Chapter 4206 Husband

An unexpected good news suddenly reached Wang Xian.

The news came from Xianguo, from the Queen of Floating Water!

The news is that she is about to break through!

Now she feels that she can break through within one or two months at most.

When the floating queen felt that she could break the shackles, she immediately passed the good news to Wang Xian.

After Wang Xian saw this information, his eyes sparkled.

This is a good thing.

For Dragon Palace, it is also a good thing.

Similarly, it is also a good thing for Jiuyuan Universe.

“The breakthrough of the Queen of Floating Water must be a great happy event in Jiuyuan Universe. By then, all the strongest fortunes of Tianyuan should come.”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, his eyes shone with luster.

It’s time to do it!

Wang Xian has a decision in his heart!

It’s time to take action on the Phoenix family.

Cut off all grievances.

Stop everything!

With his current strength, with the current strength of Dragon Palace, he can do it!

Earlier, Wang Xian had the strength to destroy the Phoenix family.

The reason why he didn’t do it was because he was not 100% sure.

This 100% certainty does not mean that the Phoenix clan cannot be destroyed.

It was that he was worried that other Tianyuan good fortune experts in Jiuyuan Universe would intervene.

They may not help the Phoenix clan.

But they might not let Wang Xian destroy the Phoenix family for the sake of Jiuyuan Universe’s strength.

The amount of robbery is about to come, and one more powerful peak race, naturally there will be a lot of powerhouses.

For the future of Jiuyuan Universe, there may be Tianyuan good fortune not recommending Wang Xian to do it.

Even the Shadow Falling Demon Emperor might not let Wang Xian do it for the sake of the overall situation.

This is what he worries most.

But now, he doesn’t need to worry!

The floating queen breaks through and will stand beside him!

Now with his strength, coupled with the gift of God, the Fallen Demon Emperor felt this power, he must hesitate three points, and consider the consequences.

This consequence, Wang Xian firmly believes, will be on his side!

With a decision in his mind, Wang Xian replied a message to the Queen of Floating Water.

“Brother Liulan Wuwangtian, let’s leave it alone, I’m going back to Jiuyuan Universe!”

Wang Xian looked at Liulan Wuwangtian and the others, and said directly.

“Huh? Dragon King, don’t you stay with us more? We are not yet, thank you Dragon King!”

Liulan Wuwangtian said quickly.

“No, there is a strong person on my side who wants to break through. I have to go back and deal with some other things. My clone will also go back with me!”

Wang Xian smiled and shook his head, waved at them, and then hurried towards Jiuyuan Universe.

Liulan Wuwangtian opened their mouths and looked at Wang Xian and their fast disappearing figure.

“The first actual combat was not bad!”

Wang Xian rushed towards Jiuyuan Universe, while speaking towards Godsend.

“Foster father, the main reason is that this person is too weak, and it’s all your foster father, so I used to tie the fairy branches!”

Godsend said with a smile.

“You are a strong bundle of immortal branches, which can invalidate some of the treasures of fleeing, and it is very deadly for the weak Tianyuan strong fortune!”

Wang Xian said to him.

Godsend finally used the immortal branches to make a powerful master at the control level unable to escape using the treasure. This kind of effect and ability is very terrifying.

Worthy of being the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune!

“Well, when I wait for the next time, the foster father will let me take more shots. I used to have my companions to train and compete together, but now there is no one. It’s so boring!”

Godsend said.

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian smiled: “If you are boring, then I will accompany you to learn from each other.”

“Foster father, you are too strong, two powerful treasures, and a powerful clone. Your strength is comparable to the Dao level, right?”

Godsend asked curiously.


Wang Xian nodded; “This time you go to Jiuyuan Universe with me, and I want to eliminate an enemy.”

“Huh? Foster father, do you want to kill a strong Tianyuan good fortune again?”

Tianci’s eyes lit up and said!

“Yes, the strength is not strong, not as good as you. It is a pinnacle race of our Jiuyuan Universe, and it has grievances with the Shenlong clan of the former foster father.”

Wang Xian nodded.


Talking with Godsend, soon came to the position of teleportation.

Through the teleportation array, he quickly teleported to the Chaos Tree!


Wang Xian gestured towards the gift of heaven, and flew towards the fairy country quickly!


Soon, Wang Xian sensed the breath of the Queen of Floating Water.

Beside him, a group of powerhouses from the fairy country gathered in front of her, with an expression of excitement on their faces.

Wang Xian flew over and felt the situation of the floating queen.

“Meet the Dragon King!”

“Meet the Dragon King!”

When the floating queen saw Wang Xian flying over, she immediately worshipped respectfully!

The powerhouses of the fairy country also respectfully worship!

Their gazes couldn’t help but glanced at the godsend beside Wang Xian.

From that power, they immediately determined that this was a strong Tianyuan good fortune.

“You are welcome!”

Wang Xian nodded faintly, looked at the floating queen, with a smile on his face: “Congratulations, it’s a success!”

“Thank you Dragon King for your treasure. If it weren’t for Dragon King’s treasure, I would like to break through. It is impossible.”

The face of the floating queen was full of smiles: “I have sensed the mirror before the breakthrough. Now the mirror has cracks, and it will break through within two months at most!”

“It’s your fortune that you can break through.”

Wang Xian smiled at her and said, “I am now contacting the great heavenly origins. Your breakthrough is a major event for our Jiuyuan Universe!”

As he spoke, he took out a communication stone tray.


Coincidentally, when Wang Xian just took out the communication stone plate used to communicate between their Tianyuan good fortune powerhouses, a message suddenly came from it.

When Wang Xian saw the news, he was slightly taken aback.

“Everyone should be here in the Jiuyuan Universe, we Phoenix family has an important event to announce. Ten days later, my Phoenix family disciple King Takishui Phoenix, the king of water and Phoenix, breaks through, and invites you to come and observe the ceremony. When the time comes, my Phoenix family will entertain the universe. Congratulations to all the disciples of the strong, adding a strong Tianyuan good fortune to our universe!”

This is a message from the communication stone pan.

It was a message from the Emperor of Phoenix.

When Wang Xian saw the news, he was full of astonishment.

This is such a coincidence!

The Queen of Floating Water will soon be able to break through the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune, at most two months.

From the Phoenix clan, the king of the water phoenix announced a breakthrough in ten days!

This breakthrough time is only more than one month longer than the Queen of Floating Water!

This is simply good luck.

It’s like God is teasing the Queen of Floating Water.

The last place was cut off!

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