Chapter 4004 Opportunity to improve the body again!


“This Wangxian Shengzi actually gave the two corpses to Longyin Forbidden Land’s junior apprentice younger sister? Is this???”

“This is simply a great opportunity. For Longyin Forbidden Land, this level of treasure exists, they are not qualified to obtain it at all!”

“What kind of opportunity is this? If I remember correctly, that Wang Xian joined the Dragon Yin Forbidden Land halfway, and now he has given them two such terrifying opportunities. I am afraid that if the Wang Xian wishes, he will take these two. The corpse is given to the Forbidden Land of Flowing Water, and it can be exchanged for an identity not weaker than the Saint Child of the Forbidden Land of Flowing Water!”

In the surrounding locations, the other holy children and saints of the Forbidden Land saw this scene with extremely hot expressions in their eyes.

The jealousy and envy in their eyes are not disguised in the slightest!

This kind of opportunity, even for the Saint Child and Saint Daughter of the Water Forbidden Land, is huge.

There are also some who dare not ask for it!

Now they two disciples who are only in the pinnacle realm of Venerable Universe can obtain it.

This is simply…

It’s a bit unfair!

Especially the saint son of the water forbidden land, hearing Wang Xian’s words, the jealousy and greed in his eyes did not hide the slightest.

He is breathing a little fast!

He didn’t even get a treasure of this level.

It was actually obtained by two people whose identities were much lower than him, and whose strength was much weaker than him?

He was a little unwilling!

“Big Brother Wang Xian, we…”

Long Yinyin and Long Yinhao stayed in a daze, opened their mouths, with shocked expressions on their faces.

The two corpses are not very good.

If Ruuo was forbidden by Dragon Yin, if they were not in the ruins of this universe now.

Then these two corpses can give them the Dragon Yin Forbidden Land and come to an extinction disaster.

Yes, it is so scary.

In the current Longyin Forbidden Land, there has not yet been a strong man who dominates the pinnacle of the universe.

And these two corpses can make a very talented disciple have a 50% chance of reaching the pinnacle of cosmic dominance.

Although it is not 100%, it is already very scary.

The universe dominates the pinnacle realm, but it is the top powerhouse in the entire universe!

Except for the good fortune of Tianyuan, the strongest existence.

Now, a huge opportunity fell on them!

“Hehe, I will find a place to absorb it later!”

Wang Xian smiled and continued, looking at the saint Liuyue who was on the side: “Saint Liuyue, you will negotiate with other holy land forbidden lands as soon as possible. The conditions are negotiated, and we will break all the remaining magic pillars. !”


Saintess Liuyue looked at Wang Xian with twinkling eyes, then glanced at the two sisters and brothers of Long Yinyin, also showing a trace of envy.

“All saint children and saints, next we will break the remaining magic pillars. Except for the metallic magic pillars, you can all trade with us for the rest of the magic pillars.”

“Let your predecessors contact our predecessors in the Forbidden Land of Flowing Water. The one with the higher price will get it. In addition, please remind that on the corpse of every strong man, two treasures belong to the King Xian Shengzi, and he can take the lead in choosing!”

The saint Liuyue said to all the saint children and saints around!

His words filled the faces of all the saints and sons with excitement.

“The magic pillar of wind attribute, if we can get absorbed…”

“Immediately contact our elders in the Forbidden Land, and let them talk to the Forbidden Land!”

“Dominating all the inheritance of the pinnacle powerhouse, I hope that our holy courtyard can negotiate with the water forbidden ground!”

Excited voices came, and Wang Xian’s eyes flickered slightly when he saw this scene.

“Sage of the Moon, we are in the ruins of the universe, so can we send resources here from the outside?”

He couldn’t help but asked at Liuyue Saintess.

“This can’t.”

Saint Liuyue shook her head.

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered slightly, and there was an idea in his mind.

He wants all the treasures in the magic pillar, not for his own use!

I have no shortage of treasures now.

His purpose is mainly to exchange these treasures into resources to improve his body.

Except for a magic pillar that belongs to the water attribute of the water forbidden land, and the magic pillar of the space attribute he has obtained himself.

There are also ten treasures owned by the strong body in the magic pillar, he can choose two!

That’s twenty!

And these twenty pieces are the strongest treasures of a realm powerhouse dominating the pinnacle of the universe.

Treasures of this level are also very precious to the powerhouses who dominate the pinnacle realm!

Then the resources replaced by these treasures, Wang Xian’s body, has an 80% possibility to complete a breakthrough again.

Yes, as long as Wang Xian breaks through again, then his strength will not know how terrifying.

To benchmark Tianyuan good fortune?

It may be difficult.

But he is already standing above the realm of dominance!

Planning in his mind, his eyes swept around.

Around the location, Ao Jian is also there, but the relationship between the two is hidden for the time being!

“Ao Jianshengzi, please come over, I have something to discuss!”

Wang Xian hesitated for a moment, and said directly to Ao Jian!

When Ao Jian heard Wang Xian’s words, he arched his hands and flew towards him immediately.

The two flew towards the side position.

“Huh? What is the relationship between the Saint Child of the Xuanlong Forbidden Land and the Saint Prince Wang Xian?”

“It seems that the Saint Child of the Xuanlong Forbidden Land has some respect for this Wangxian Saint Child, what’s the situation?”

“I don’t know, do they know each other? What is their relationship?”

Seeing Wang Xian and Ao Jian walking aside, all the saints and saints around, their faces showed a look of error.

The two strongest dark horses on the Tianjiao list this time.

One is the Ao Jian Shengzi of the Xulong Holy Land.

One is the son of Wang Xian in the Forbidden Land of Longyin.

These two people are absolutely dark horses.

The terrifying dark horse!

It now seems that they have some acquaintances.

This makes them very curious.

“We Wangxian Shengzi and Xulong Forbidden Land’s Shengzi know each other? How did they meet?”

“Yes, what’s the situation?”

The disciples of Longyin Forbidden Land were slightly surprised when they saw this scene!

Long Yin Yin and Long Yinhao were also slightly surprised, with curious and thoughtful expressions on their faces.

“Big Brother Wang Xian should have been a strong man and disciple who had seen the Xuanlong Forbidden Land when he was in the Holy Moon.”

Long Yinhao guessed.

“Well, it’s very possible!”

Long Yin Yin also nodded.

However, they didn’t doubt Wang Xian.

A joke, the two powerful bodies that Wang Xian gave them now are more precious than their entire Dragon Yin Forbidden Land.

What did Wang Xian plot for the Dragon Yin Forbidden Land?

It’s impossible!

The Saint Son and the Saint Daughter of the Water Forbidden Land and Wuwang Forbidden Land, they saw Wang Xian and Ao Jian walking to the side, and their eyes flickered slightly.

Guessing the relationship between them!

After all, Wang Xian and Ao Jian both obtained or were about to obtain the inheritance of the corpse in the magic pillar.

In the future, they may be the top powerhouses, and they can’t tolerate them not paying attention!

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