The 3468th chapter memorial, destroy a city 1

“Our Hundred Cities Alliance has announced that the Dragon Palace has been suppressed, hahaha, that thing that does not live or die, dare to destroy the members of our Hundred Cities Alliance?”

“The Dragon Palace is still too weak, challenge the Hundred Cities Alliance, and the Hundred Cities Alliance directly dispatches the strong to suppress it!”

“The Hundred Cities Alliance released information. Although they suppressed the Dragon Palace, most of the members of the Dragon Palace have fled early. However, the Hundred Cities Alliance will completely strangle all the members of the Dragon Palace in the future!”

“It’s too strong, Dragon Palace has no resistance at all and was directly suppressed!”

After the powerhouses of the Hundred Cities Alliance returned, they immediately passed the suppression of the disappearance of the Dragon Palace.

They released this news for two purposes.

One is to show the strength of their Hundred Cities Alliance.

The second is to prepare for the next Hundred Cities Alliance to hunt down the disciples of the Shenlong line.

In the future, as long as the people of the Hundred Cities Alliance do not hunt down the strong disciples of the Ancestral Dragon, they can all blame the Dragon Palace members for their hunting targets.

In the cosmic brain, the powerhouses and disciples of other forces do not know the intention of the Hundred Cities Alliance.

The disciples of the Hundred Cities Alliance cheered and clamored that the Dragon Palace was pure death.

Other forces also slightly shaken the strength of the Hundred Cities Alliance.

After all, it is an alliance of one hundred cities, and its strength is extremely terrifying.

“Ha ha!”

At this moment, Wang Xian is located in the blessed land under the heavenly water of the Tianheng River.

He looked at the information on the Universe Brain, with a sneer on his face.

Although the Dragon Palace was suppressed this time, for them, it had no influence at all.

Instead, a second-tier cosmic ruler in the Hundred Cities Alliance was beaten to death for beheading the cursed dragon.

Today, the so-called suppression by the Hundred Cities Alliance is a good cover for Dragon Palace.

“Dragon King, this Hundred Cities Alliance is a bit too arrogant. They issued a killing order, saying that when they encounter a disciple of the Dragon Palace in the future, they will kill one, not keep the other, and remove the roots.”

At the side position, Prime Minister Turtle saw the information on Zhi Nao, and his face was a little angry.

It has been a long time since they encountered such a rampant enemy!

“Is it a bit arrogant, do you really think that we are what they can do?”

There was sarcasm and sarcasm on Wang Xian’s face.

This time the Hundred Cities Alliance came to suppress the Dragon Palace, and if Wang Xian made a counterattack, it would be impossible for them to suppress the Dragon Palace.

However, if he strikes back, the opponent will send more powerful men.

No need for it!

There is no need to divulge one’s own strength.

“Dragon King, now the evil spirits have improved. With their strengths, they can control a city within a year with good luck. It will take up to a few years for the bad luck. At that time, we will make the Hundred Cities Alliance pay a tragic price!”

Prime Minister Turtle said murderously.

Wang Xian nodded: “Order all the Dragon Palace disciples outside to be very careful, and beware of all living beings.”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded.


At this time, Wangxian Universe’s brain uploaded a message, a message from Qinglongyue.

Ask about some information about Dragon Palace.

Wang Xian replied, so he didn’t have to worry.

“Brother Wang Xian, be careful. According to the information we have received, all the cities of the Hundred Cities Alliance have sent some elites to form a team of members of the Dragon Extinguishing Palace. You must be extremely careful.”

“According to our guess, they will hunt and kill people of the Shenlong bloodline wantonly.”

Qinglongyue sent another message.

Seeing this information, Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Brother Qinglongyue mean that the opponent will attack all the people of Shenlong bloodline?”

He replied directly.

“It should be. According to some information obtained by our Ancestral Dragons, the Hundred Cities Alliance seems to have participated in it, but they will not attack the disciples and members of the Ancestral Dragon. You have to be careful. “Qing Longyue responded quickly.

Wang Xian looked at Qinglongyue’s message, his eyes flickering.

The Hundred Cities Alliance did not dare to fully participate, but it had already acted secretly.

In addition, they organized a team to hunt down members of the Dragon Palace. This team said it was hunting down the disciples of the Dragon Palace.

In fact, it is hunting all the blood of Shenlong.

As long as the opponent is not an expert and disciple of the Ancestral Dragon line that is recognized by the public, they can count it as a disciple of the Dragon Palace.

Today’s Ancestral Dragon line has been scattered for tens of millions of years, and many new Shenlong lineages have been born, and many strong people don’t know whether they are strong in the Ancestral Dragon line.

In this case, the Hundred Cities Alliance killed it can be said to be a disciple of the Dragon Palace.

The most important thing is that the powerhouses of the Ancestral Dragon family obviously have encountered some trouble now, so that they don’t want to completely turn their faces with the Hundred Cities Alliance.

“The team that hunted down the Dragon Palace disciples, this Hundred Cities Alliance is really arrogant.”

Sensation was seen in Wang Xian’s eyes.

“Hundred Cities Alliance, you are about to pay the price soon!”

He muttered in his mouth, sitting crouched in Dongtian Fudi, quietly waiting for the news from the Eight Qi Demon Sha.

Wang Xian is not in a hurry, he can afford to wait, and the waiting time will not be too long.

A few years at most!

“Dragon King, the latest news. A dozen of our Dragon Palace disciples were killed in a small city called Vast Sky City. Most of the small city was destroyed, and there were many casualties.”

However, two months later, a sudden news broke Wang Xian’s plan.

He heard the news reported by Prime Minister Turtle, and he had a slight meal!

“The Hundred Cities Alliance’s actions are very fast. In addition, the Hundred Cities Alliance seems to have made a statement and warning in this way to make other neutral cities and races prohibit the Dragon Palace disciples from entering the city, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk.”

Prime Minister Kame continued.

“Prime Minister Turtle, you said that the city is called the Vast Sky City?”

Wang Xian’s face changed slightly, and he said.

“Yes, it is called the Vast Sky City. It is a small city. There are not many strong cities. The strong ones in the Hundred Cities Alliance apologize and say that they will be compensated, but this is obviously a warning and a warning to other cities. .”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded.

“Vast Sky City?”

Wang Xian’s face slowly became embarrassed, and immediately took out his wisdom brain and contacted someone.

Fang Clerk!

When he came to the interior of the Kaitian Primordial Continent, the first group of people he encountered was the people of Vast Sky City.

At that time, he chatted for a long time with Fang Clerk, a strong sage in the Haotian City, and the other party also gave him some gifts of calligraphy and painting.

The two talked very happily and learned a lot from him.

But now Vast Sky City has been destroyed by most?

This made Wang Xian’s eyes show a cold killing intent.

After the information was sent, time passed by minute by minute without any reply.

Wang Xian closed his eyes slightly and waited, one day, two days, three days…

Ten days later, there was still no reply.

“Prime Minister Turtle, send someone to Haotian City to investigate a person named Fang Clerk.”

Wang Xian calmly ordered, he flew out of the cave world and immediately contacted the Baqi Demon Sha and the others.

He can’t wait!

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