for themselves to be the existence of Tianyuan’s good fortune level.

“Prepare to completely suppress it. After suppressing it, we can reap huge benefits, hahaha!”

The vitality of the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor is getting weaker and weaker, and the strength of resistance is getting smaller and smaller.

Almost dying!

A king of the gods roared excitedly!


In the front position, Wang Xian saw this scene, his eyes gleaming.

The Nine Corpse Beast Emperor is very weak now.

Weak to the point where the universe dominates the pinnacle of combat power!

Now, you can almost do it.

Godsend nodded, and the phantom of the sacred tree slowly appeared behind him!

“Ready to suppress!”

In the front position, another king of the gods roared loudly!

They are ready to completely suppress the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor, leaving a trace of life behind!

They want to divide the corpse of the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor!

These corpses are invaluable!

Enough for them to cultivate more than a dozen behemoth believers who dominate the pinnacle of the universe!

At that time, their power of faith can be greatly improved!

“Do it!”

And at the moment when they were preparing to suppress.

Wang Xian gave a soft sigh, and immediately prepared to do it!

His figure immediately disappeared in place!

The power of space!




Space teleportation is a very powerful skill on the road.

The reason why the Void Universe is so powerful is because they can’t beat it and can easily escape.

Can carry out an instant assassination!

The speed of their teleportation is much faster than the same level!

Wang Xian completed a teleport instantly.

This makes Wang Xian very close to them!


In the next moment, he did not hesitate at all.

Instantly transformed into the body of a dragon!

Immediately following, another teleport!

This time, he came directly to the position in front of the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor.

Tai Chi Dragon Plate, Five Elements Great Mill, Void Dragon’s body and its own power were all used.

Directly attacked towards the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor!

“No, there are strong enemies!”

However, when Wang Xian made the second teleportation, the three masters of the gods had already sensed the terrifying aura of Wang Xian.

A strong man hiding in the dark actually wanted a praying mantis to catch a cicada.

This filled their faces with a look of anger!

They did not hesitate at all, and directly attacked Wang Xian!


Wang Xian let out a low growl, his energy boiled.

Nine attributes!

No, plus the power of space, the energy of ten attributes wraps his body.

A wave of energy burst out toward the surroundings!

“Boom boom boom!”

“Boom boom boom!”

The attacks of the three control-level faith gods fell on Wang Xian’s body!

However, their attack fell on Wang Xian, causing his body to shake.

Some dragon scales have cracks.

The strength of these three kings of belief in the gods combined is stronger than that of Wang Xian!

However, this time their attack was somewhat scattered, and Wang Xian resisted it!

“Fight God!”

At this time, Godsend also moved in the rear position.

He directly used the strongest branch of the heavenly origin in his body to hit the branch of the gods.

Hit the branches of the gods and attack towards a king of the gods at the control level!

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