Chapter 4060 The promotion of status!

Lin Niu knelt in front of Wang Xian, grateful and excited!

However, Liulan and Wuwangtian heard Lin Niu’s words in the side position, with a look of error on their faces!

They moved their minds, their eyes fell on Lin Niu’s body, and their eyes condensed under the slight induction!

They sensed the breath of Aga Tian Demon God from Lin Niu’s body.

But the Lin Niu in front of him is obviously not Aga Tian Demon God!

“He should be the ninth level of the Abyss of Monsters. The demon god Aga was born from the fall of his limbs. His strength is not weak, far surpassing the existence that dominates the pinnacle. Now the god of Aga has completely disappeared, and he breaks ahead. The obstacles have disappeared!”

“Now that it can swallow Agatian’s corpse again, the possibility of its breakthrough is almost 100%. After 100 million years, it should be able to completely break through!”

Wuwangtian looked at Linniu, and said to Liulan!

After Liu Lan heard it, her face was shocked!

“Doesn’t that mean that he will have a subordinate of the good fortune level of Tianyuan?”

Liu Lan responded, a little surprised!

Their entire sword and magic universe gave birth to two heavenly origins.

And the dragon king in front of him possessed a subordinate of Tianyuan good fortune.

Coupled with its own strength, it is already comparable to their sword and magic universe!

“The Jiuyuan Universe belongs to a relatively strong universe, much stronger than our sword and magic universe.”

Wuwangtian continued his voice transmission towards Liulan.

Liu Lan nodded. At this moment, his heart suddenly moved, his eyes swept across Long Yin Yin and Long Yin Hao, his eyes flickered slightly!

“Dragon King, what happened before was offensive, I hope you can forgive me!”

Liu Lan looked at Wang Xian and said directly!

“Senior Liulan, I can understand your behavior!”

When Wang Xian heard Liu Lan’s words, smiled on his face and said with a smile!

Since the Heavenly Origin of Sword and Magic Universe took the initiative to apologize, Wang Xian would not continue to offend!

What’s more, the behavior of Liu Lan just now is normal.

Are you short-term?

Wang Xian also protects shortcomings!

Long Yinhao and the contemporary saint in the Water Forbidden Land are now together!

Long Yin Yin and Long Yin Forbidden Land are also disciples of the Sword and Magic Universe, and he doesn’t want to tear his face with Liulan Wuwangtian and them!

Now the other party took the initiative to apologize, this is the best situation!

“The Dragon King’s shot this time will help us kill Agatian. This is a great favor to us. If the Dragon King needs anything in the future, just tell us!”

“What we can do, we will certainly not refuse!”

Wuwangtian also said very politely towards Wang Xian!

Not to mention Wangxian’s strength, in the future, he will have a subordinate of Tianyuan good fortune level. Only if he helped them destroy Agatian just now, Wuwangtian will also be very grateful!

“Hehe, okay, you’re polite, I came to your sword and magic universe by accident, and I also came to experience it, and now I have something, and speaking of it, I also have a predestined relationship with your sword and magic universe.”

Wang Xian Ketao responded!

“Hehe, then wait for the Dragon King to taste the unique food of our sword and magic universe with us, haha!”

Wuwangtian smiled and invited!

Wang Xian did not refuse, smiled and nodded!

Liu Lan also smiled and nodded.

With a movement of her body, she instantly came to the front of the strong disciples of the Holy Land Forbidden Area and the Holy Court!

“grown ups!”

A group of strong disciples, quickly worshipped respectfully!


Liu Lan nodded, and his eyes fell on Long Yin Yin and Long Yin Hao!

With a move of her palm, the staff appeared in her hand, and a seed appeared above the lotus.

Along with this stream of water, he submerged into Long Yinhao’s body!

“When you come back from the dead, your foundation will be damaged. This water-moon seed can restore your foundation and get promoted again. In addition, I wash your body with water energy, so that you can return to the previous realm in a short time! ”

“You will have no problem breaking through to dominate the pinnacle in the future. This time, the water forbidden is wrong.”

Liu Lan said towards Long Yinhao, a burst of energy poured into his body!

At the same time, his realm is constantly improving.

In a short period of time, he was directly restored to the fifth-order realm of the venerable!

The strong Tianyuan good fortune personally shot, it is still very terrifying!

Not to mention, he was given a powerful treasure to repair his body!

“Thank you sir, thank you sir!”

Long Yinhao hurriedly said gratefully!

“Haha, no, you are a disciple of the Dragon’s Forbidden Land, are you? Your Dragon’s Forbidden Land is also a force of water attributes. Ask the seniors in your family if you are willing to join the Forbidden Land of Flowing Water, and the Forbidden Land of Flowing Water will not treat you badly!”

“With your strength, you can become the pillar of the Forbidden Land of Flowing Water in the future!”

Liu Lan smiled and said, and with a wave of his arm again, a water attribute staff appeared in front of him.

With a wave of her arm, the staff fell in front of Long Yinyin.

“There is an extra staff in hand, which is quite powerful, so I will give it to Xiao Yin.”

She said to Long Yinyin!

Long Yin blankly looked at the magic wand in front of him, his body was clever!

“Thank you, Sir, thank you!”

Long Yinyin quickly thanked!

“Haha, no need.”

Liulan smiled in satisfaction, and glanced around: “There are no more beasts in the abyss of beasts, let’s go back.”

“It’s an adult!”

All the powerhouses of the Holy Land Forbidden Land and the Holy Court immediately responded loudly!

They glanced at Long Yinyin and Long Yinhao, and their faces were full of envy!

Needless to say, in the future, Long Yinyin and Long Yinhao will become 100% existences that dominate the pinnacle realm.

Not to mention the Dragon King from other universes.

Just with the meaning of their Heavenly Origin Masters, it was obvious that they wanted to elevate Long Yin Yin and Long Yin Hao to the realm of dominating the pinnacle.

Although their hopeless lord did not make a move, they will obviously make some expressions later.

Mainly, the strength of that dragon king is too terrifying!

Moreover, they heard the Linniu’s conversation just now!

This Lin Niu, after devouring the body of Aga Tian Demon God.

After more than 100 million years, he will be promoted to the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune!

This dragon king will have a subordinate of Tianyuan good fortune.

With such a terrifying existence, the two adults in their universe would naturally have to make friends.

This is of great benefit to the coming of the amount of calamity in the future!

And the relationship between Long Yin Yin and Long Yin Hao and this dragon king will go sideways in the entire sword and magic universe in the future!

From a side position, the saint Liuyue saw this scene, her eyes widened, and her face was full of excitement!

Long Yinhao’s current background has risen to a level even more terrifying than her at this moment!

Seeing that her man was so good, she was naturally very happy too!

From the rear, Wang Xian saw this scene with a smile on his face.

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