4220 Born-18 Mar 1974

The amount of calamity has not been constant, more than 5 billion years.

During this time, the major universes have no oppressive power.

The battle of the talents of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

The battle for resources.

There is even a bloody war.

The battle of creatures.

Ordinary cosmic practitioners focus on resources.

But there are still many universes, and their cultivation directions are different.

For example, believe in the universe. What they need is faith, beings.

To develop a creature of the universe into its own believer.

They don’t wantonly slaughter creatures, but after becoming their believers, they will have no opinion.

They will change the mind of a creature and make it his own slave.

A thought caused his death.

This is completely equivalent to keeping livestock in captivity.

This is one kind.

There are also more cruel ones.

Some creatures in the universe, their cultivation is not resources, but blood.

What is blood food?

That is to use creatures as food to improve one’s own strength.

Before the arrival of the calamity, they were natural disasters to the weak universe.

These demons feed on humans and various other creatures and devour them.

The battle of quotas is only part of it.

To put it bluntly, the battle of quotas is just a battle between the top powerhouses.

Some who have not reached this point, those demons, those strong men who believe in the universe, will sneak into a universe, devour creatures secretly, and develop believers.

This is also very scary for the weak.

Of course, these demons are also resources for some cultivators. They hunt demons and can refine weapons and pills.

The hunter and the prey exist mutually.

This is the reason why the amount of robbery is called the amount of robbery.

Bloody and cruel!

There is no morality at all.

The weak eats the strong, the law of calamity.

Of course, there are also some benevolent powerhouses, and there are also some divisions of formations.

Wang Xian and the others nodded slightly when they heard the words of the ancestor Xuanwu.

“The amount of calamity lasts for a long time. Although the amount of robbery is extremely cruel, there is one camp as a whole. Generally speaking, it is divided into three camps, sequence killing, sequence justice, and sequence neutral!”

After the Xuanwu ancestor finished speaking, the Elf Queen began to add: “The names of the three camps indicate that our Nine Source Universe is sequence neutral. What is a neutral force? The neutral force has one characteristic, that is, it does not kill innocent people. Of course There is a premise that others should not provoke us. Once they provoke us, they will also slaughter the city.”

“Sequence neutrality refers to the division of our Nine-source universe by other cosmic powers. Sequence neutrality, most of which are human-dominated universes, some are relatively weaker universes. For the sake of safety, their Tianyuan creation powerhouses will clump together. Against the invaders, over time, they also gave birth to a powerful Tianyuan good fortune!”

“They mainly focus on defense, hunting and killing camps, but we can’t regard them as good people. Among them, there are many hypocrites, and there are also secretly killing cities, but relatively few. ”

“As for the serial killing, it is the real predator killer, facing the serial killing camp. If you want to kill, you can kill it. If you can cooperate, you can also cooperate with them. We are all based on our interests.”

“Of course, whether it is the sequence justice camp or the sequence killing camp, they are doing everything for their own interests. In their camp, some universes will also have wars and even kills.”

“To put it bluntly, everything is still for profit, but the methods are different, some are cruel and radical, and some still have justice.”

The elf queen told Wang Xian about three camps.

When Wang Xian heard them, they nodded slightly.

The Jiuyuan Universe is not a universe dominated by mankind.

It’s the universe dominated by the top races.

Although Wang Xian belongs to human beings, he also belongs to the Shenlong clan.

To measure the robbery, to put it bluntly, everything is for profit.

There is no absolute camp.

It’s just divided according to a degree of cruelty.

However, the sequence killing camp is almost all very cruel guys.

Most of them live on blood.

In the next camp facing sequential killings, Wang Xian would not be soft.

After all, fused with the killer Zerg technology, today’s Dragon Palace transforms into a dragon pond, which can be said to be comparable to the existence of blood-eating creatures.

Wang Xian is not bloodthirsty, but it is reasonable to kill some creatures in the sequence killing camp.

“We have added some new people this time. I want to say here. If you provoke a powerful enemy outside, if you are not an opponent, and the opponent wants to kill the Jiuyuan Universe, then we need all the other powerful people to help and resist. Pull out the resources and invite others, otherwise, we will negotiate with the other party and allow the other party to enter the Nine Source Universe.”

“This is one point. In addition, everyone should cooperate as much as possible and help each other more. After all, we are partners in the same universe. Only when we are united can other universes fear us and dread us.”

The Fallen Demon King said.

The rest of the Tianyuan good fortune experts nodded their heads.

“Talk about the tree of chaos, the tree of chaos may have other universes that want to occupy during the calamity period. We have to make some preparations.”

The Fallen Demon Emperor continued!

“Each pinnacle race took out a part of the god stone, and our wizards have arranged a powerful formation here.”

The Twelve Ancestor Witch said.

“This time, I will let Lin Niu sit on the Dragon Palace side, so I can take care of the Chaos Tree.”

Wang Xian said.

“The formation of the Twelve Ancestral Witch, plus a strong Tianyuan good fortune is enough, we can’t let your Dragon Palace Tianyuan strong good fortune sit in vain, we have to give it enough reward!”

“If there are really three or four strong Tianyuan creations who want to occupy our Chaos Tree, then we will directly ask our disciples to withdraw, and all other strong ones will rush over, and then go directly to war with them!”

“We keep a Tianyuan good fortune, mainly to prevent disciples from being massacred!”

The Fallen Demon King said.

It is impossible for a group of strong heavenly origins in the Jiuyuan Universe to stay here for the tree of chaos.

Just one person is enough.

At that time, beware of accidents.

As for the invasion of three or four strong heavenly origins, that would be easy to handle, retreat, and then all the heavenly origins of the Jiuyuan Universe will rush over.

Go to war!

The strength of Jiuyuan Universe is not weak, it can even be said to be very strong.

If Youyu Zhou dared to go to war with them, they would naturally fight.

Wang Xian nodded their heads.

“Twelve Ancestral Witch, next you tell the Dragon King and some of their new members about the methods of the powerhouses in the void universe!”

The Fallen Demon Dynasty said to the Twelve Ancestral Witch.

The Void Universe is their only enemy at the moment!

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