Chapter 4024 Tianyuan’s creation of the blood-stained beasts (2)

Wang Xian followed the breath of some monsters and flew forward.

He was a little curious about why this group of monsters abandoned the treasures in the old nest and left directly.

Is it because there are more powerful treasures?

It’s because of the powerhouse of the sword and magic universe.

However, according to his understanding, the sword and magic universe powerhouse should not have come to the depths of the Abyss of Warcraft!

Then the first possibility is great!

After all, it is definitely not easy to attract the beasts who dominate the pinnacle realm!

Keep flying towards the front.

After flying for a few hours, he had already flown out of this magma area.

After flying for a few more minutes, he stopped and looked forward in amazement.

Standing here, he could sense the aura left by many, many powerful monsters.

This number definitely exceeds ten monsters that dominate the pinnacle realm!

Wang Xian’s eyes fell on the entrance of the cave in front.

That is the passage leading to the ninth floor of the Abyss of Warcraft.

It was also the only passage leading to the ninth floor that Wang Xian encountered when he came to the eighth floor!

The eighth floor of the Abyss of Warcraft is different from the upper ones.

There are many entrances on the upper floors and the lower floors, which are very easy to find.

And this eighth layer, this is the only one Wang Xian has encountered!

Around this hole, there is a lot of aura left by powerful monsters!

Wang Xian flew over, approached inside, glanced around, and finally landed at the entrance of the cave.

The hole is 10,000 meters wide, and you can’t see the situation inside!

Wang Xian approached, stared inside, hesitated for a moment, and flew straight into it.

Below, is the ninth floor of the Abyss of Warcraft.

It is also the last layer of the Abyss of Warcraft.

On the eighth floor, there is a monster that dominates the pinnacle realm.

So at the deepest level, what kind of existence is there?

The news and rumors in the forbidden land and holy places are that in the deepest part, there are beasts born with the core energy of the limbs of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

Can be comparable to space attributes, the universe dominates the pinnacle of beasts.

Although this is just a guess, it is very likely.

However, no one knows the specific truth!

Wang Xian flew straight to the last floor.

His speed was very fast, and after ten minutes, he came to the lowest position!

“Boom boom boom!”

“Boom boom boom!”

“Hoho, I want to eat you guys, give up resisting!”

When Wang Xian just arrived at the ninth floor of the Abyss of Warcraft, terrifying and vast energy spread over!

Accompanied by a brutal roar!

“Huh? What is this?”

When Wang Xian felt the terrifying battle coming from a distance and the violent roar, his face showed shock.

He looked at it, and his eyes were full of vibrations!

The power ahead is shocking.

That terrifying energy collision made Wang Xian feel a little shocked!

His eyes condensed, his expression changed slightly!

“What’s the situation? How could the aftermath of the previous battle be so terrifying? Even if it’s the fragments of Tianyuan’s good fortune that I use, it’s just like this, right?”

Wang Xian murmured, staring at the front, his arm moved!

The Book of Water Forbidden Curse appeared in his hands.

A wave of water energy wrapped himself up, and Wang Xian moved and flew forward!

“Are you the top powerhouse in the sword and magic universe?”

He thought in his heart, full of alert look.

The fragments of the treasures of Tianyuan’s good fortune conceal the figure, make sure that you are not found!

After slowly approaching, Wang Xian vaguely saw the scene ahead.

When he saw this battle, his face was full of shock!

The battle ahead is not the powerhouse of the sword and magic universe, but the three monsters!

Yes, it is three monsters!

Each monster has a size of 10,000 meters.

Their bodies are full of violent and terrifying energy!

The energy contained in each one is much stronger than the beast that dominates the pinnacle realm!

One is in the form of birds and beasts, with a pair of blood-red wings. On the wings, black, squirming flesh and blood grows!

These flesh and blood look abnormally malignant and abnormally infiltrating!

The second monster was like a one-horned one-eyed bull.

There are blood-red scales growing on the body, and every scale is shining with luster!

Every scale seems to be capable of erupting a terrifying attack.

The third monster is a hunter monster!

The three warcrafts are completely fighting together at this moment, fighting and fighting each other!

However, among them, the strength of that hunter demon monster seemed to be the strongest.

It is stronger than the other two!

The sentence just now obviously came from this hunter demon.

Around these three monsters fighting, there are thousands of monsters gathered.

These monsters are all beings above the eighth rank of the universe dominator.

They were crawling around one by one, watching the battle with fear!

“What’s the situation? The war between monsters? In addition, the three monsters fighting in the center seem to have wisdom!”

Wang Xian looked at him in shock.

Warcraft has no wisdom, only powerful instincts, which is recognized in the sword and magic universe.

Even if it can be tamed, it is still a monster.

There is no strong wisdom!

The three monsters in front obviously possess extremely high wisdom!

Can even spit out words!

With such wisdom, why should they fight each other?

And seeing this, they should have been fighting for a long time!

“Devil Hunter, want to devour me, delusional, today I will devour you to achieve Tianyuan Dao!”

The monster with huge blood-red wings roared violently!

“Presumptuous, you are the flesh and blood on my body, I let you return to my body, you still dare to resist, die!”

The terrifying Demon Hunter roared with murderous expression on his face.

His whole body is like a terrifying monster that destroys the world, and his whole body is full of sharp thorns.

He waved his arm and cut it straight away!

The bird, beast and beast hurriedly evaded!

“Hoho, we all have independent consciousness, want to eat me? Delusion!”

The one-horned and one-eyed monster roared angrily, stepping on the void with its horns.

“Boom boom boom!”

The entire void began to vibrate and explode!

A wave of energy attacked the other two monsters!

“Boom boom boom!”

“Boom boom boom!”

Explosions and confrontations are going on all the time!

Wang Xian was full of surprise when he heard what they said.

“Why does that hunter demon king say that they are flesh and blood on his own body?”

“Can swallowing the opponent make the Great Dao of Heavenly Origin?”

“What’s the situation? What’s the situation with these three monsters?”

He said in his mouth and guessed in his heart, astonished!

He seems to have discovered something terrible.

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