Chapter 4231

The belief in the universe of the calamity this time far exceeds the strength of the calamity last time.

Because they captured a universe last time.

This gave their strength a terrifying improvement.

The power of faith is a very special energy.

The power of faith to achieve the supreme god, the point of making a saint, has nothing to do with the quota of the universe.

As long as they have enough power of faith and enough believers, they will be able to explode into the power of a strong Tianyuan good fortune.

Their breakthrough does not require a quota!

Everything depends on faith.

Everything depends on believers.

It can be said that there are many people and great power.

Of course, if you want to believe in sanctification, the number and quality of believers is a very large number.

Sufficient numbers also require the strength of believers.

The stronger the strength, the greater the power of faith.

Obviously, the powerhouse who believes in the universe now hits the star behemoth here.

The strength of the star behemoth is terrifying, and a believer is comparable to tens of billions!

In addition, the ascension of the star behemoth is relatively easy.

As long as they hunt down a starry sky behemoth of the Tianyuan good fortune level, its flesh and blood will be able to make the conquered believers get a huge promotion.

In addition, they can make breakthroughs with the few Beastmasters they just conquered.

Of course, they will still be considering whether to make a breakthrough.

Because they are still worried that the giant starry sky beasts in the realm of good fortune in Tianyuan might break their power of faith.

Regain yourself.

But no matter what, as long as this star beast is destroyed, they can get too many benefits!

To this end, they have been deployed for more than a billion years!



At this moment, the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor was besieged by a group of gods in the universe.

Facing an endless attack by the power of faith.

His eyes are getting redder, and the energy on his body is getting more and more violent!

At this moment, one of his arms suddenly broke off from his body.

The arm full of corrosion directly turned into a black streamer, trying to break through their defense.

“Prepare to resist, even a drop of blood from the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor will not allow him to escape. Don’t be stingy with your hole cards. If you need to use your hole cards, you will spend it together!”

A strong Tianyuan good fortune who believed in the universe shouted loudly.

The other two Tianyuan good fortune experts nodded.

They naturally understand.

In order to deal with the behemoths of Tianyuan’s good fortune level starry sky, they even called their followers over.

Hundreds of thousands of believers from the gods have laid a powerful chain of faith with a new level of Tianyuan strong fortune.

Believe in chains, block all energy.

For this hunt, they prepared a lot.

Naturally it is impossible to let the star behemoth escape.

Even a drop of blood.

Once the star beast escapes a drop of blood, it can also be resurrected.

Even a little hair can bring them back to life again!

This is absolutely not allowed!

They want the corpse of the star behemoth, and they want the breakthrough place of the star universe.


With a wave of the arm of a master of belief in the gods, the power of belief condenses into a mountain, and it directly suppresses the incomparable arm of the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor!


The terrifying peak of faith was suppressed on the arm of the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor, and the sound of corrosion continued to sound.

Facing the suppression of this mountain, the arm of the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor had no way at all, it was suppressed directly aside, suspended in the void.

From a distant location, Wang Xian watched this scene quietly, his eyes flickering slightly.

“This time the belief in the universe has laid its blood, the existence of three levels of control, coupled with such meticulous arrangement, there should be no big problem in killing the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor.”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, his eyes fell on the two figures.

One is sitting there, first entering the heavenly origin, and believing in the king of the gods.

One is the king of belief in the gods at the control level.

These two are acquaintances to Wang Xian!

And they are also two existences coveting the sword and the magic universe.

However, their goal shift this time is very fast!

“With the state of the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor, it should be able to support more than ten days!”

Wang Xian looked at the position of the central nine-corpse beast emperor.

Although the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor was seriously injured, the most serious thing was only the suppressed arm!

“Who owns this nine-corpse beast emperor, it’s hard to say!”

Wang Xian muttered and watched quietly.

Over time, the injuries on the body of the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor became more and more serious.

The Nine Corpse Beast Emperor also became more and more violent.

He wanted to escape.

A wave of terrifying energy impacted the attack and defense of the king of the gods of the universe.

The corrosive flesh and blood turned into creatures like zombies, constantly making breakthroughs.

However, the kings of gods who believed in the universe were so perfect that they didn’t give the Nine Corpse Beast King a chance at all.

This nine-corpse beast emperor, after all, had a new level of knowledge.

If it is not a star beast, its vitality is extremely tenacious.

If you change into an ordinary Tianyuan good fortune powerhouse, they will be hunted down within five minutes!

There is no resistance at all.

However, now, it takes more than ten days to hunt down this new-level star behemoth!

The gap is huge!

As time went by, the body of the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor became smaller and smaller.

The tragic injury and the consumption of a lot of energy also made his body shrink.


Wang Xian immediately contacted Anlie and asked him to bring the gift of God.

“Chaos, you first go back to the starry sky universe, I will tell you the time of death of the Nine Corpse Beast King, then you will seize the opportunity and directly break through!”

Wang Xian looked at the situation ahead and ordered towards Chaos!


Chaos nodded and responded respectfully.

“Feilian, scorpion, and scorpion have been brainwashed for wasting the four of them. If there is a chance this time, I will kill them. If they are resurrected in the starry universe, you can solve it.”

“In addition, if their subordinates are confirmed to have been brainwashed, you can kill them directly after you break through!”

Wang Xian looked at the chaos and continued to speak!

“It’s the Dragon King, hey, they have lost themselves.”

An expression of pain appeared in Chaos’s eyes.

Fei Lian, scorpion, and scorpion were wasted four. Although they were not brothers, they also had a deep friendship.

But now, they have changed.

No longer the original self!

Chaos is not an indecisive Beastmaster.

He also knew that the current Fei Lian, scorpion, scorpion, wasted, might as well have fallen.

A creature without self is not even as good as a giant star beast without wisdom.

Chaos glanced angrily at the king of gods who believed in the universe, then turned and flew towards the starry sky and universe!

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