Chapter 4108 The plan of the six universes!

“Escape? Really vigilant!”

Wang Xian saw that the strong heavenly origin of the Void Universe instantly left, his eyes flickering slightly.

In these six universes, no one would dare to fight for a long time, otherwise it would be an act of seeking death.

Although the strong who entered this universe all have hole cards, they can all be resurrected.

But they definitely have to pay the price.

It’s like Wangxian and Linniu, now their trump card for resurrection is rebirth.

Wang Xian is better. After his death, the ancestor tree is now able to pull his soul directly into the Dragon Palace.

Guarantee that he will not die.

However, if Wang Xian really fell dead and lost his body, he would need a lot of resources to restore his strength.

The amount of this resource is very scary.

Even, Dragon Palace currently does not have the resources to bring him back to the top after his death.

Of course, there is one more point. If Wang Xian’s body can be brought back after his death, then his loss will be small.

It can recover almost without consuming too many resources.

Other Tianyuan good fortune powerhouses also have to pay some price.

Unless they really have a resurrection treasure that is abnormally against the sky.

But this kind of treasure is too little!

The Heavenly Origin of the Void Universe sensed something wrong, and after not finding an opponent to shoot, he chose to leave immediately, without any hesitation.

When Wang Xian saw him fleeing, his heart moved, and he immediately controlled the middle-aged tribe beside him and flew towards the center of the tribe.

His eyes were a bit dull, and Wang Xian had briefly controlled his mind!

“Swish swish!”

“Boom boom boom!”

At this time, the movement here immediately attracted the attention of the powerful tribe.

The power just now was very terrifying, making the powerhouses of the entire tribe a little palpitating.

A strong man flew over.

The leader of the tribe also flew directly over, feeling this burst of energy.

“It doesn’t seem to be the energy in our universe.”

He muttered, his face changed.

Now, as a tribal leader on the grassland, he still knows a lot about the situation in their six universes!

Moreover, a dominant tribe on the grassland also sent some news to them!

“Are you the leader of this tribe?”

At this moment, he saw a tribe of people flying over.

However, the words of this tribe made him startled slightly, his face was filled with a look of astonishment.

When he saw this tribe’s through-hole eyes dimmed, his eyes narrowed slightly!


He immediately answered, with a nervous look on his face: “What have you done to my people?”

“The one who left just now is the powerhouse of other universes. There is a beam of energy here that can guide the direction of that powerhouse, and give this power to you, the powerhouse of heavenly origin in the six universes!”

“Remember, you must pass this news to the strong heavenly origins of your universe, otherwise, you can’t afford the consequences!”

The middle-aged voice fell, holding a sharp sword containing the power of wind and thunder in his hand.

This sharp sword, the tip of the sword points in one direction!

When the voice fell, the middle-aged expression slowly began to recover.

However, the look of the leader on the opposite side changed slightly!



At this time, at the rear, a strong man from the tribe flew over.

“Contact the leader of the Jiuyuan tribe immediately and say that there is information about the intruder!”

The leader didn’t dare to hesitate at all, and immediately commanded.

Although he knew that the people who had just controlled his tribe might also be invaders.

But the intruder is of great importance, and this matter is not something he dared to conceal. It must be reported in time.

Otherwise, once they are accused by Master Tianyuan Good Fortune, they can’t afford it!

They immediately passed this information to the Jiuyuan tribe.

The Jiuyuan tribe immediately reported the news to the strong Tianyuan good fortune.

“There was a message from the subordinates, saying that they had encountered an intruder, and the intruder still left a piece of energy that could guide an intruder’s location.”

At the same time, it is located in the void at the center of the six treasure lands.

Above this, there is a huge palace.

Located in the center of the palace, there are three huge gods.

On the seat of God, there are three figures sitting.

One of them was full of golden light, looked at the information in his hand, and said faintly!

“Is the news true or false?”

The earth-yellow energy enveloped, like an earth giant, asked faintly.

“The news below is naturally true. As for the specific situation, it is still unknown, but you can check it out.”

The metallic figure replied.

“Let’s take a look. Although it is said that a large number of Tianyuan good fortune powerhouses have entered our universe, they can’t play any tricks, and don’t worry about traps.”

“In addition, not long ago, the Tianyuan good fortune powerhouse in the void universe I killed was obviously pitted by other Tianyuan good fortune. Among the invaders, there are also many who have hatred and want to use our hands to kill their opponents.”

“Although it is intentional to use our hands to kill people, it also has great benefits for us. This group of invaders have treasures to resurrect, but their bodies are still huge treasures.”

“Even if the attributes are different from our six universes, the energy of the physical body is equally noble.”

The figure, full of black and green energy, said with a smile!

“Haha, yes, in our universe, we are invincible. Although they come to snatch the treasure of the heavenly origin belonging to our universe, if we can leave the corpses of more than a dozen strong masters of the heavenly origin, even if the treasure is robbed. , We can’t lose too much!”

The earth-attribute giant nodded.

Although all the current conditions showed that they were unfavorable to their six universes.

But in their territory, they are so easy to bully?

Even, they have been planning.

Planning, looking for the unknown treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

And planning, Ruo Ruo kill the intruder.

If you can kill the powerful masters of Tianyuan good fortune at the control level and leave their corpses behind, maybe they will be able to give birth to a new Tianyuan good fortune in their universe!

As for someone who wants to use their hands to get rid of the enemy, they don’t care.

What they want is the corpse of a strong Tianyuan good fortune.

that’s enough.

Even if it is not the original body of the strong Tianyuan good fortune, but the preciousness is not available to them.

Especially the corpse of a master-level Tianyuan strong fortune!

“I’ll go and take a look!”

The metallic figure stood up directly and disappeared instantly!

In less than an hour, his figure appeared on the grassland.

As they said, this is their territory, and they can quickly reach each area through the teleportation array!

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