Chapter 3173 Dragon Palace With Soaring Strength

“Sect Master, did the Tianlong clan reply?”

At the edge of the Milky Way, fifty figures are suspended in the sky.

An old man saw the suzerain frown and immediately asked.

“Replied, the Heavenly Dragon King asked us to wait for three years. After three years, we will wait for their specific news.”

The master of the ancient painting sect frowned and said.

“Three years? What does the Tianlong clan take three years to do? Are they helping us or not helping us?”

The old man said.

“Three years later, when the Tianhai Dragon Palace opens, every time the Tianhai Dragon Palace opens, it is a feast for the aquatic monsters in the surrounding starry sky. The Tianlong clan also rises because of the Tianhai Dragon Palace.”

A gray-haired old man groaned and continued: “The Heavenly Dragons did not refuse, which means that they still covet the Dragon Palace. After all, the strength of the Dragon Palace is weaker than them, but it has a purebred dragon.”

“As for why they have to wait until the Tianhai Dragon Palace opens, maybe they have their own plan.”

He said, looking at the sovereign.

“We can still afford to wait for three years.”

The master of the ancient painting sect nodded: “But we can’t do nothing in these three years, and connect here with the formation method. Three years is enough.”

“It’s the suzerain.”

The venerables of the ancient painting sects nodded.

With their strength, there is no way to take the Dragon Palace now, they can only wait and wait for the Tianlong clan to help them.

Three years is just a matter of seconds for them, and they can afford to wait.


“Boom boom boom!”

Day by day, in the Dragon Palace, a mighty power came from Hualongchi.

“Swish swish!”

Sensing the majestic power, Wang Xian and the leaders of the Dragon Palace immediately flew over.

Located in the sky above Hualong Pond, Venerable Liu God suspended in the sky.

Her human body looks like a layer of weeping willow clothes behind her.

The whole weeping willow clothing is tens of thousands of meters long, and there are dragon scales on top of each weeping willow.

On top of her head, there is a gourd. The gourd is small, the size of a palm, and looks like an ornament.

“The conversion of Venerable Willow is complete? Let me go, so powerful, she can now be comparable to Venerable Universe Tier 4, right?”

A surprised voice came from Mo Sha’s mouth, and he looked at it with shock.

“The realm of Venerable Willow God has been lowered. Venerable Universe is Tier 1, but he can fight beyond Tier 3, which is comparable to Venerable Universe Tier 4.”

Wang Xian sensed the strength of Venerable Willow God, and said with a smile.

“Tsk tusk, it’s amazing, it looks pretty good.”

Demon Tsk tsk said.

“You can chase after the evil spirit, saying that our dragon palace has not yet born a dragon seed, I think we can have a blind date meeting in the dragon palace.”

Prime Minister Turtle joked in a good mood.

“Hey, I think Prime Minister tortoise you first find a female tortoise.”

Mo Sha ridiculed.

Wang Xian smiled when he heard what they said.

Indeed, the current members of the Dragon Palace are all joined by the outside world. When will the Dragon Palace members directly marry and give birth to new dragon species?

He is looking forward to it.

“Meet the Dragon King!”

After Venerable Liu Shen was promoted, he looked at Wang Xian and immediately flew over to respectfully worship.

“Well, get up, how about?”

Wang Xian looked at her with satisfaction and asked.

“Dragon King, although my realm is lowered now, my strength is one step closer. Venerable Universe is Tier 4, which can be killed!”

Venerable Willow God said confidently.

“very good!”

Wang Xian nodded in satisfaction.

Replaced the willow leaves with dragon scales, as well as killing weapons such as Zhanxian Gourd.

The strength of Venerable Willow God is now very terrifying.

“The promotion of the other Dragon Palace members is about the same.”

Wang Xian looked into the Hualong Pond, his eyes gleaming.

In the next few days, a member of the Dragon Palace began to break through.

Every day there is a mighty power in the Dragon Palace.

This is a breakthrough belonging to the Venerable Universe.

There used to be forty Universe Venerables in the Dragon Palace.

One month later, the number of Universe Venerables in the Dragon Palace had reached 80, which had doubled.

There are more than 20 corpses of Cosmos Venerables, and more than 100 corpses of Void God Emperor peak powerhouses.

Coupled with a large amount of resources, this directly doubled the number of Universe Venerables in the Dragon Palace.

The number of Venerable Dragon Palace Universe II also increased by seven.

It is a pity that the resources harvested this time, apart from Wang Xian, did not enable Dragon Palace to increase the third-order combat effectiveness of the Universe Venerable.

However, this time the promotion is scary enough.

After all, the addition and breakthrough of Venerable Liu Shen has brought Dragon Palace’s strength to a higher level.

A disciple of the Dragon Palace God Emperor level, the promotion is even more terrifying.

In the entire skeleton clan, the Nine Swords race has more than 30,000 strongest existence, and the bloody race has millions of elites.

The dragon blood condensed in their corpses was too huge.

Even if Dragon Palace has millions of members, it still makes their promotion very terrifying.

The Ten Thousand Dragon Witches in the Dragon Palace have all piled up to the point where the Void God Emperor’s ninth-order combat effectiveness with huge resources.

What does this mean?

Ten thousand dragon witches control the Tianyan chessboard, which is comparable to ten thousand Void God Emperor peak powers.

Of course, only the promotion of Dragon Witch consumes 70% of resources.

Such an improvement is also due to the presence of the heavenly chess board.

Ten thousand dragon witches, on the chessboard of Heavenly Play, even if it is the first-order arrival of a hundred cosmic sages, they can still kill them.

This is why Dragon Palace consumes 70% of its resources to upgrade them.

However, the remaining 30% of the resources also greatly promoted the other members of the Dragon Palace.

Now the weakest dragon palace combat power, there is also the fourth-order Void God Emperor.

In addition, the Devouring Dragons swallowed all the kingdoms of the Skeleton Clan, and their strength has also been greatly improved.

All the fighting power of the Devouring Dragon is not lower than that of the third-order Void God Emperor.

And this time the Devouring Dragon added a second-tier Cosmos Venerable and three first-tier Cosmos Venerables.

The improvement this time is very huge for Dragon Palace.

A month later, all the members of the Dragon Palace gathered in the dragon field, exuding a powerful aura.

“You wait for the Dragon Palace warrior, and see the Dragon King!”

The faces of all Dragon Palace members were also full of excitement, kneeling in the front position.

“Get up, Dragon Palace’s promotion this time also allows us to stand completely on top of the galaxy. After that, all the disciples of Dragon Palace will mainly hunt in the galaxy, and the rest of the time will be rest and play.”

“Take a good taste of the scenery of the universe and accumulate your own strength.”

Wang Xian said with a smile on his face.

Since the Dragon Palace stepped into the center of the universe, he hadn’t rested well and had good contact with other people.

Next, Wang Xian was going to make the members of the Dragon Palace settle down.

Let the members of the Dragon Palace take a good look at the scenery on the side of the Milky Way.

It’s also a holiday.

Rare leisure.

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