Chapter 4109 Mutual Use (1)

“My lord, this energy seems to be left behind by the intruder, saying that it can guide you to find other intruders.”

In that tribe in the grassland.

When the six cosmic metallic celestial good fortune powerhouses arrive.

The tribe chiefs knelt on the ground quickly, reporting all the situation respectfully.

“Well, let me see what tricks they are going to play!”

With a move of the palm of the strong metal Tianyuan good fortune, he took that energy in his hand and sensed it.

Seeing the sharp sword formed by the power of wind and thunder, her eyes shone with luster.

The sword pointed in one direction.

He hesitated for two seconds, his figure moved and disappeared instantly!

As a strong Tianyuan good fortune, his speed is not comparable to that of the universe dominating the pinnacle.

Even those with spatial attributes that dominate the pinnacle realm are far from being good fortune in Tianyuan.

Guided by the power of wind and thunder and sword, the metallic celestial elements of the six universes are flying fast.

At the same time, it is located in a part of the grassland.

In a dense forest, the strong heavenly origin of the void universe stood there.

At this moment, his brows were tightly locked, sensing the power of wind and thunder in his body.

This energy always gives him a sense of anxiety.

Unfamiliar energy is attached to his body, which is definitely not a good thing for him.

However, this energy is so special that it will take some time to clear it.

At least three or four hours.

“I have been teleporting uninterrupted for two hours. This place is very far away from that tribe. First remove this special energy, otherwise, I am afraid that there will be abnormal changes.”

Murmured in his mouth.

He also knew about the fact that a strong man in their universe was killed by the pit of the twelfth ancestor of Jiuyuan Universe.

Fortunately, this energy is not a curse.

Fortunately, the opponent did not have the strength of the Twelve Ancestral Witch.

If the Twelve Ancestral Witch set him down, then he might not want to clear the energy in his body.

The strength of the Twelve Ancestral Witch is at the control level.

He immediately sat cross-legged and began to clear the energy from his body.

“Oh? There are really strong celestial creations in other universes, or they are of spatial attributes.”

However, half an hour later, at a location not far away, a golden figure flew over.

He looked forward with a smile on his face.

No matter what attribute it is, the body of a strong Tianyuan good fortune is a huge treasure.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and a phantom like a golden leopard appeared behind him.

This phantom disappeared in an instant, and attacked the strong Tianyuan fortune in the void universe.

The speed of the golden leopard is very fast, very terrifying.


The moment when the golden leopard phantom appeared.

The strong cosmic cosmos celestial good fortune who was sitting there to clear the energy from the body saw this scene, his eyes condensed.

Without the slightest hesitation, he teleported away directly.

At the same time, his face was full of embarrassment.

“The strong celestial creation of the Six Dao Universes is the strong one in the Six Dao Universes.”

With a calm face, after a teleport, a scroll appeared in his hand with a move of his palm.

He immediately opened the scroll!


In an instant, his figure disappeared again.

The teleportation distance this time is far, far away!

Even came directly to the edge of the grassland.

“It’s worthy of being a strong celestial good fortune in other universes, and it’s worthy of being a good celestial good fortune of space attributes.”

While the strong metal Tianyuan good fortune was teleporting, he also chased him immediately.

When he just saw the figure of a strong man in the void universe, his figure had already begun to be illusory.

Immediately afterwards, he lost his sense of the strong in the void universe.

This is the trump card of a lot of Tianyuan good fortune powerhouses.

There is also a way to escape when encountering the powerful Tianyuan creations in the Six Dao Universe.

Can also quickly get rid of his lock.

However, the six cosmic metal celestial elements of good fortune powerhouse looked at the Feng Lei Li sword in his hand.

Seeing the direction it was pointing, he burst out at the strongest speed and drove to the left.

“How was I discovered?”

Through the void universe far away from the treasure in an instant, the strong man of good fortune came to the edge of the grassland, his face was uncertain.

His long-distance teleportation treasure is also rare for him.

It’s hard to get.

There are not many in his hand.

I have used one now, and I feel a little distressed.

“It’s because of the wind and thunder power in my body? But even if my body is entrapped by this kind of energy, the powerhouse of the six universes shouldn’t come so fast?”

“Could it be that this energy is a treasure obtained from the chaos by the powerful Tianyuan fortune of the Six Universes? Or it was obtained by trading with other strong fortune for Tianyuan. Tianyuan good fortune rushed over?”

He guessed, his face was very embarrassed.

Some are uncertain and some are uncertain.

Feeling this energy in his body, he gritted his teeth and continued to flee towards the distance.

Teleport, teleport, continuous teleport!

Soon, he was out of the grassland!

“If you want to escape, can you escape?”

At the rear, the six cosmic celestial good fortune powerhouses are also constantly flying.

Soon, he felt the aura of a strong man in the void universe, and his eyes were full of cold and awe-inspiring expressions.

“Come to covet my treasures in the six universes, it will cost you a terrible price!”

As he spoke, the whole person has undergone tremendous changes.

Completely transformed from a human form into a golden leopard.

The golden leopard bloomed with sacred majesty, turned into a golden light, and flew in the sky.

His body is a golden leopard.

The metallic elemental beast broke into the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune, unlocked its wisdom, and possessed the powerful strength it is now.

The speed of the Golden Leopard is terrifying.

Soon, he was close to the powerful celestial good fortune in the void universe.

Seeing the figure of the strong man in the void ahead again, his eyes were full of murderous aura.


He let out a low growl, and slaughtered the powerhouse of Tianyuan fortune in the Void Universe.

“Damn, I am locked, absolutely because of the energy in my body, if it weren’t for this energy, I would never be locked!”

“Who the hell is it?”

He saw Liu Dao cosmos’s strong Tian Yuan good fortune chasing up again, with a look of despair on his face.

He was sure to escape, but he couldn’t be locked in by the powerhouses of the Six Dao Universes in advance.

Once locked, unless he can escape to the edge of the six universes and escape into chaos.

Otherwise, after being locked, it is death.

Now, he can’t escape!

I have to do it once!

“Hmph, if you want to covet my six universe treasures, die.”

The strong man in the void universe was enveloped by golden light, completely sealed off.

The Golden Leopard appeared directly above him!

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