4221 Born-1 Sep 1942

“The Void Universe belongs to the same sequence-neutral camp as our Nine Source Universe. Their universe has only one attribute, a spatial attribute. However, as a universe, there can be no place for a strong Tian Yuan creation. Therefore, the Void Universe can have five people. Tianyuan good fortune.”

The Twelve Ancestor Witch nodded when hearing the words of the Fallen Demon Emperor, and began to introduce them to Wang Xian and the others.

“Space attributes are recognized as the most top-level attributes in all the universes. A Tianyuan good fortune that has just broken through can resist the existence of veteran beginners, so they are very powerful.”

“They headed to the universes with spatial attributes to make their disciples make breakthroughs. In the last calamity, they had eight strong heavenly origins.”

“The Void Universe is controlled by the Void King Super, and their king, the strength of the Void Saint is an existence at the Dao level.”

When the Twelve Ancestor Witch said this, he glanced at the Shadow Falling Demon Emperor: “Its strength, our seniors, the Shadow Falling Demon Emperor, we can barely resist!”

“I also barely resisted, but I can’t stop him!”

The Shadow Falling Demon King added a sentence from the side, and then looked at Wang Xian, with a smile on his face: “But this time it’s not necessarily the case. The Dragon King is very strong. If I didn’t guess wrong, the Dragon King should have the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune. Bar?”


The words of the Devil Emperor of Pendant Shocked a few strong Tianyuan good fortune, but the Elf Queen, the 12th Ancestral Witch, and the others did not have much surprise.

Obviously, they have already guessed.

The former dragon clan was calculated and destroyed by the Phoenix clan because of the treasure of Tianyuan.

Wang Xian was able to rise so quickly, obviously because of its existence as the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

“Wood attribute, auxiliary nature, not too much blessing in combat!”

Wang Xian didn’t conceal it either. He smiled and said: “My son is an offensive treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune, but it is very powerful. If they don’t have a big crisis in the universe, I can call him over to fight.”

“Dragon King, your improvement is truly amazing. If your righteous son can participate, then the strength of our Jiuyuan Universe can be greatly improved, an attacking treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune!”

The Emperor of Angels said in amazement.

Now, he has some signs of ingratiating.

But who made the Dragon Palace too strong?

Only the Dragon King is comparable to the Falling Shadow Demon King, one of his subordinates is similar to him, and another righteous son who possesses the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

This is simply not too bad!

Now he was afraid that Wang Xian would settle old accounts with him.

“Thank you, I also have the background of the dragon clan.”

Wang Xian smiled.

This smile also made the King of Angels laugh.

“The strong spatial attributes are very difficult to deal with. Their teleportation ability is undefeable. They can sneak attack and escape instantly. The strong spatial strong cannot even sense induction. We are very passive against them.”

The Twelve Ancestor Witch continued, looking at the Xuanwu ancestors, Hetianshengren, royal ancestors, and the floating queen: “Especially you, your battle space attributes are greatly suppressed, and the other party is unwilling to confront you head-on. There is no way.”

The ancestor Xuanwu nodded silently.

He is good at defense, and he is very passive when he encounters the strong in the void universe.

“I am good at defense, I can sit in Jiuyuan Universe during the calamity period.”

Xuanwu ancestor said.

“I can exercise the cosmic brain in Jiuyuan Universe, and I can also sit in Jiuyuan Universe.”

Hetiansheng also took the initiative to speak.

“I have a detection item that senses strong spatial attributes, and I will give you one at that time.”

The Twelve Ancestor Witch said.

“Hetian, you use the cosmic brain to fight a battle that simulates a strong space attribute, so that everyone can feel it.”

The ancestor of the Ming clan spoke.


Hetianshengren nodded, he was able to simply use the cosmic brain.

And simulation is one of the functions of the Universe Brain.

This simulation is very real.

It can almost be said to be 100% true.

“Let me come, there are still 100 million years, and in these 100 million years, I will accompany you to practice!”

Wang Xian glanced over them and saw that they were all preparing for the calamity, all preparing for the safety of Jiuyuan Universe, and said directly.

His body moved, and the body of the Void Dragon appeared on the side.

“Huh? This is Dragon King your special treasure?”

The elf queen looked at the Void Dragon, and asked with blinking eyes.

This is not the first time they have seen it when Wang Xian killed the Phoenix Emperor.

It’s just that she thought it was just a powerful treasure of Wang Xian.

A treasure that can create clones.

After all, when the Emperor of Phoenix was killed, Wang Xian didn’t use too much strength at all.

“This is my clone of the Void Dragon, the space attribute, the breakthrough in the sword and magic universe, the means of the strong space attribute, my clone should be able to show part of it.”

Wang Xian said truthfully.

“The clone? How can you make such a clone?”

The elf queen asked in shock.

“An item of the Shenlong clan at the beginning, I took advantage of the vitality of Tianyuan’s Great Fortune Token, and then created a clone.”

Wang Xian smiled and explained.

“Void Dragon? I know this, but the plan failed at the beginning, but I didn’t expect it to succeed now.”

Xuanwu’s ancestor said: “If you have this clone of Dragon King, then we can have a deeper understanding of spatial attributes.”

“Dragon King, do us a favor. With your help, we can make more formations and items aimed at strong spatial attributes.”

The Twelve Ancestor Witch’s eyes lit up and said.

“no problem!”

Wang Xian smiled and nodded.

“Well, then, Dragon King, you let the clone fight more with them, and separate some energy, so that the disciples of the major peak races will feel it.”

“In addition, we have to form a defensive team to protect our Nine Source Universe. The team should not be too strong. Each peak race has two powerhouses who dominate the peak realm in the universe.”

The Fallen Demon Emperor continued.

“This is no problem. This team is a mobile team. If some people who do not live or die step into our Nine Source Universe, they will be killed directly!”

The ancestor of the Ming clan said with a murderous expression on his face.

When Liang Jie arrived, any disciples of other cosmic powerhouses who entered their Nine Source Cosmos would be regarded as an invasion.

They can be killed directly.

Regardless of the reason.

Their Jiuyuan universe is not a weak universe.

A powerful universe has the strength of a powerful universe!

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