Chapter 4023 Tianyuan’s creation of a beast born in blood (1)

A group of monsters dominating the pinnacle of the universe.

In addition to one monster that dominates the pinnacle realm of the universe, there are more than a dozen universes that dominate the eighth-order and ninth-order realm.

On the side of this group of monsters, there is some metal.

Metal with the attributes of flame and darkness.

And the amount of this metal is very large!

Enough to make a breakthrough in Tai Chi Dragon Plate and Five Elements Great Mo!

This made Wang Xian a look of excitement in his eyes.

With a move, he moved closer to this group of monsters!


When he just approached, a burst of violent energy rushed towards him!

More than a dozen monsters stared at him sternly!


Even, in the next second, a monster of the ninth-order realm in the universe, attacked towards Wang Xian.

And the monster that dominates the pinnacle of the universe, lying there, didn’t move.

Just glanced at Wang Xian!

“Ha ha!”

When Wang Xian saw this scene, his eyes shone with luster.

He stretched out his palm, his arm turned into dragon claws, and directly grabbed the monster that ruled the ninth-order realm of the universe!

The monster felt a little dazed by the terrifying power that suddenly came from Wang Xian!


He stopped his figure quickly, and let out a low growl toward the rear!

“Puff puff!”

But at this time, it was too late.

Wang Xian’s dragon claws passed and turned into ten thousand meters in size, with terrifying energy, instantly squeezing the monster that dominates the ninth-order realm of the universe!



In the front position, a group of monsters saw their kinsmen be beheaded, and instantly became violent.

They floated up one by one, staring at Wang Xian with stern eyes!

The monster that dominates the pinnacle of the universe is also staring at Wang Xian with cold eyes!


It roared wildly, feeling the energy in Wang Xian’s body.

In the next second, he directly attacked Wang Xian.

There are more than a dozen warcrafts, right and left!

“Dawei Tianlong!”

Seeing them attacking, Wang Xian waved his arm and was located in the sky.

A terrifying heavenly dragon, directly condensed into it, headed towards a dozen monsters!


The beast that led the universe to dominate the pinnacle saw the sky dragon suddenly appeared in the sky.

Feeling the death threat from above, the heart beat violently.


It roared wildly, and immediately furious.

The fiery red and dark energy intertwined with each other, forming a terrifying storm!

In the surrounding location, the magma water is heading towards the surrounding mines!

A huge space is formed!



The rest of the beasts also went mad at once!

They headed directly towards the Dawei Tianlong attack!


“Boom boom boom!”

There was a terrifying crash.

The heavenly dragons above, with invincible capital, drove toward them to suppress them.

A torrent of energy covered them.

Faced with the attack of Wang Xian, the attack of those dozen monsters couldn’t resist it at all.

It can’t be broken at all!

“Oh oh oh!”

In an instant, except for the monster that dominated the pinnacle of the universe, all the other monsters died.

Even if they are already violent.

Even the monster that dominated the pinnacle of the universe was hit hard in an instant!

“not bad!”

Wang Xian saw the attack of his own law, with a satisfied expression on his face.

This is not his very powerful attack.

His Nine Source Dragon Realm has not been displayed yet!

He has more powerful attacks.

In addition, his innate treasure, the fragments of Tianyuan’s good fortune, were also not used!

Nowadays, the power of Wang Xian’s body, even if it does not rely on treasures, is higher than that of the universe dominating the pinnacle!

This gave Wang Xian a satisfied look!


At this moment, in the front position, the monster that dominates the pinnacle of the universe stared at Wang Xian in amazement.

It did not hesitate at all, and quickly fled towards the distance!

“Want to escape?”

Wang Xian smiled coldly, and Wu Shi Shengyi slightly incited it!


Wang Xian came to the position behind him instantly with a terrifying speed!

He stretched out the dragon’s claws and grabbed it towards its body!


The beast that dominates the pinnacle realm feels the coming of death.

Turning his head, he spouted endless violent energy directly.

The energy contains the bursting power of flame and darkness!


But Wang Xian did not have the slightest fluctuation, the dragon claw directly squeezed the energy that it sprayed, and fell on its body.


This beast that dominates the pinnacle screams and despairs.


Wang Xian’s dragon claw penetrated its body, killing all its vitality instantly!


Wang Xian waved his arm and collected all the corpses into the brood!

With a move, he came to the position of this group of monsters’ lair.

He glanced at the surrounding metal materials, revealing a satisfied look.

After the Five Elements Great Mo and Taiji Dragon Disk broke through again, they were comparable to the existence of the pinnacle of the three universe rulers.

Together, they can fight against six!

This is definitely a very terrifying combat power!

“This magma domain is really a treasure, continue to see if there are any other monsters!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, his body moved, and he continued to fly forward.

Now, he really has no scruples in this Abyss of Warcraft!

It has been flying towards the front, flying for several hours, and there is no trace of the monster.

When he flew again for half an hour, he looked forward with a look of error on his face.

In the front position, there are a lot of metal treasures!

This metal treasure is the same as the one he just obtained!

The difference is that the number of metal treasures here is much more than before.

He glanced around with a bit of astonishment.

Did not find any monsters exist.

No, Wang Xian could feel the scent of monsters left around him.

The breath of monsters flew towards one place.

“What’s the situation? This place is definitely the old nest of a powerful group of beasts, and it is even stronger than the beast lair that I just hunted down. Where are the beasts here?”

“They actually gave up the treasures in the lair and left directly? Did they encounter an attack from a strong sword and magic universe?”

“No, there is no trace of fighting here, they left by themselves!”

Wang Xian stood there, sensing everything around him, muttering in his mouth!

A group of beasts abandon the treasures in the old nest and leave directly, which is somewhat abnormal.

He put away these metal materials, quietly feeling the breath of monsters.

After hesitating, Wang Xian followed this breath and flew forward.

He wanted to see where this group of monsters had gone.

What happened to them that caused them to abandon the treasures in the nest!

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