Chapter 3467 Dragon Palace is suppressed!

“Hundred Cities Alliance, then I want to see, who are we to destroy whom?”

Wang Xian stood on the top of the Dragon Palace, staring at the powerhouses of the Hundred Cities Alliance, and said with murderous expression on his face.

“Hehe, today we will suppress you!”

The old man headed by the Hundred Cities Alliance said, his eyes were full of evil spirits.

His gaze swept toward the powerful people around, and they nodded!

“Dragon Palace, even if you have made some preparations and your subordinates have already left the lair, it will not be long before we will completely annihilate you and become the enemy of our Hundred Cities Alliance, and we will destroy ourselves!”

The strong man with huge eyes on his head opened his mouth and flew straight ahead.

A strong man from the Hundred Cities Alliance scattered around, suspended in the void.

“Move the mountain!”

“Fill the sea!”

“Thick soil!”

“Town Demon!”

“Seal the magic!”

“The sky is falling!”

“The land is together!”

Of the eight first-tier powerhouses of the universe, one was beheaded by a curse.

But the other seven strong men drank cold voices one by one, and their eyes bloomed with lustre.

After each word was uttered, the surrounding space began to change drastically.

Moving the mountain, a peak suddenly appeared above the Dragon Palace.

Reclamation, the surrounding space instantly becomes gray!

In the thick soil, located around the Dragon Palace, a series of terrifying walls appeared.

Zhen Yao, a huge palm fell from the sky!

Sealing the devil, two talisman seals crossed, appearing in the void.

The sky is falling, the surrounding darkness!

The earth is together, the earth shakes!

They were vomiting in their mouths, and the energy from their bodies surged towards the surroundings. This scene seemed to change the world.

In the surrounding locations, fifteen cosmic rulers with strong first-order combat power waved their arms, and bursts of energy poured into them.

Wang Xian stood on the Dragon Palace and looked at it with a solemn expression in his eyes.

Seven Cosmos Dominators with Tier 2 combat effectiveness, he can resist with his current strength.

But there is a premise, the other party does not have a powerful innate spirit treasure.

But obviously, they must have one or even two or three innate spirit treasures.

When the companion spirit Lingling was still sleeping and ascending, he was not sure to fight against the seven of them.

Not to mention, the fifteen cosmic rulers with strong fighting power at Tier 1 were not something that Dragon Palace could resist.


One by one, the cursed dragons saw this scene and immediately flew towards the sky.


But they flew to the sky, resisted by an invisible energy, collided on it, and the energy didn’t move.

Cursed creatures will only attack each other if they are beheaded and cursed.

If they crash and die, the curse has no effect on each other.

In other words, the opponent can be sealed in the Dragon Palace without being cursed.

Unless, they were sealed in the Dragon Palace, died because of the seal, and suffered cause and effect, the other party would be cursed.

But this probability is too small and too small.

Therefore, although the opponent has no choice but to take the cursed dragon, he can directly seal the dragon palace.


The old man standing in the center waved his arm, and items fell on the surrounding phantoms.

The mountain peaks began to fall, moving towards the Dragon Palace to suppress it.

The surrounding sea water quickly disappeared and was covered by gray soil properties.

The city wall began to approach, surrounding the Dragon Palace.

Pieces of condensed void objects began to seal and suppress the Dragon Palace.

“What a weird means of suppression. After this dragon palace is suppressed, even if I want to break it, it will be very difficult, unless Youyu Zhou dominates the third-tier combat power.”

Wang Xian felt the interlocking methods of suppression, with a look of surprise on his face.

He hesitated for a moment, and moved into the Dragon Palace.

“There are not many members in this Dragon Palace. They must have guessed that we will come to destroy them, so most of the members have already escaped. It is estimated that they will fight against our Hundred Cities Alliance again!”

A strong man with a head like eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the Dragon Palace, and said coldly.

“Hmph, as long as they dare to attack our Hundred Cities Alliance, we can destroy it.”

The headed old man showed strong self-confidence on his face.

There are many strong people in their Hundred Cities Alliance, and they have a variety of methods.

There are also many powerful wizards in the line. By means of witchcraft, as long as the disciples of the Dragon Palace dare to attack their city, they can carry out witchcraft tracking.

When the time comes, the other party can’t escape at all.

According to their guess, Dragon Palace should not have Youyu Zhou who dominate the second-tier combat power.

This has no effect on them!

Wang Xian stood in the dragon palace, quietly watching the entire dragon palace be suppressed.

The terrifying seal isolated everything in the Dragon Palace, and the Dragon Palace was suppressed!

As soon as he moved, he immediately came to the Dragon Cavern of the Dragon Palace, looking at the Fire Dragon Palace and the Dark Realm of the Devil Dragon that were being swallowed in the Dragon Palace.

Ao Xie and the others are devouring there.

“Ao Xie, how long will it take to swallow it completely, and what realm your strength can reach after swallowing it.”

Wang Xian asked them.

“It will take more than ten years to report to the Dragon King. At that time, our Devouring Dragon should be able to give birth to more than two dozen cosmic masters with strong second-tier combat capabilities.”

Ao Xie reported immediately.

It’s different from what they initially expected.

Wang Xian thought that Ao Xie could only be promoted to the first-order and second-order combat effectiveness of the universe, but he miscalculated the energy contained in the dark world of the fire dragon palace.

Both of these are the dragon palaces of the real masters of the universe.

That is, at least the Dragon Palace where the universe dominates the realm of the dragon.

Even after the erosion of the years, they can still improve a lot after swallowing them.

“Okay, you continue to devour it.”

Wang Xian nodded.

Swallowing dragons can only fight beyond two tiers, and they can reach the second-tier combat effectiveness of the Domination of the Universe, which means that their realm has reached the pinnacle of the Universe Venerable.

It is somewhat difficult to use the Fire Dragon Palace to reach the realm of real domination of the universe.

“It has been completely suppressed. Unless an expert like the leader of Ancestral Dragon takes action, the Lair of the Dragon Palace will never be sunny!”

A few hours later, outside the Dragon Palace, the old man headed by the Hundred Cities Alliance said coldly.

“Let’s go back, inform all the cities, and beware of the sneak attack by the Dragon Palace!”

As they said, the figure slowly disappeared and left here.


When they left completely, An Lie’s figure appeared outside, took a look at her figure, and returned to the Dragon Palace.

“Dragon King, the powerhouse of the Hundred Cities Alliance has left.”

An Lie reported to Wang Xianhui.

“Okay, let’s go, the war has started!”

A faint smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face, and he stepped directly into the magic dragon altar.

The suppression of the Dragon Palace had no effect on them.

The figure disappeared, and they came to the Dragon Palace’s base area for a long time, in the cave heaven under the water of heaven!

However, the news that the Dragon Palace was suppressed in the Universe Intellectual Brain immediately caused a sensation due to the deliberate spread of the Hundred Cities Alliance.

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