Chapter 3443 Qinglongyue is besieged!

“The situation of Zulong’s disciples is not optimistic!”

Wang Xian returned to his cave, checked various information on the universe’s brain, and muttered.

Because of its backing to the Angels, the Sacred Dragon Line was able to issue a reward in the Hundred Cities Alliance.

Once the reward is released, people will be moved to hunt and kill the disciples of the Zulong line in exchange for the reward.

This is very dangerous for the Zulong disciples.

“But the situation is not out of control.”

Wang Xian muttered, cultivating in the cave mansion.

“Dragon King, there is something wrong with the atmosphere outside!”

Two months later, An Lie sent a third-grade water lotus and suddenly said to Wang Xian.

“Huh? What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”

Wang Xian was slightly taken aback.

“The atmosphere is a little frozen, and there are obviously fewer people around, and there are discussions about the Hundred Cities Alliance and the Zulong line.”

An Lie said.

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered slightly, turned on the Universe Brain, and continued to check the information.

When he saw a content, he raised his brows slightly.

In the Hundred Cities Alliance, two strong men from two cities besieged a strong man in the Zulong line and beheaded it.

“Huh? Why do they want to attack the strong of the Ancestral Dragon? The comprehensive strength of the Ancestral Dragon is much stronger than that of the entire Hundred Cities Alliance. They attack the strong of the Ancestral Dragon, aren’t they afraid of being retaliated?”

There was a deep doubt on Wang Xian’s face.

The Zulong line is not weak, and the leader is called the first person under the rule of the universe.

The strength of the Hundred Cities Alliance cannot withstand the revenge of the Ancestral Dragon, let alone two cities.

“What’s the inside story, or what?”

Wang Xian frowned and flew towards the outside with a movement.

In the outside position, there are obviously fewer people, but there are many disciples of the Ancestral Dragon family around.

Obviously, some of the disciples had come to join Qinglongyue.

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly, leaning on the side of the cave and watching quietly.

It may be that there are more disciples of the Zulong line here, which makes the atmosphere here a little tense.

Especially after a strong man from the Hundred Cities Alliance besieged and killed a strong man who ruled the universe of the Ancestral Dragon lineage not long ago.

No one knew whether they would come to attack Qinglongyue.

There is a blue dragon in the Zulong line, but it is a well-known thing.

There was a contemplative expression on Wang Xian’s face.

Could it be that the participation of the angel family came in?

Otherwise, how could the Hundred Cities Alliance dare to participate in the city?

Wang Xian shook his head and entered the cave. He checked the water lotus on the ancestral tree, with a smile on his face.

There are a total of four Nine Grade Water Lotus.

However, except for the area where the water from the sky fell, the other places were basically searched for by An Lie.

“Boom boom boom!”

“You guys are looking for death, roar roar!”

After half a month, a roar suddenly came.

Accompanied by a dragon chant.

Upon hearing this sound, Wang Xian moved his body and flew towards the outside immediately.

“Tianzhen, leader of the water dragon, come out!”

At the same time, he gave a soft drink, and the two figures immediately followed behind.

Shui Linglong’s father had already come after the breakthrough.

Wang Xian flew out of the cave and looked towards the outside position.


Outside, there was a bright mask on the four heads, the mask radiating light, completely covering the figure.

The four figures of them surrounded Qinglongyue in the center.

Qinglongyue turned into a human form, and looked at the surrounding four people with cold eyes.

“You are from the Hundred Cities Alliance? Which city is it? Do you know that you are killing yourself!”

Qing Longyue stared at them with a violent look on her face.

“We are not members of the Hundred Cities Alliance, ha ha, Azure Dragon Moon, you don’t have to threaten us, your ancestor dragon line is gone, today is your death date!”

Among the four, one figure said sternly.

“Haha, if you want to kill me, just rely on the four of you?”

Qing Longyue laughed loudly, swaying the dragon’s body, and the wood attribute energy on her body swept towards the surroundings.

“Everyone, large-scale battles are forbidden in Lotus Peak. Please go to the sky, otherwise, don’t blame us for being polite, Qinglongyue, you also understand the rules here.”

At this time, a famous cave master appeared in each cave mansion, and twelve cave masters, besides Wang Xian and others, six city masters came out.

They faintly warned.

“We all understand the rules, Jie Jie, Qinglongyue, I have locked you down, even if you escape to your own God’s country, we will be able to find you very quickly, and we will kill you!”

An old voice said faintly, they obviously came prepared.

Qinglongyue’s eyes looked cold and gloomy and swept down.

Below, there are thousands of disciples of Shenlong blood.

“Among you, there are disciples from the line of Shenglong, and there are traitors!”

He said coldly.

With Qinglongyue’s strength, under such circumstances in the Ancestral Dragon line, it is impossible for him not to do some quasi-parties.

For example, if a strong person comes over, he can directly lead his disciples away.

Now the other party suddenly rushed over, not only did he not notice the slightest, even the formations arranged in the cave had temporarily lost its effect.

Therefore, among them, there are people from the other side.

“Who is it, who did it?”

“Damn, there are traitors among us.”

Thousands of disciples of Zulong’s line looked at each other, each of them looked very embarrassed.

Wang Xian frowned slightly.

The dissolution of the Zulong line has both advantages and disadvantages. Tens of millions of years have passed, and some members are still loyal to the leader and loyal to the Zulong line.

But some of them may have been subdued by the line of Shenglong and hidden in the crowd.

“It seems that this time the Zulong and Shenglong war has been planned for a long time.”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart.

Qinglongyue is not just a problem with the teleportation formation, maybe his aura has been locked by the opponent.

Among the opponents, there is a great witch.

“Come on, Qinglongyue, you can’t escape!”

The person wearing the mask flew directly into the sky and said mockingly towards Qinglongyue.

“Ho Ho Ho Ho, hahaha, it’s not what I said, just because you still want to kill me, at least two or three will fall!”

Qing Longyue roared and flew directly towards the sky.

In addition, the three masked figures around him attacked directly.

In the battle of hunting, the opponent is prepared, and there will never be any kindness.

“Dragon King, we…”

Watching the battle that broke out in the sky instantly, the sky array spoke towards Wang Xian.

“You guys go get ready.”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered, and he ordered.


At this moment, Wang Xian sensed a figure moving.

The figure directly killed the disciples of the Ancestral Dragon in front of Azure Dragon Moon Cave Sky.


Wang Xian stared at the figure that suddenly shot!

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