Chapter 4028 The vast resources, the hope of breakthrough!

“Well, since you are willing to surrender, then take this essence and blood, don’t have any resistance!”

“In addition, if you surrender to me, I will never treat you badly in the future. In the future, there may be a chance for him to step into the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune!”

When Wang Xian saw Lin Niu surrender directly, his face also showed a hint of excitement!

He has seen Linniu’s strength with his own eyes!

This is a super power that can rival him now!

Its strength is definitely very close to the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune!

Even, he can see the path of his breakthrough now!

This kind of beast was subdued as his own, and for Dragon Palace, it was a huge combat power.

After all, it is a beast born of Tianyuan good fortune with blood-stained limbs after a long period of time for good fortune from heaven and earth!

“Go, go to your field first!”

Wang Xian’s eyes shone with lustre, and he looked forward. There was Linniu’s realm!

“It’s the boss!”

Lin Niu swallowed the blood that Wang Xian had given him, and a wave of will poured into his mind.

He knew he was completely controlled!

So I shouted very respectfully!

As for calling the master, he couldn’t do it.

After all, his own strength is very terrifying.

And one of the reasons why he was willing to surrender to Wang Xian was because of Wang Xian’s strength, which shocked him!

He knows that the strength of his boss is not weaker than his peak self!

“Boss, we want to take away all the resources and treasures, and then leave here immediately. Once Aga Demon God recovers, he may immediately pursue him.”

“His strength is very terrifying, especially the Shadow of the Demon God, I also tried my best to escape!”

Lin Niu reminded Wang Xian!

“I know!”

Wang Xian nodded.

He naturally knows the horror of that Agatian Demon God!

“Huh? What a terrifying energy!”

At this moment, Wang Xian suddenly sensed the majestic energy contained in the front, with a shocked expression on his face!

“Boss, there is my lair.”

Lin Niu said.

“Your lair contains such majestic energy, do you have a lot of treasures here?”

Wang Xian widened his eyes and couldn’t help but asked.

“That’s a lot.”

Lin Niu nodded: “The birth of the Abyss of Warcraft, here is not only stained with the blood of the Aga Demon God, but also with the limbs of the Aga Demon God, but also with the blood of other Tianyuan creations, but other Tianyuan creations are strong. Nobody has fallen here!”

“In addition to the blood of Tianyuan’s good fortune, there are also the blood of countless other powerful people. I don’t know how tragic the war was in the last calamity, but there are many powerful existences and crazy demons that have died!”

“This has also created a lot of energy and treasures here. Agatian’s limbs, three of which gave birth to me, the rotting bird, and the demon king, and the last limb gave birth to a large number of other beasts and some resource treasures!”

Wang Xian nodded slightly when he heard it. He looked at Linniu in surprise, “You know a lot!”

“Understanding through some fuzzy picture fragments!”

Lin Niu answered truthfully!

“There are so many resources here, why didn’t the Heavenly Origin of the Sword and Magic Universe flatten this place and take away the treasures here?”

Wang Xian continued to ask toward him.

“There is only one possibility. The two strong heavenly origins of Sword and Magic Universe were injured, and they were also seriously injured. They are sleeping, and may not have awakened. Once the injuries are fully recovered, it is estimated that they will clean up here. ”

“However, if they were to be late, the Aga Demon God will relive the second life. At that time, it will be a terrible disaster for the sword and magic universe!”

“Tianyuan good fortune is a battle of this level that destroys the heavens and the earth, and if you want to completely kill a Tianyuan good fortune, I am afraid that multiple Tianyuan good fortune will need to work together.”

Lin Niu replied!

“Have you fallen asleep? It’s possible!”

Wang Xian nodded.

The fall of Agatian Demon God is definitely related to the battle between the sword and the magical universe powerhouse!

It can make a Tian Yuan good fortune and completely leave his limbs here. His injuries at that time were absolutely terrifying.

Otherwise, to the powerhouse of this level.

Not to mention that the limbs are broken, even if the head is gone, it will be able to recover immediately!

It is conceivable that at that station, the origin of the Aga Demon God was injured.

The limbs that fall here are also the limbs of origin!

“The energy you have here is terrifying, let me see how many resources there are!”

At this time, Wang Xian had completely come to the sky above Linniu Domain.

He was attracted by the vast energy around him and interrupted his thinking!

He stared at the bottom with fiery eyes, and flew over immediately!

“I put a ban here, boss, I will open it now!”

A ray of light burst out from the horn of the Lin Niu, and the light fell below, and the forbidden defense here disappeared!

Able to cultivate to this level, and originated from the birth of Tianyuan’s good fortune flesh and blood.

Its strength and knowing combat skills and abilities are so many, very terrifying!

When this layer of prohibition disappeared, even more terrifying energy surged!

Wang Xian looked down, with a shocked look on his face!

A large sea of ​​flesh and blood!

A lot of special flowers, blood red, like flesh and blood!

But the kind of blood without flesh and blood, but full of a kind of beauty!

It contains majestic energy.

“This is the bloodblood that accompanies me. I have absorbed part of it and cultivated part of it by myself. This is the biggest resource in my field.”

Lin Niu looked at it with a hint of pride: “As long as I swallow a lot of blood, the injuries on my body will be able to recover quickly!”

“Do you use it to recover from your injury? It’s a waste.”

When Wang Xian heard it, he immediately spoke!

Yes, it’s too wasteful!

The resource treasures here are too huge!

Wang Xian felt that as long as he absorbed all the resources here, even if he couldn’t make a breakthrough, it was estimated that he was only a little bit close, a little bit of resources!

As long as you break through, your strength will be even more terrifying!

It is even possible to have a touch with the real Tianyuan good fortune!

When I think of this, Wang Xian feels very excited!

He thought that he wanted to make a breakthrough and needed too many resources!

Unexpectedly, this Linniu is a treasure.

Not only is your own strength terrifying, but you also give yourself so many resources?

This guy is simply his lucky star!

“Boss, if I don’t use these bloody flowers to recover from my injury, I will slowly recover, at least several hundred million years!”

When Lin Niu heard Wang Xian’s words, his one-eyed stare wide!

The reason why he let Wang Xian come here is for these resources to quickly recover from his injuries.

It turned out to be too wasteful to recover from the injury!

Your boss is too dark, right?

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