Chapter 4003 Harvest

“Huh? What are they doing?”

Wuman Shengzi flew over, his eyes swept across the saint Liuyue and Wang Xian, his eyes shone with luster.

“Huh? Brother, this Saint King Immortal, his strength seems to have broken through again!”

At this time, the saint, who was standing by without arrogance, looked at Wang Xian, a treasure on his wrist was blooming with a hint of luster, and he said with surprise on his face!

“It should be true. This Wang Xian Shengzi is very enchanting. He should have gained a lot of great opportunities, and his combat effectiveness is also very strong.”

Wuman Shengzi nodded, his eyes fell on Long Yin Yin Long Yinhao and the others, with a questioning look in his eyes.

“Sacred Son of No Man, Sage of Chords, Sage of Liuyue, and Brother Wang Xian, they are going to break the magic pillar and obtain the treasures and corpses inside!”

Long Yinhao saw Wuman Shengzi’s gaze and immediately spoke.

Regarding the strongest son of the sword and magic universe, Long Yinhao still didn’t dare to make a second attempt!

“Break the magic pillar, do they have a way?”

Wuman Shengzi condensed his eyes, with a hot expression in his eyes, and asked.

“Saint Liuyue said that there is a method that can be broken with the help of our eldest brother Wang Xian.”

Long Yin Yin opened his mouth and returned.

As for what the corpse in this magic pillar represents, they just arrived and don’t know yet.

I don’t know where it is precious!

“It can be broken!”

Wuman Shengzi’s eyes flickered slightly, and they stood aside, staring firmly.

The crowds in the water forbidden ground broke the magic pillar here, and no one dared to destroy it.

Without restraint, it will not disturb them.

Time passed quickly!


However, after five hours, a special energy emerged from the entire magic pillar.

The energy barrier on the magic pillar slowly began to dissipate.

Wang Xian opened his eyes and looked up.


On the side, the face of Saint Liuyue showed excitement, and her eyes were fiercely staring at the opened magic pillar.

Her body trembled slightly.

“Successful, really successful!”

“What a fast speed, the will of this Saint Wang Xian is terrifying!”

“Success in just a few hours, I thought it would take a few days!”

A disciple of the celebrity water forbidden land also said with hot eyes.

Although they can’t get these magic pillars, they can definitely get a lot of rewards!

“Go ahead, I will accept the corpses and treasures in this magic pillar first, and the next one belongs to your forbidden water flow, the saint of the moon, you can choose one of the two magic pillars!”

Wang Xian moved to the top of the magic pillar, waved his arm, and collected the body.

Saintess Liuyue saw this scene and nodded when she heard what he said.

There was a smile on her face: “Okay, Holy Son Wang Xian, happy cooperation, then this magic pillar of water attributes!”

“Happy cooperation!”

Wang Xian smiled, looked at the magic pillar pointed by Saintess Liuyue, and nodded.

“Sage of the Moon, what is your method?”

Wuman Shengzi watched this scene move, his eyes quickly flew in front of Saint Liuyue, staring at her, and then swept Wang Xian aside.

“Our unique method of displacement in the Forbidden Land of Flowing Water, of course, the main reason is that the Saint Son of Wang Xian resists the impact of will.”

The saint Liuyue smiled at him: “The next magic pillar, if you want to open it, the treasures of the corpse in the magic pillar, Saint Child Wang Xian will take away two pieces. We also need some resources. Make an exchange!”

“Holy Son Wuman can ask the news to be sent to your predecessors in the unreasonable forbidden land, so that your predecessors in the unreasonable forbidden land can talk to our seniors in the forbidden land!”

Saint Liuyue said to him with a smile on her face!

Wuman Shengzi’s eyes flickered slightly, and he nodded without hesitation: “Okay, no problem!”


Saint Liuyue nodded and looked at Wang Xian: “Go on, Saint Child Wang Xian!”


They moved and came to another magic pillar!

“The flowing water forbidden land combined with that king immortal, unexpectedly broke the magic pillar, this… this is amazing!”

“Hi, what method did they use to break the magic pillar?”

“Does that mean that all the remaining magic pillars can all be broken?”

From the surrounding locations, all the saints and daughters of the forbidden land holy land flew over, looking at this scene with shocked faces.

Wang Xian and the others ignored the shock around them, and continued to crack the second water attribute magic pillar!

After a few hours, this magic pillar was easily cracked!

The saint Liuyue flew over with some excitement and took away all the corpses and treasures inside.

Next, the third magic pillar of water attribute was easily broken by Wang Xian and the others.

The corpses and treasures inside were taken away by Wang Xian!

“Yin Yin, Yin Hao, these two corpses are for you.”

After Wang Xian got the corpses in the two magic pillars, he immediately threw it to Long Yin Yin Long Yinhao!

“Big Brother Wang Xian, no… isn’t it, this is for us?”

Long Yinhao looked at the corpse that flew to his side, his eyes widened, and his expression was full of horror.

Long Yinyin on the side was also shocked.

They didn’t understand the corpse at first.

But in these few hours, after hearing the exclamation and discussion of other holy places, the saint son and saint of the Forbidden Land, they have fully understood the efficacy and power of this corpse.

Because of the particularity of the death of the strong in the magic pillar, because it is the reason for being sealed.

All their spirits are locked in this magic pillar.

Inside their corpses, they contained their spiritual fragments, containing the insights of the powerful.

As long as the corpse is placed next to oneself to practice, there is a great chance of absorbing everything that this strong man has learned before his death!

what is this?

This is a more powerful and precious existence than the sword bowl magic mantle.

What’s more, the sword bowl magic mantle also has levels.

The sword bowl magic mantle that dominates the pinnacle of the universe, there is not much in the entire universe.

However, the corpse in this magic pillar is several times more precious than the sword bowl magic mantle that dominates the pinnacle realm!

Now, this kind of terrifying inheritance, Wang Xian directly gave them.

This is tantamount to making them ascend to the sky in one step.

Let them have the capital to set foot on the pinnacle of the universe’s dominance in the future!

It will enable them to become the top powerhouses in the sword and magic universe in the future.

“If you don’t give it to you, what use is it for me to keep it?”

Wang Xian heard Long Yinhao’s exclamation and said with a smile: “As soon as possible, absorb the energy and essence in this corpse. If you leave the ruins of the universe, you will be insecure. You are guilty of carrying Bi, but as long as you absorb them all. Now, there is no problem, absorb this corpse, and you are expected to set foot on the pinnacle of the universe’s dominance!”

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