Chapter 4061 Lin Niu Breakthrough

The next thing, everything is simple!

After Agatian Demon God was killed, the crisis of the sword and magic universe was completely resolved!

After seeing Wang Xian’s strength, Liu Lan and Wu Wangtian invited Wang Xian to their domain!

Wang Xian did not refuse!

Immediately afterwards, there was a grand celebration banquet held in the universe without the forbidden place and the forbidden place of flowing water!

Celebrate their exterminating the Aga Demon God.

Celebrate their revenge!

And when they left, the entire sword and magic universe also knew that Master Tianyuan good fortune in their universe, together with the Dragon King of Jiuyuan Universe, destroyed a good fortune Tianyuan.

An enemy who invaded their universe last time!

As soon as this news came out, it caused countless shocks!

“We two adults of Tianyuan good fortune actually destroyed a Tianyuan good fortune? A terrifying demon god, or joined forces with adults from another universe? Who is that adult?”

“Hey, it’s too terrifying to destroy a Tianyuan creation, isn’t it? I heard that the adult of that universe is the Son of the Immortal King of Longyin Forbidden Land. His body is derived from a super power in another universe. This is just him. A clone of !”

“Isn’t it? That dark horse-like Saint Prince Wang Xian? That Saint Prince Wang Xian’s breakthrough speed is very terrifying, turned out to be a clone of a strong Tianyuan good fortune?”

“You don’t know, that Lord Immortal Wang has directly transformed into a terrifying dragon, a million kilometers in size, comparable to some magical kingdoms in our universe, and turned upside down with his hands. That battle was too terrifying, dominating the peak. The strong in the realm, in that battle, are extremely small, and they can’t even get close!”

“This time we two adults have eliminated the most powerful enemy of our sword and magic universe. After the arrival of our sword and magic universe, we will be able to lose one powerful enemy. For our sword and magic universe, It’s all a lucky thing.”

“If Master Wang Xian did not take action this time, according to the powerhouses of Wuwang Forbidden Land and Flowing Water Forbidden Land, at least 30% of the creatures in our sword and magic universe would die in the hands of that demon god.”

“This time thanks to Master Wang Xian’s help!”

In the sword and magic universe, countless strong disciples are discussing.

This battle of the Demon God of Mietian Yuan Good Fortune level was teleported to every corner of the sword and magic universe.

And the legend of Wangxian has spread to every corner!

In this celebration ceremony, the entire forbidden area of ​​Longyin Forbidden Area was added to the Forbidden Area of ​​Flowing Water.

This time, it was a huge opportunity for Longyin Forbidden Land.

The ancestor and founder of Longyin Forbidden Land was also very excited.

Although the forbidden area he created is dissolved.

However, after they joined the Flowing Water Forbidden Land, they possessed more and larger resources.

Long Yinhao, after being taken care of by the powerful person who flows into the blue sky, will naturally be the top powerful person in the forbidden land of flowing water in the future.

Breaking into the realm of dominating the pinnacle is almost a 100% thing.

As for Long Yin Yin, let alone talk about it.

It can be said that with the background of Wang Xian, Long Yinhao will become the lord of the Forbidden Land in the Forbidden Land of Flowing Water in the future, and it is extremely possible.

Because Liulan is more concerned about the comfort of their entire sword and magic universe.

The focus is on the creatures of the entire sword and magic universe.

Flowing water forbidden land is nothing more than her ability to build and cultivate the strong at will.

If, because of Long Yin Hao and Long Yin Yin’s relationship, you can get the help of two strong Tian Yuan good fortune, then why not do it?

Therefore, at the celebration, Liu Lan didn’t hide anything, and directly gave Long Yinhao and Liuyue Saint Maiden many treasures and rights.

As for Long Yin Yin, needless to say, the disciples of the whole sword and magic universe know what to do.

Even the disciples of the strong people in Wuwang Forbidden Land and other Holy Land Forbidden Lands and the Holy Court, on this celebration, many powerful people sent many precious gifts.

There are countless treasures of various innate treasures and huge resources.

Wang Xian did not care too much about Liulan and Wuwangtian.

Directly gave Liulan and Wuwangtian the space bottle in the forbidden space.

The strong in the forbidden space is still very important to the sword and magic universe.

He is not an insensitive person.

As long as he does not fall in the future, Long Yin Hao and Long Yin Yin will not have any problems.

Liulan and they won’t let Long Yinhao and Long Yinyin have any problems.

In fact, after the powerhouses in the Forbidden Space were released, they were extremely grateful to Wang Xian for the rest of their lives.

After all, the powerhouses and disciples of their Forbidden Space had offended a Tianyuan good fortune level existence, and the other party did not destroy them all, it was already kind to them.

The existence of this level of Tianyuan good fortune was not something they could bear.

Therefore, the Forbidden Space did not blame Wang Xian in the slightest, but instead blamed the group of lifeless things that provoke Wang Xian.

After learning that Wang Xian possessed a clone of space attributes, he sent a lot of treasures about space attributes in order to be forgiven.

And these resources are enough to make Wang Xian’s body of the void dragon rise to the pinnacle of the universe’s dominance.

As for the desire to break through to the good fortune of Tianyuan, it depends on good fortune.

As time passed day by day, Wang Xian followed Long Yinyin to swim in the universe of swords and magic!

While practicing, while playing.

Occasionally, I would return to the Dragon Palace of Jiuyuan Universe.

Hundreds of millions of years passed quickly.

On this day, it is located above the forbidden land of flowing water.

A vast and extremely mighty power soared into the sky.

The energy column of horror, from the top Ling Xiao.

There are dozens of energy pillars, and each energy pillar exudes extremely violent energy.

Horror, vastness.

Seems to break the ground!

Various roaring sounds came from the entire sky.



“Boss, I broke through, I broke through!”

Immediately afterwards, an extremely excited voice sounded and spread far and wide.

The Lair of the Water Forbidden Land is not very far from Wuwang Forbidden Land and Tianyuan City.

However, the area of ​​the old nest in the water forbidden land is still very large.

But this power, this voice, reached Tianyuan City and Wuwangban.

The terrifying energy pillar can be seen in extremely remote places around.

Everyone’s faces were filled with shocked expressions.

“This is? That Linniu broke through!”

When this might soared into the sky, Liulan Wuwangtian immediately sensed them, and immediately flew towards this side.

There was a shock on their faces.

The dragon king’s mount broke through.

Dragon King, there is an existence of Tianyuan’s good fortune level.

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