Chapter 4029 The distance breaks, only 5% left!

“These resources can almost raise me to a level. It is a little waste for you. Take away the resources here immediately and we will leave here!”

Wang Xian ignored Lin Niu’s words, and said with fiery eyes!

Even if the resources here are not enough for him to improve, I am afraid that he won’t be able to find out much!

Once Wang Xian can break through, that promotion will be a huge thing for him.

For Dragon Palace, it is also a big deal!

At that time, he might be able to really touch Tianyuan for good!

When the time comes, are you still afraid of their Phoenix clan?

Are you afraid of their angel family?

When the time comes, just do it!

Moreover, if Wang Xian’s strength is improved, it is possible to kill Aga Tian Demon God.

At that time, maybe Linniu has a chance to step into the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune!

At that time, the Dragon Palace will have two Tianyuan good fortune-level existences.

Absolute horror!

“As long as my strength breaks through, I am sure to kill the Aga Demon God, and then you will consume Aga Demon God!”

Wang Xian regained his excitement, and with a movement, he flew directly towards the resources below, and quickly collected them into the brood!

“What? Boss, can these resources make you break through? Break into the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune?”

Lin Niu was also dumbfounded when he heard Wang Xian’s words, and asked in shock!

“I haven’t reached the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune, but my strength should not be weaker than Tianyuan’s good fortune too much!”

Wang Xian said confidently!

“Boss, I’ll help you collect the resources!”

Lin Niu was instantly excited when he heard it.

It can be comparable to the combat effectiveness of Tianyuan’s good fortune level.

this? ?

This boss will kill the Aga Heavenly Demon God in the future, isn’t he expected to break into the realm of Heavenly Origin?

Didn’t I make it to the sky in one step!

Tianyuan good fortune!

This is the eternal existence in the universe, the most terrifying powerhouse!

If he can break through to this state, he will be a bull, even if he is a bull and a horse for the boss!

In the future, I can say that under one person, there will be more than ten thousand people!

What is your own injury?

Big deal, it will take hundreds of millions of years to slowly recover!

What is it?

Thinking of this, he became more and more excited, and worked hard to help Wang Xian collect all the resources!

Wang Xian didn’t notice Lin Niu’s excited look.

He is also very excited at this moment!

This time, it’s really a great opportunity!

“Huh? You still have a lot of metal materials here?”

When Wang Xian and the others came to the place where Linniu’s nest was sleeping and resting, he looked forward, his eyes bursting with luster!

“Yes, boss, I know these metal materials are very precious, but they are useless for me, so I use them to decorate my sleeping place!”

Lin Niu replied immediately!


When Wang Xian saw it, he opened his mouth and laughed again!

There are too many metal materials here in Linniu!

Each level is also very high!

It is dozens of times more than he obtained metal materials on the eighth floor of the Abyss of Warcraft!

“This can almost make the Five Elements Great Mo and Tai Chi Dragon Plate break through again!”

“Able to make it reach, I am at this point now!”

His eyes were fiery, and with a wave of his arm, he put it away directly!


After taking all the resources away, Wang Xian took Lin Niu and flew upwards: “Do you know the way to the eighth floor?”

“Boss, I created a secret passage to the eighth floor by myself. Only I know this passage!”

Lin Niu immediately responded: “It’s not far from here!”

“Well, I need to go to a safe and secret place, absorb all the resources, and see if I can make a breakthrough!”

Wang Xian said to him.

“Boss, we’d better stay away. I was born from the flesh and blood of Aga Sky Demon God. If you don’t hide away, you may be found by him, and will be sensed by him!”

Lin Niu said immediately!

“Well, in that case, let’s go to a remote place, to the edge of the universe!”

Wang Xian nodded, having an idea in his heart!

He is going to the place where he came to this universe!

I improved my strength first there.

After the promotion, even if that channel is exposed, with Wang Xian’s strength, he has nothing to worry about!

Lin Niu had no opinion, and followed Wang Xian to leave quickly!

Lin Niu was very familiar with the Abyss of Monsters. Under his guidance, Wang Xian quickly came to the top position.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xian looked for one direction and flew quickly!

He was flying very fast, after a year, he came to a place in a city, and then began to teleport!

For the next ten years, Wang Xian continued to transmit.

Arriving in a remote location, and with the help of Tianyuan’s good fortune fragments, flying for more than ten years, Wang Xian came to the location of the channel leading to the treasure house of the Jiuyuan Universe Dragon Clan!

“Just stay here, and you can recover from your injury too!”

Wang Xian released the Linniu from the nest, and commanded him!

“It’s the boss!”

Lin Niu immediately responded, lying on the side and beginning to recover from his injury!

Wang Xian did not hesitate at this moment, after placing an energy cover, he immediately transformed into the body of a dragon.

A large amount of resources were placed in front of him and began to swallow.

At the same time, the Tai Chi Dragon Pan and the Five Elements Great Mill are also absorbing metal materials and improving!

“This?? Nine attributes? Nine attributes blend together perfectly?”

Lin Niu on the side suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Wang Xian, his face filled with shock.

“The boss is also a Warcraft? No, the boss is not a Warcraft, he should be a creature of a powerful race!”

Lin Niu murmured.

My heart is very puzzled!

Isn’t the universe of swords and magic dominated by humans?

But he didn’t think too much about it, he started to recover from his injury!

Time passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye, tens of thousands of years passed!

“Huh? Almost!”

On this day, Wang Xian opened his eyes, his mind moved, and he looked at his attributes!

Name: Wang Xian

Race: Jiuyuan Shenlong (man and dragon together)

Level: Domination of the universe sixth level (nine changes into one)

Origin: 95% (5% is needed before the next breakthrough)

Supernatural powers: dominate the aquarium (ruling the aquarium below its own level)

Phagocytosis (the origin of phagocytic organisms is extracted)

Five Elements Control

Method: Shenlong Transformation

Supernatural powers: contemplating and possessing spirits

Laws and supernatural powers: Dragon Eye Locking Eight Wastes, Five Elements Dragon Claw, Yin and Yang Breaking Realm, Eight Lights Dragon Scales, Sacred Dragon Dragon Shadow, Tianlong Babu, Dragon Tomb, Cloud Mist Dragon, True Dragon Dragon Body

Laws and phases: Octagonal Dragon Pillar, Eight Dragon Clone, Zhengrong Dragon Horn, Dawei Tianlong, Shenwei Play Pearl, Life Dragon Breath, Shadow Dragon Clone, Dark Dragon Pursuit, Dark Dragon Transformation, Wind Thunder Dragon Birth, Crazy Dragon Star Burst!

Field: Jiuyuan Longyu

Rule of Control: Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Light, Dark, Wind and Thunder

Kingdom of God: Dragon Palace

Owning Dragon Palace: Innate.

Dragon Palace members: 8060450

“It’s only five percent short!”

All resources have been consumed.

Wang Xian looked at the only 5% left, slightly disappointed!

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