Chapter 3444 Killing Water Master Dongzhu 1

A figure, a snow-white figure, attacked the thousands of disciples under the Zulong line.

He was covered in water, and he was like a puddle of special water when he ran.

There is no real body, it looks very strange.

This is a special creature.

Wang Xian squinted his eyes slightly, her eyes gleaming.

There is even a strong person who wants to attack the Zulong line.

It seems that they have come prepared this time.

And if Wang Xian hadn’t guessed, this figure was called Water Master Dongzhu.

Qinglongyue once warned him that among the twelve cave masters, don’t challenge the Tianheng cave master and the ice emperor cave master. The last one is the water master cave master.

Being able to make Qinglongyue say such a thing is also a recognition of their strength!

“A cosmic master of the level who sneaked an attack on a group of cosmic venerables, isn’t it shameless!”

Wang Xian moved at this moment.

If he didn’t make a move, all the thousands of disciples of the Ancestral Dragon’s line would die.


The water flowing towards the disciples of the Zulong line stagnated slightly, and his eyes condensed when he looked at Wang Xian who suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Hehe, you really got involved, a new powerhouse from the Zulong line?”

Water Master Dongzhu didn’t seem to be surprised by Wang Xian’s shot.

In the battle between Wang Xian and the female demon Dongzhu, all the strong can see that he is also a strong one in the line of Shenlong.

In addition, afterwards, Wang Xian entered the cave of Azure Dragon Moon twice, all of which were seen in everyone’s eyes.

They already have some guesses and beware of Wang Xian!

“I am not from the Zulong line, but I am very upset with the lackeys of the Shenglong line!”

Wang Xian shook his head slightly and said lightly.

“Hehe, since you are in the Zulong line, I don’t care if you are a disciple of the Zulong line, you will die!”

“Killing you is worth a lot more than slaughtering thousands of disciples of the Zulong line. I will take your body in exchange for treasures, wow!”

After speaking, his figure moved instantly.

The water flow is his body, allowing him to illusion arbitrarily.

He condensed into the appearance of a water god dragon, protruding the dragon’s claws and grabbing it directly.

“What? One of the twelve cave masters, the water mage cave master, will also be an enemy of our ancestor dragon?”

“Fortunately, Master Wang Xian made the move, otherwise we would be finished!”

“Damn, there are rapes among us, and there are strong people who want to kill us, they definitely come prepared!”

In front of the Azure Dragon Moon Cave Mansion, a group of disciples from the Ancestral Dragon line looked at this scene with extremely ugly expressions.

Just now, the attack of the Water Master Dongzhu made them feel the arrival of death.

Fortunately, an adult suddenly appeared!

Otherwise, they are doomed!

“The body of the false dragon, dare to be arrogant!”

Wang Xian stared at the water mage’s illusion, with a cold color in his eyes.


His body shook, and clouds appeared around him.

“Go to the sky and fight immediately!”

From the surrounding locations, all the cave masters saw the situation here, their faces were slightly unsightly, and they warned coldly.



Water Master and Wang Xian did not violate the rules here.

They are also afraid of disturbing the terrifying star behemoth.

The mist completely enveloped the water mage, but he seemed to directly attack Wang Xian without seeing things with his eyes.

“Only you? I will completely wipe you out today!”

The water mage showed strong self-confidence, and he roared wildly: “Take the body as the formation, without dripping water, and seal the void!”

Obviously, he is very confident of his own strength!

He was shocked all over, one by one, drops of water were scattered around the city.

These water drops directly condense into a formation in the void.

Blockade the big formation, under this big formation, only by breaking the big formation can you instantly return to your own God’s country.

“Hehe, very good, I like your confidence!”

Wang Xian smiled. Inside his body, chains crazily stretched towards the surroundings, similarly blocking a void.

“Thank you, Brother Wang Xian, for taking care, brother, be careful, this water mage’s attack is very strange.”

At this time, Qing Longyue’s hurried voice came from a distant location.

Wang Xian’s eyes swept away, and Qinglongyue was completely suppressed under the siege of four first-order cosmic masters.

However, he is a dragon of wood attributes, and the most powerful is his resilience.

They would need at least some time to kill Qinglongyue.

But Qinglongyue has been locked, and even if it escapes, it can be pursued. In their opinion, Qinglongyue will definitely die.

It just takes some time.

“rest assured.”

Wang Xian smiled faintly. The last time he killed the Banshee Dongzhu, he only used a quarter of his strength.

This time, he won’t keep it!

Wu Shi Shengyi’s violent incitement, he disappeared instantly!

“Huh? Very fast, but everything about you is under my influence!”

Water Master Dongzhu felt Wang Xian’s speed, his face changed slightly.

When Wang Xian appeared in one place, a blister appeared in front of him.

Wrap directly towards him.

“So quick response, he was able to capture where I was flying.”

Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment, but he didn’t care. With a wave of his arm, the Five Elements Damo directly attacked the Water Master Dongzhu.


The Five Elements Damo attacked, the Five Elements began to operate, and the entire Five Elements Damo became very red.

A terrifying flame suddenly burst.

It seemed that the entire sky was covered by flames.



The sudden appearance of the Great Mould of the Five Elements, and the sudden burst of power, caught the Water Master by surprise.

The dripping water around him sealed the void formation, and there were also cracks.

A cold color appeared in Wang Xian’s eyes, and his arms turned into flame dragon claws under the flickering figure.


The appearance of the flame seemed to have caused the Water Master Dongzhu to lose that kind of powerful induction.

Wang Xian appeared on his side, and directly bombarded his transformed water dragon body.


A screaming sound came from the mouth of the Water Master Dongzhu, and lotus petals slowly appeared around him.

Each petal has an extremely powerful defense.

“Huh? This is the water lotus, it’s not right, he should have swallowed the water lotus and realized the powerful defense law.”

Wang Xian’s eyes condensed and flickered slightly.

“But you still have to die!”

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, four 9th-grade water lotus flowers appeared in the surroundings, and went directly to suppress him.

“What? How is this possible!”

When the water master Dongzhu saw the four 9th-grade water lotus flowers, his whole person was dumbfounded, full of incredible expressions.

How could he have four nine-grade water lotus flowers?

He stayed in the river of Tianheng for more than one billion years before he obtained a Ninth-Rank water lotus, and he was swallowed by him and understood the powerful law of defense.

There are four guys who have just arrived here not long ago?

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