Chapter 3174 Tianhai Dragon Palace Ruins

After Wang Xian announced that the Dragon Palace had begun to settle, the Dragon Palace members were also free.

Prime Minister Turtle has made a plan. Every month, half of the fighting dragon species in the Dragon Palace will hunt in the galaxy.

Hunt down some aquatic beasts in the galaxy.

The remaining half of the members can perform activities in the Dragon Palace, or in the galaxy.

This made the Dragon Palace members completely relaxed.

Since the development of Dragon Palace, most of the time of Dragon Palace members has been spent on cultivation.

Now that I have time to go out and play, some of the disciples of the Dragon Palace are also active in the galaxy.

This allowed the disciples of some races to see the members of the Dragon Palace.

Facing the disciples of Dragon Palace, the disciples of the other forces were also full of surprises.

Not only because of the strength of the Dragon Palace, but also because of the strength of the Dragon Palace disciples.

As time passed day by day, the Milky Way was also completely stabilized.

The disciples of the Dragon Palace are active in the galaxy, and a large number of water beasts are hunted and killed by the Dragon Palace every month.

The Venerable Universe-level desolate beasts in those places where the galaxy was powerful were also suppressed by the Dragon Palace one by one.

Among them, two of the second-tier desolate beasts of Venerable Universe were subdued by Wang Xian.

Under the leadership of An Lie, they came to another starry sky for sale.

This piece of starry sky king fairy is not unfamiliar to them, this is a piece of starry sky where the ancient painting sect is located.

In this starry sky, the aura is relatively strong, gathering fifty or sixty primary races in the universe.

Moreover, in this starry sky, there are still powerful men of the fourth order of Venerable Youyu Universe.

Wang Xian and the others sold the battlefield of the cosmos venerable level here, and when it was auctioned, it also caused a huge sensation.

The second-tier battle pets of the two Universe Venerables gave Dragon Palace a lot of resources.

In more than two years, the number of disciples at the rank of Venerable Universe of Dragon Palace has increased by ten, and Venerable Universe’s third-order combat effectiveness has also increased by two.

One is Tianzhen, and the other is Baqi.

For more than two years, it was just a matter of seconds in the universe.

But in the past two years, the speed of Dragon Palace’s improvement has not been slow.

However, after more than two years, the Dragon Palace also hunted down a large number of water beasts in the galaxy, and all the Venerable Universe level were suppressed and subdued.

“Dragon King, the resources in the galaxy have been looted by our Dragon Palace. It is difficult to continue to improve.”

Two and a half years later, Wang Xian received a report from Prime Minister Tortoise.

“Although the Milky Way has abundant resources, our Dragon Palace is also a bottomless pit.”

Wang Xian said faintly, his eyes gleaming.

“Dragon King, shall we explore other starry sky next?”

Prime Minister Kame hesitated and said.

“Wait, don’t worry too much, let our Dragon Palace members take a good rest.”

Wang Xian shook his head.

Dragon Palace is not in a hurry to transfer positions.

He is going to stay in the Milky Way for at least ten years.

Ten years later, thinking about going to another starry sky.

After all, it has only been thirty or forty years since the establishment of the Dragon Palace.

For the other primary races in the universe, which one has not been developed over hundreds of millions of years, but is billions of years and billions of years.

So it’s good for Dragon Palace to settle down.


Prime Minister Kame also nodded in agreement.

Let the members of the Dragon Palace move more in the universe, which is also of great benefit to them.

“Is there any movement over the ancient painting sect?”

Wang Xian asked.

Since the Dragon Palace destroyed the three clans for more than two years, the ancient painting sect has not come to avenge, nor has it announced anything on the cosmic brain.

It was as if the Dragon Palace did not kill their three Cosmos Venerables, the second-order powerhouses.

“No, we are too far away from the ancient painting sect, and we don’t have much information about them, but with our demonstrated strength, the ancient painting sect cannot destroy us. They are not sure, and may not take action. .”

“However, our Dragon Palace still has to be vigilant.”

Prime Minister Turtle shook his head.

“Well, let the Dragon Palace disciples who are outside also pay attention.”

Wang Xian nodded.

The enmity with the ancient painting sect has been settled, and they have to take precautions.

Prime Minister Turtle nodded.

Time passed day by day.

Occasionally, some other primary races of the universe in the galaxy came to visit and gave some gifts.

Wang Xian did not refuse their kindness, and also stated the position of Dragon Palace.

As long as others do not bully Dragon Palace, Dragon Palace will not bully others.

And just two months later, a piece of information caused quite a stir on the Milky Way side.

The information comes from Tianhai.

The starry sky where Tianhai is in the ancient painting sect is a huge ocean on land.

That piece of land is huge, with various monsters living on it.

The sky and sea are equally huge, although there is a huge gap compared with the Milky Way, but the aura there is more abundant than the Milky Way.

Most importantly, there used to be a place where a dragon lived.

A place where a powerful purebred dragon lives.

There, there is also a dragon palace.

The rise of the Tianlong clan is because of the dragon palace.

The Dragon Palace is called Tianhai Dragon Palace. According to rumors, it is the Dragon Palace of the Tianhai Dragon King.

Once, the Heavenly Sea Dragon King was one of the overlords of that starry sky.

Later, he fell and left his own dragon palace.

According to rumors, the dragon palace contains the inheritance of the Shenlong clan, and many powerful existences have entered, and finally returned helplessly.

There is only one way to enter the Heavenly Sea Dragon Palace.

The Dragon Palace opened and passed through the Dragon Gate.

Tianhai Dragon Palace is opened once every 10,000 years, every time it is opened for a month.

Rumor has it that you can jump over the Dragon Gate by breaking through the Dragon Palace.

Every time the dragon gate opens, it is a feast for the monster clan.

In the past, the Milky Way did not make such a sensation about this news, but this time there was a lot of noise for some reason.

But this has also made many powerful monsters fascinated, especially the aquatic monsters.

Fish leaping over the dragon gate, this is a lot of yearning.

And generally you can jump over the dragon gate, not to mention, it’s easy to join the dragon palace.


The location of the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian was also the first to get the news, when he saw the above content, he was slightly taken aback.

“Heavenly Sea Dragon King’s Dragon Palace site?”

“A dragon palace of a powerful dragon?”

This surprised him slightly, his eyes gleaming.

He had never seen a dragon palace of a dragon.

“Sky Sea Dragon King, Dragon Palace? Sure enough, all opportunities exist in this vast universe.”

Wang Xian murmured and smiled.

“Prime Minister Turtle, send someone to investigate the situation of Hailong Palace this day.”

He immediately opened his mouth and ordered.

Now that I got the ruins of a dragon palace, I naturally want to see it.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Kame immediately responded and walked outside.

Wang Xian looked at Zhi Nao and searched for information about the Heavenly Sea Dragon Palace on Zhi Nao.

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