Chapter 4205 The siege was successful!

Return to the sanctuary!

It is a powerful escape method for the old man who believes in the universe.

A black hole appeared, absorbing his body.

On the other side of the black hole, there is a psychedelic hall phantom, which looks full of mystery and yearning.

“Do you still want revenge?”

Wang Xian stared at him with a mocking look on his face.

“Hill Dragon Chase!”

Wang Xian roared, and a black hole appeared around his body!

With a wave of his dragon claw, an energy enveloped them.

Immediately afterwards, a crowd of people went directly into the black hole!


When the old man who believed in the universe escaped a certain distance and just came out of the black hole.

In the position on the side, Wang Xian and the others also appeared directly in the position on the side.

The old man who believes in the universe’s Tianyuan good fortune saw this scene, his heart sank, his expression extremely embarrassed!


He didn’t hesitate at all, and ran away instantly!

“a little slow!”

Wang Xian saw the speed of his escape, with a cold look on his face!

Swinging the dragon’s tail, a huge dragon’s tail phantom swept away behind him.

Behind the old man, a huge face made up of countless believers’ phantoms appeared, resisting behind him!


A terrifying collision sounded.

The defense composed of believers shattered instantly, and the huge dragon tail swept over his body, causing his body to begin to collapse!


The old man screamed, staggered, and continued to fly forward!

With his current situation, he couldn’t resist Wang Xian’s attack at all.

“Tied immortals!”

At the side position, with a wave of his arm, the most powerful branch of the ancient tree belonging to the Tianyuan good fortune in his body was released.

The branches turned into terrifying ropes, entwined towards the old man!

“Escape, escape!”

The old man swallowed a mouthful of blood, and desperately fled toward the front.


However, in the next instant, the bundle of fairy branches seemed to teleport, appearing directly around the old man, winding towards him.

Before the old man had time to escape, he was instantly entangled!

“not good!”

Seeing that he was entangled before he could react, his face was full of horror.

The opponent’s strength is too strong, so strong that he has no resistance at all!

He can only escape, madly escape.

Seeing that he was entangled, he didn’t hesitate to take out two blood-red hearts.

The heart was still beating, he directly crushed one of them!

The other heart disappeared instantly!


His figure trembled.

However, the next moment, his eyes widened and his face was filled with an incredible look.

“How is this possible? My faith and heart have lost its effect!”

He roared.

At this time, he saw the rope on his body blooming with green light.

After tying the fairy branches, sharp thorns emerged and entered his body.

Ling Zhi wanted to escape, but couldn’t do it at all!

This made a look of despair in his eyes!


At this moment, the shadow of the Void Dragon appeared behind him.

The Void Dragon’s claws held the Five Elements Damo and attacked him directly!

“It’s over!”

He raised his head and looked at the attack, with a look of despair on his face.

The strength gap is too big!

It was so big that he didn’t have the power to avoid it at all.

Can’t even escape.

The opponent’s strength, even if it is besieging an existence at the Dao level, can not let the wind fall, and even gain the upper hand!

He admits it this time!

The Void Dragon carrying the attack of the Five Elements Great Mould fell on him, quickly obliterating his vitality.

Wang Xian flew over immediately, waving his dragon’s claws, and a smile appeared on his face.

Beheaded, successful!

He can’t even escape.

There are many methods and foundations for the powerful at the control level.

But Wang Xian’s hole cards and methods are even more numerous.

Wang Xian waved his arm and put the body away.

Now, he has harvested two more corpses of Tianyuan’s good fortune powerhouses.

One is the beginner level, and the other is the master level.

And the corpse of the strong Tianyuan good fortune who believes in the universe far exceeds the power of other strong Tianyuan good fortune.

Because they have a heart of faith.

The heart of faith can make other cultivators increase their cultivation speed.

It has a great effect in breaking through the shackles.

Especially Tianyuan good fortune believes in the belief heart of the strong man in the universe.

This is much more valuable than the corpses of other Tianyuan good fortune powerhouses.

For the strong man who dominates the pinnacle of the universe, this is the most precious treasure, there is no one.

If a strong person dominates the pinnacle realm, if he can absorb a heart of faith, his chance of being promoted to a strong person of heavenly origin is increased by at least 50%.

This is a very high chance!

According to Wang Xian’s estimation, if it is the level of the floating queen, this kind of profound dominating peak powerhouse will absorb it, and the probability of stepping into the heavenly good fortune can reach 80%.

Of course, Wang Xian would not give this kind of treasure to the floating queen.

The heart of faith in these two corpses will be given to the disciples of the Dragon Palace by Wang Xian, or even absorbed by himself in the future.

Especially the control level, the corpse of the old man.

“This… this is how it was killed so quickly!”

On the side, Liulan Wuwangtian saw this scene, their eyes widened, and their faces were full of shock.

Two strong Tianyuan good fortune.

The strength of one of them is even stronger than that of the two of them.

However, in a short period of time, he was completely beheaded.

None of them helped much at all.

A newcomer, a master of the level, directly beheaded.

They looked at Wang Xian again, their faces full of awe.

The strength of the Dragon King was much stronger than before.

Especially just now they also saw Wang Xian’s shot.

Compared with the time when dealing with Aga Tianma, it is a world of difference!

This kind of progress is terrifying!

“Okay, the crisis between your sword and the magic universe is temporarily resolved. As for whether they will come back, this is hard to say, but I think the belief in the universe is dealing with you in the future, you may have to think about it!”

Wang Xian put the corpse away, and smiled at Liulan Wuwangtian and they spoke.

The harvest this time is very great!

“Thank you Dragon King, thank you Dragon King for your help!”

Liulan Wuwangtian and the two of them quickly thanked.

Wang Xian shook his head: “You are welcome, we are friends, let’s go back!”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Liulan Wuwangtian was convinced of Wang Xian at this moment, and there was some respect in his heart, and he nodded.

Wang Xian glanced at the building altar and put it away.

Then they flew towards the sword and magic universe.

This time the siege was very successful.

However, when Wang Xian just came to the universe of swords and magic, a good news suddenly came!

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